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28 files

  1. MiG-21SMT

    This mod is made for SF2.
    I. History
    One of the major problems of the MiG-21 was the short range of the plane. The reason for it was the small internal fuel volume. To solve the problem additional tanks on the back were installed. First one in the MiG-21PF, later three beginning with MiG-21R. When the soviet Air Force demanded to make the MiG-21 to a nuclear weapon platform soon the short range seemt to be the major problem. So the designers took the latest version of the bird, the MiG-21SM and increased the fuel capacity of the back tanks dramatically. The MiG-21SMT was born.
    In the troops the plane was not liked very well. The pilots hated it to fly such an non agile plane. The plane got the nickname "Humpback" and this was not meant positive.
    Later a lot of SMT were reworked "in field", the big backtank was removed and replaced by the backtank of the MiG-21bis Lasur. Such reworked planes were called MiG-21ST.

    While making the MiG-21SMT  i used a lot of files made by other modders. Thanks for this files!
    The LOD file is made:
    by TK
    The skin is made:
    by Spillone104

    The flight model is made :
    by TK
    and modded
    by Spillone104
     a little bit by me

    The Cockpit is made
    by Paladrian (Mago)
    The mods for the  engine exhausts, nose antennas and pitot tubes and the big backtank for the SMT are all made
    by Spillone104
    -Unzip the folders into your object folder

    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM.
    The MiG-21SMT and all containing files are FREEWARE. COMMERCIAL USE IS NOT ALLOWED!
    The additionally parts are NOT FREEWARE. Please check the readme of that files.
    VI. Known issues
    The plane is prepared for the file RED3201 which is taken from Red_Pilots_Part1 pack. This pack you find in the download area for first generation SF.

    Hope you enjoy it.

    Michael (Gepard)

    Made in Germany
    April 2021


       (2 reviews)



  2. Polish Wings. MiG-21 Fishbeds.

    This is total pack of MiG-21 used by Polish Air Force.
    Polish Fishbeds version F-13, PF, PFM, M, MF, bis and R.
    Pack is not including two seaters U, US and UM. Unfortunately.
    First of all this is huge pack due to skins and decals..
    after unpakcing it is little above 1GB.
    Pack is using standard TW models and full merged instal is recomended.
    All skins are based on great templates by.comrad. http://combatace.com/files/file/14482-mig-21-mfsm-temps/
    Ive made few changes to PF/PFM and F-13 models.
    INI files are borrowed from MiG-21 Complete pack by ataribaby - http://combatace.com/files/file/9488-mig-21-complete-pack-sf2-18/
    FM is (i think) medium setings from Fubar512 settings.
    Cockpits and avionics are from Paladrian MiG-21 set
    All aircrafts have additional avionics and cockpit ini files for easy way (ccip etc)
    I have edited data ini files as follows:
    All aircrafts have nation set to Poland.
    All aircrafts have edited weaponstations by weight and diameter limits and specific station code. I've separated stations for irm, bombs,fuel tanks etc. So bombs do not apear on missile launchers, also ive corrected some weight limits.
    Ive added all weapons moded / required for this pack.
    Exept for:
    GP-9,PTB-800S MiG-21 Center pylon. although GP-9 have new skin.
    All Air to Air weapons are adited to work only with this pack. So not all weapons can be loaded. Ive set only those A2A weapons as used by Polish Air Force.
    R-13 Rockets can be fired only by MiG-21bis.
    R-3R can be carried only by MiG-21bis due to RP-22 radar.
    R-60 shouldn't be carried by F-13 but it makes mess with editing. so somehow its possible to load.
    As for air-ground weapons it uses standard weapons like OFABs, FABs, ZABs, UB-series rocket pods etc.
    Fake Pilot mod is required to have proper MiG-21R. (althought Polish R had periscopes on canopy instaled)
    New skin for GP-9 gun pod. for PF model.
    GP-9 for PFM model is separated and is loaded as gun pod. Node is part of aircraft.
    New PTB-490 fuel tank.
    PTB-800 fuel tank is like in other available packs - can be carried by some late Polish MiGs.
    MiG-21bis and MiG-21MF /96A00/ can carry SPS-141Je pod (as addon to ECM pod you can (should) load ASO-2I-E7P decoy dispenser - it is part of SPS in real)
    RS-2US is main "unfortunate" air to air weapon for all early models exept F-13 (it has no radar) and bis (it has RP-22 radar and can fire R-3R)
    Reco pod as same as in other pack available before - new skin for D type pod.
    All weapon loadout.ini files are much "what if" as Polish Air Force never operated MiG-21 in any coinflict.
    New PTB-490 and SPS-141Je are made by me.
    MiG-21F-13 /model-74/ - first delivered to Polish Air Force Fishbed. 25 delivered.
    MiG-21PF /model 76/ - 84 delivered between 1964-1966.
    MiG-21PFM /model-94A/ - 120 delivered between 1964-1969.
    MiG-21PFM (N) /model-94N/ - 12 delivered, capable of delivering special bomb. It was equipped with different center pylon allowing ot carry tactical nukes. later downgraded to PFM standard.
    MiG-21R /model-94R/ - 36 delivered between 1968-1972.
    MiG-21M /model-96/ - 36 delivered between 1968-1971.
    MiG-21MF /model-96A/ - 100 deliverd between 1971-1974.
    MiG-21MF /model-96A00/ - 20 delivered in 1995. Long history behind this aircrafts. In short - all aircrafts were supposed for different country with ongoing war...delivered to Poland small diferences in avionics - capable to carry SPS-141Je Siren electronic countermeasure station.
    MiG-21bis /model-75A/ - 72 delivered between 1980-1982. Only Fishbed with R-13 engine and RP-22 radar station.
    All skins are as jpg 2048x2048 format. With national markings painted. (different insignia for aircrafts up to 1993) and new one 1993 onward.
    All decals are made by me and are historicaly correct and matched to specific units and service year.
    Polish MiGs were transfered from unit to unit (sometiems only virtualy) so its is also big mess with serial numbers. Also somewhere in mid 80s it was allowed to pint squadron insignia on airframe. when aircraft was transfered to new unit it usualty retained old squadron insignia.. in 90s some aircrafts got insignia of 3 diferent units...
    Polish MiG were silver/grey and not much color here. Although few were wearing special paintjobs. And those are also included (few of them).
    During maintenace aicrafts received some paint using some different shades of grey...but here all are silver grey.
    Al Polish MiGs-21 when delivered were equipped with R-11 engine and RP-21 station exept MiG-21 bis model - equipped with R-13 engine and newer RP-22 radar station.
    Pack also uses:
    KV-1 seat by AmokFloo
    Weapons ravenclaw and others from CA.
    PBP-2-3S Monsun rack by logan4
    MBD2 - bomb rack by Snailman.
    Pilots by TheTrooper. Repainted and renamed.
    SPO-3 pod for MiG-21R by Spillone104
    All credits and hails to creator of reco pods!
    Also all credits to creators of other stuff that I forot to mention.
    Again all credits to you guys who made this game so good after years. Thanks for yours work,
    report bugs and missing files.
    Jarek Hereda.


       (6 reviews)



  3. Mig-21 F/MF/R Fishbeds in Iraq. SF2. vol.1

    Iraqi Air Force Mig-21F, MF and R versions.
    This pack includes some pilot files, weapons and skins.
    All skins are new made by me based on comrad's great template http://combatace.com/files/file/14482-mig-21-mfsm-temps/
    I repainted few things and added few new (like on F skin).
    All national markikngs are painted. Only decals are serial numbers.
    Ive added new PTB-490 liter fuel tank.
    Also "pilot" folders are added.
    fake pilot SPO-3pod is rapainted to match R version skin.
    SPO-3 fake pilot by Spillone104
    Fakepilot mod is needed to run MiG-21R.
    It includes ini files; loadouts, avionics, cockpit etc. Those files are edited little - mostly changes in weapon stations.
    INI files are borrowed from MiG-21 Complete pack by ataribaby http://combatace.com/files/file/9488-mig-21-complete-pack-sf2-18/
    FM is (i think) medium setings from Fubar512 settings.
    Cockpits and avionics are from Paladrian MiG-21 set
    AmokFloo for KV1 seat
    Decals are set to randomization=TRUE and using standard TW decals set.
    Have fun
    Jarek Hereda.

    If i missed someone work here sorry for that, It was not intensionaly.


       (4 reviews)

    1 comment


  4. Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21BisD CroAF

    The MiG-21BisD (the D stands for "Doraden" = revised/upgraded) is an upgraded version of the MiG-21Bis that serves in the Croatian air force since 2003. The first upgrade was done by Romanian firm Aerostar where the Fishbeds got their distinctive
    olive-green-grey camo and NATO compatible communication, navigation and F.O.F. systems. The second upgrade was done in 2014/2015 in Ukraine by Ukrspetsexport. The 12 (BisD and UMD) airframes were only refurbished and painted a light grey. These MiG-21s will be in active service until 2020 when they are to be replaced by a new 4th generation jet fighter (probably the Next Generation Gripen).
    This mod is a tweaked version of 7elevens MiG-21 LanceR A with Russouk2004s Mig21 SM_MF CroAF skin
    Russouk2004: CroAF skin
    7eleven: Original SF2 LanceR A mod
    - Crusader: Fuel tank
    - dtmdragon: LanceR SF2 update
    - Eagle 99: SF1 LanceR mod
    You cannot use this file in any payware payware project, under the "COMBATACE FREEWARE LICENSING POLICY".
    1.- unzip the file to a temporary folder
    2.- move all the files from the temporary folder to their corresponding SF2 folders
    overwrite if asked
    that's it!
    Special thanks to Russouk2004 for helping me on this project!!
    I hope you like it and have fun with it!
    Kindest regards:


       (1 review)



  5. F-7B MB Series

    F7-MB Bangladesh AF .............
    35 sqdn has old sqd Tail insignia (Yellow Hawk) and later 36 sqdn "TigerCats" ive set them to share number decals as numbers were used on older and newer a\c...but differed with the sqd crests.
    F7-B Bangladesh AF and Pakistan AF..............
    F7-B-IRAQ AF........
    Chengdu F7 Original Release by Mirage Factory TMF
    3d model and skins further Modded by me Russouk2004 Thanks TMF team....nice job guys....
    Added brake chutes bumpmapping....
    few skin tweaks...such as new textures,redone details,ie,new panel lines and rivets etc.moved some items about.....may not work on other F7 LODS
    Added starys fine mig21 pit to IRAQI F7,feel free to get it for the others.
    still need to add the afterburner animation as it disapperas when any mapping is done...so will update it asap.
    hope to complete this in next few days
    Extract folder to destop.....
    copy and paste these folders
    to your mod folder....usually c:\users\saved games\your name here\Thirdwire\SF2\
    If you already have the a\c folder with same name,suggest you rename one or the other.
    for other files just click ok to overwrite as these files are latest and should be fine.
    Animation keys.....
    Brake chute opens on ground only with airbrake key =S
    canopy opens with SHIFT +0
    most weapons...suggest you have all latest weapons packs.
    some loadouts may not be correct.....If you find alterations needed,and can do it,send me any files and I will update the pack...
    takes a lot of time checking stuff and modeling so if missed things,it happens...sorry lol
    If any file within causes any loss of your files due to incorrect installation,overwriting wrong files Its at users own discression.
    This pack is subject to the CombatAce freeware conditions and may only be used for non comercial use,any alterations to 3d model etc will require previous permission,I have been granted full scope of modding this tmf model,so any permissions must be authorised by me.
    Thank you.
    hope you enjoy the mod.


       (5 reviews)



  6. MiG-21F "Fishbed-B"

    MiG-21F "Fishbed B" (forsirovannij, empowered) - short range day interceptor; first mass production variant, but few built in URSS; made in China too as J-7 / F-7 (first flight in 1966).
    What's in:
    - a new SF-2 plane;
    - new decals;
    - open canopy 10 key auto closing at take off;
    - pilot & seat
    - "real" sound;
    - New screens;
    - loadout.tga;
    - TMF - The Mirage Factory SF1 model;
    - The Trooper - pilot;
    - Comrad - great pit repaint;
    - Paulopanz - Skins, Decals, edits;
    - all mod folder content in your mod install
    - overwrite
    Only to complete our Fishbed collection ....
    @ paulopanz

    PS: the seat i forgot in S-106 is inside here ....


       (5 reviews)



  7. S-106 - MiG-21F13

    Between 1962 and 1972 the MiG-21F-13 version was manufactured under license by Aero Vodochody, in Czechoslovakia.
    Aero Vodochody (then Stredoceské strojírny, n.p.), built a total of 194 planes during this period, under the cover designation article Z-159.
    It followed the MiG-15 and MiG-19S built in Vodochody factory from the fifties to sixties.
    The sole locally built version of the MiG-21F-13 differed externally from the Soviet-built examples by the solid dural sheet fairing behind the cockpit canopy, as opposed to the transparent one on the original Soviet MiGs.
    These machines were built for the Czechoslovak Air Force and also for export (26 EAF; 8 SyAF). The R13-300 engines were imported from the Soviet Union.
    What's in:
    - a new SF-2 plane;
    - 11 new skins: 7 CVL (4 silver, 2 Camo, 1 Red); 2 EAF (2 Camo); 2 SyAF (2 Camo);
    - Historical decalsets with some special planes badges too;
    - open canopy 10 key auto closing at take off;
    - pilot
    - "real" sound;
    - New screens;
    - loadout.tga;
    - TMF - The Mirage Factory SF1 model;
    - Kukulino - SF1 famous planes skins;
    - The Trooper - pilot;
    - Comrad - great pit repaint;
    - Horus3K - Killmarks for EAF/SyAF;
    - Paulopanz - Skins, Decals, pilots, edits;
    - all mod folder content in your mod install
    - overwrite
    An old job completed.
    @ paulopanz


       (4 reviews)

    1 comment


  8. MiG-21DF

    I. This mod is written for SF2
    II. History:
    The combat experiences in Vietnam showed, that the RP-21 radar of the MiG-21PF generation was not really satisfying. Very often the pilots detected the target with their eyes earlier than with the radar. The new RP-22 for the next MiG-21 generation was on paper 30% better, but in reality a target in the size of a MiG-21 could be only detected at a range of 7km. So some frontline pilots believed, that the RP-22 radar was only worthless additionally weight and demanded to replace it by the simple radar rangefinder Kvant. So the plane should become lighter and more agile. Further it should get a stronger engine. The MiG-OKB decided to try to use an uprated version of the R-13 which was originaly developed for the Su-15M. This engine was the R-13F2-300 with the same dry thrust like the old R-13-300, but an increased afterburner thrust of 70.2 kN.
    In 1969 one (other sources say 2) MiG-21SM were taken from the production line and were refitted to the DF standard. Flighttest were held in 1970 and spring 1971 with satisfying results. But it was decided to cancel this project in favor of the more advanced MiG-21bis.
    The cockpit i had choosen for the MiG-21DF is the great Yak-38 cockpit made by Stary.
    All other files are modified from TK's stock MiG-21MF
    -Unzip all files into your objects\aircraft folder.
    The plane is prepared for the pilot file Red5201. This pilot is included in Troopers Red Pilots pack. You will find it here:
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    July 2014


       (2 reviews)



  9. MiG-21SMF

    I. This mod is written for SF2
    II. History:
    End of the 60th it became obviesly that the MiG-21S needed more thrust. The implementation of the R-13-300 engine and other
    improvements made the MiG-21SM. But even this plane was underpowered a little bit. So the MiG-OKB decided to try an uprated
    version of the R-13 engine which was originaly developed for the Su-15M. This engine was the R-13F2-300 with the same dry thrust
    like the old R-13-300, but an increased afterburner thrust of 70.2 kN.
    In 1970 one (other sources say 2) MiG-21SM were taken from the production line and were refitted to the SMF standard. Flighttest
    were held in 1970 and 1971 with satisfying results. But it was decided to cancel this project in favor to the more advanced
    The great MiG-21SM cockpit is made by Paladrian.
    All other files are modified from TK's stock MiG-21MF
    -Unzip all files into your aircraft folder.
    The plane is prepared for the pilot file Red5201. This pilot is included in Troopers Red Pilots pack. You will find it here:
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    July 2014


       (6 reviews)

    1 comment


  10. MiG-21MF_SyAAF for SF2

    MiG-21MF_Syrian Air Force
    --------3 New camo textures(2048X2048)
    ---------Improved some textures cockpit
    ---------New decals
    And other minor changes (all not remember :))


       (8 reviews)



  11. Mig-21 Complete Pack SF2 1.8

    MIG-21 Complete Pack Strike Fighters 2 line of games
    Version 1.8 30.03.2014
    1.0 19.07.2009
    initial release
    Changed all mig engines accel to about 8-9 sec per engine doc. Bis version
    is little bit faster.
    Iddle RPM changed to RL values:
    R-11F-300 (37F) 30%
    R-11F2-300 (37F2) 33%
    R-11F2S-300 (37F2S) 31%
    R-13 (95) 34%
    R-25 (25) 40%
    Corrected fuel tanks quantities to reflect real world figures.
    F - 2350L
    PF - 2850L
    PFM - 2675L
    MF - 2675L
    BIS - 2900L
    Changed all additional files with Mig21_ prefix so all are unique now and
    not interfere with other mods.
    F version now have true ranging-only radar. It can be still turned off by
    Ctrl+PgDn. In current game engine this radar starts on.
    Added KV1 seat to all MF and Bis variants. Deleted old seat from model.
    Added SF2 Mig variants. Changed FMs little bit based on Fubar512 values on
    alpha stall to make Migs usable in knife fight. It not bleeds speed in sharp
    high AOA turns so much. Added vetral fin from Fubar512 FM.
    Added aditional SF2 stuff (radar, rwr) into fm dats.
    1.1 01.10.2009
    Fixed afterburner burner texture always on.
    Copied additional fuel flow settings from SF2 game dats
    Added Flight\VIEWLIST.INI file vith custom and more consistent FOV settings
    for normal/padlock/snap view transitions.
    1.2 04.10.2009
    Fixed reversed nose gear rotation.
    Fixed start dates for squadrons in campaigns.
    1.3 04.07.2010
    Fixed missing AB Flame effect with DX10 shaders (missing shader fx entry).
    Fixed cockpit positions for more realistic out of cockpit view of wings.
    Changed PFV radar to R2L version (made it slightly more powerful).
    Consolidated and joined all game versions Mig-21s into one pack.
    Removed Flight\VIEWLIST.INI and modded Europe campaign files.
    1.4 05.07.2010
    Added KM1 ejection seat to PFM as all side opening canopy models have KM1
    seat and all front opening canopy models have SK seat.
    Added 50mil depression for AG bomb sight for F, FM and Bis variants.
    Added gunsight to PM and PFM to be able to aim ground weapons.
    Added AG mode gunsight to all variants.
    For F, MF and Bis values are:
    AG gun depression 10mil
    Rockets depression 35mil
    Bombs depression 50mil
    For PM, PFM and PFV values are:
    AG gun depression 10mil
    Rockets depression 35mil
    Bombs depression 35mil
    Try fire rocket in shallow dive with AOA around 0 deg. Depression values
    are always compromise without CCIP. Just train well.
    1.5 14.07.2010
    Removed empty windloop.wav - its up to you how you mod it, if at all.
    Added radar guided air to air missile capability to all variants from PF up.
    Added semiactive radar guided RS-2US from SF2 weapon pack as all variants from
    PF and up can carry it.
    1.6 31.07.2010
    Removed mirrors from PFM cockpit. PFM does not have top one and even side ones
    to my best knowledge.
    1.7 15.08.2010
    Big thanks to Paladrian all pits are now fixed for DX9 and shaders disabled
    installs. No more white parts in cockpit on Win XP.
    1.8 30.03.2014
    Sight and modified RP-21 radar image from lukasn22 MiG-21MF cockpit retexture
    for MF and Bis. Made Bis engine R-25 same as R-13. Original R-25 had bad
    looping and i do not like it.
    Fixed centerline station system from left wing to fuselage for PF and PFV.
    Added loadable GP-9 gun pod for PF, PFV and PFM.
    This pack inludes nearly all official Thirdwire MIG-21 models as flyable jets with
    cokcpits in most complete form what my modding knowledge allows. All in easy
    install form. I am not author of any 3d pits, FMs, sounds. All is what i
    downloaded from Combatace or made by Thirdwire. I want to thank to original authors
    of included files and this nice sim. Hope it is ok to reuse their work to
    provide really complete, up-to-date and easy to install Mig-21 package. I was
    always sad with that great pits available and terrible way to install it into
    latest ptached games and it is always missed something. Loading screens, loadout
    picture, good FM and so on... Now with latest patches FMs are usable and nicely
    flyable so i used it as base FMs for pack.
    This pack was done with combined/merged SF2/Europe/Vietnam/Israel games.
    If your single game install missing model that cause problem, just delete its directory
    in Objects/Aircraft folder. Probablby PFV is included only in Vietnam.
    Pack contains folowing stuff:
    Nearly every official MIG-21 flyable with pit for SF2 line of games. I corrected
    some errors in pits, Used latest TW patches as base for FM fat files
    with tweaks in engine (thrust for each model, spool up time, radar, weight). FM
    is not touched and i think it flies now ok with latest patch. Diferent sounds for
    each engine model is included with Mig RWR sounds. Better Mig pilots too. Each
    Mig-21 has loading and hangar screen and camouflage sample patch with loadout
    picture. All includes corresponding serial numbers to choose from. I made
    Numbers.lst for Arab, Czechoslovakia, East Germany and Poland by hand.
    Strike Fighters 2
    MIG-PFM has added LCOS gunsight to be able to use gunpod in fight. More realistic and
    distictive heaters sounds are included too.
    Simply unpack content of folder "StrikeFighters2" into each your SF2 game mods folder
    located in your c:\Users\<YourUserName>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\.
    For example for complete/merged game install, copy content to each this folder:
    c:\Users\<YourUserName>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2
    c:\Users\<YourUserName>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe
    c:\Users\<YourUserName>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Israel
    c:\Users\<YourUserName>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Vietnam
    Sure paths can be different on your system. This is how it is on my Windows 7.
    Also copy files after you run all games at least once. Otherwise game overwrite
    modded files with original ones at initialization and you dont see Migs as flyable.
    Optional files:
    Simply unpack content of folder "StrikeFighters2" into each your SF2 game mods folder and
    allow overwrite files.
    _BetterCockpits Contains hires cockpit textures.
    _EasyFM Contains easiest FM files from stock game.
    _MediumFM Contains intermadiate FM files. Spins are more frequent.
    _HardFM Contains hardcore FM files. Spins are almost deadly if not handled fast.
    _PFGunPodLoadout Contains gunpod default loadout for air to air PF and PFV.
    _ResetInis Contains ini files that are reset to default non flyable ones after game update or DLC install.
    Just use it to make Migs flyable quickly again
    This version of complete MIG-21 pack is far from to be perfect or complete so feel
    free to let me know if there is something missed, bad or not working. Also if
    someone has some more accurate tech data for enhance FMs feel free to mail me and
    pack get fixed or updated.
    Finaly thanks to everyone whom work made this pack reality.
    Tomas 'ATARIBABY' Hamarcak
    Contact: ataribaby@seznam.cz
    Paladrian F/PF/PFM/MF/SM Mig-21 pit models and avionics
    Spillone104 R-11 R-13 engine sounds
    howling1 Fishbed-L engine sound. I renamed it to R-25
    Klavs81 AIM-9 Sidewinder Growl sound
    Wrench RedAir pilot
    Hangar screen tutorial
    lindr2 for his Mig-21 variants zip
    Zdenek Kussior for his great info on engines
    4plus MiG-21
    book for all fuel info
    Mirage Factory Mig AB effect
    Fubar512 For his FM work from where i borrowed alpha stall values and ventral fin.
    AmokFloo for KV1 seat from his excelent MIG21UM
    Rob "Bunyap"
    McCray For his original weapons pack.
    331Killerbee For his SF2 weapons pack
    comrad For his excelent hires cockpit textures
    lukasn22 For sight and modified RP-21 radar image for MiG-21MF
    If i forgot someone please tell me and i will include credit.


       (27 reviews)



  12. Mig-21SM for SF2

    Flyable MiG-21SM
    -New textures(2048X2048) for aircraft with technical inscriptions (Photoreal 95%)
    -New board numbers (red and blue)
    -Improved some textures cockpit
    -New textures Pilot
    -Change sounds
    And other minor changes (all not remember :))


       (17 reviews)



  13. Mikoyan MiG-21PFM 'Fishbed-F' Mongolia

    MiG-21PFM 'Mongolian People's Republic' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
    This is a very simple mod of the stock MiG-21PFM to give a 'Fishbed-F' in service with the Air Force of the Mongolian People's Republic. I've added an extra 'M' to the designation to keep it separate from the true MiG-21PFM but by all means just add the skin and decals to your standard MiG-21PFM.
    I was inspired to do this by the outstanding photographs at the following;
    Please check it out!
    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the MiG-21PFMM folder into your Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the MiG-21PFMM folder into your Decals folder.
    As always, thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
    Thanks to Paladrian for the MiG-21 pit.
    And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 2 - 24/08/13
    Version 1 - 02/09/11


       (1 review)



  14. Type 74 Fishbed, Indian Air Force

    Type 74 Fishbed-D, Indian Air Force
    =For SF2, Full-4 Merged
    ** May Also require Expansion Pak 1, or whichever gave us the 21FL, who's body is used for this mod ** (I disremember which!!) **
    From the India/Pakistan Mod.
    This is the Type 74, a variant of the 21FL, as first used by the Indian Air Force. This was their first supersonic aircraft (and their first Fishbed), and bears the marking of No. 28 Squadron, "First Supersonics"
    All decals/serial numbers are 100% historically correct for this model. (just wish there was more of them...)
    A new weapon, the GP-9 gun pod from the Type77 mod, is included. All other weapons used at stock. (historcally, first used on this mark)
    A new avionics ini is included with an audio-only RWR and a radar-ranging gunsight.
    This mod creates a single-user 'nationalized' version for the IAF. Even though a userlist is included, the data ini has been adjusted such that it's not Exported, and is assigned India as the only nation user.
    This package is the compliation of work by many talented people -- they are listed in the Credits secion below. You'd do well to read it, and thank them.
    The canopy is activated via a manual animation key (use shift/0 to open and close it). The hangar screen is a 'generic Indian Fishbed' type, having more than 1 variant shown
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
    With thanks to my teamates from the India/Pakistan Mod!!
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein


       (1 review)



  15. Type 77/Type 77 Late Fishbed, IAF

    HAL Type 77/77 Late Fishbed, Indian Air Force
    =For SF2, Full-4 Merged
    ** May Also require Expansion Pak 1, or whichever gave us the 21FL, who's body is used for this mod ** (I disremembe which!!) **
    From the India/Pakistan Mod.
    This is the MiG-21FL as used/produced by HAL for the Indian Air Force. There are 2 full versions of the aircraft in this package, both the Early and Late models. This is a nationalized, single-user version that will create 2 new seperate aircraft for your enjoyment.
    The 77 (early) has 7 skins, and the Late has 3. All decals/serial numbers are 100% historically correct for this model.
    A new weapon, an several "other items" are added - the GP-9 gun pod, and some other 'goodies' added via the FakePilot method for the 77Late.
    This package is the compliation of work by many talented people -- they are in the text file called "ori-readme.txt" by PauloPanz. You'd do well to read it, and thank them. I just assembled this package.
    The canopy is activated via a manual animation key (use shift/0 to open and close it). The only thing NOT included are hangar screens ... I can't find them! (use a generic Fishbed one if you have too!)
    As always, fairly easy to follow, highyl detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
    With thanks to my teamates from the India/Pakistan Mod!!
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein
    ps: the screenie shows the 77 Late, with the extra wing pylons. The Early only has the stock 2


       (1 review)



  16. MiG-21UM Mongol by AmokFloo

    MiG-21Um "Mongol" by AmokFloo
    = For SF2, Any and All* =
    *Reccomended for Full-4 merged, as it references some decals from SF2:E and SF2:I*
    Fairly Complete SF2 package of the MiG-21UM "Mongol", with a collection of skins (well, those that I had ... feel free to add others!). 10 skins/decal sets are included in this package. Looking through the 1stGen downloads shows several more skins that can be easily added.
    You have these skins in this package:
    4 Indian AF (24 Sq, 101 Sq, HAL, IAF Gray)
    2 Czech
    1 East German
    2 Soviet (NM & Camo)
    1 "Generic" overall Desert (tagged for EAF)
    A new "Userlist.ini" is included (may not be fully accurate, and changes/updates are welcomed!). Minor tweeks to data, loadout and avionics inis. The avionics ini now as a gun-rangine radar and an audio-only RWR. A new Hangar screen is also included. All lighting has been adjusted to fit the aircraft, however, a landing light was NOT added. It also references the 'MiGEngine.wav' from TMFs MiGs (not included)
    Decal randomization is set to true, for the most part. With a little luck, I got them all dialed in correctly!!! Feel free to make any/all adjustments and correction.
    Weapons, with the exception of the MG pod are NOT included, as they use all stock in-game items.
    The KV-1 seat is also included in the /Pilots folder.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them!
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (4 reviews)



  17. IAF MiG-21bis Vikram

    IAF MiG-21bis 'Vikram'
    Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) license built the MiG-21bis
    under the name Vikram (Valor).
    What's In:
    - a new plane
    - a new historical number set (Y. Gordon rules)
    - 5 skins by me
    - 3 skins by Ghostrider883 (Grey, 3, 26)
    - dedicated patches for all
    - Hangar, Loading & Loadout immages
    - Sounds & Antennas by Spillone104
    - fake pilot (included) by Fastcargo
    - references, help & effort by Ghostrider883,
    and 3 fine wheathered skins
    as usual, all in main mods folder.
    This work is especially dedicated to my very friend Ghostrider883, who always kindly helped me making his best for the better possible result.
    Long live to his cats!
    I hope You like this as much as we enjoyed to build it up in these last years.


       (4 reviews)



  18. MiG-21FL Type-77 Trishul

    The production of the MiG-21s in India under license by Hindustan Aeronautics in Nasik started
    with the MiG-21FL in 1966 in four phases starting with the assembly of CKD kits, moving on to
    subassemblies, parts, and finally advancing to production from scratch.
    205 MiG-21FLs, designated Type 77 and nicknamed Trishul ("Trident), were built in India between
    1966 and 1972; the first one built entirely from Indian-made components was delivered to the IAF
    on 19 October 1970, with the first Indian-made R11F2S-300 powerplant leaving the assembly line
    on 2 January 1969.
    In the late 1970s, the IAF began acquiring MiG-21M/MFs, consequently a large part of the MiG-21FL
    fleet were sent into storage.
    However in the mid-1980s, these FLs were pulled out of storage and retrofitted with two extra
    pylons and were fitted with IFF-400 antennas(on the nose).
    Whats's in:
    - two flyable planes
    - Type 77 with GP-9 gunpod (13 skins)
    - Type 77 (late) with 4 pylons and IFF-400 antenna (5 skins)
    - MiG-21 cockpit
    - IAF Pilot (76.IAP-Blackbird's reworked)
    - New Mig-21FL userlist without India
    - Dedicated sounds
    - Historical Serial Numbers
    canopy opens as usual with 10 key.
    Known Issues: none
    - White 'ghosts' in the cockpit - solved!
    To Install:
    Put all in your mod folder.
    - Spillone104: 3D Works (GP-9 pod, Pylons, Antennas) & Sounds
    - Paulopanz: Skins, Decals, Pilot, Loading Screens & Ini Editing
    - Ghostrider883: for help & refereces; 3 well wheathered skin
    - AtariBaby for cockpit
    - 76.IAP-Blackbird: for original pilot
    - Fast Cargo: for Fake Pilot (included).
    PS: Try the Type-77 Silver Skin n° C-1111 plane ...


       (2 reviews)



  19. Type-76 (MiG-21PF) Fishbed-D

    This is a mini-mod coming from my MiG-21PF pack, tailored for an Indo-Pak dedicated install.
    IAF had only 2 known planes of such kind, but maybe You'ld like to add to your scenarios or campaigns.
    -cockpit Ataribaby
    -sounds Spillone104
    All in main mod folder, as usual.
    @ paulopanz


       (1 review)



  20. Type-74 (Mig-21F13)

    This is the Mirage Factory original model updated for SF-2, with my decalset and Spillone's soundtrack, folowing Sandesh hints.
    I think is useful for new Arthur's 1965 campaign to portrait n. 28 Squadron line up.
    All credits to Mirage Factory.
    Put all in main mod folder.
    @ paulopanz


       (3 reviews)



  21. MiG-21PF/PFL/PFS "Fishbed-D"

    Here You gain 4 planes all coded "Fishbed-D" by NATO
    - MiG-21PF - flyable with dedicated cockpit and a plenty of stock, old, revamped & new silver and camo skins with dedicated decalsets:
    BVVS (2 Silver+ 1 Camo)
    FAR (1 Silver)
    CVL (3 Silver+ 1 Camo)
    EAF (1 Silver+ 2 Camo)
    FARS (1 Silver)
    IAF (1 Silver)
    IrAF (1 Silver+ 1 Camo)
    LSK (1 Silver+ 1 Camo)
    ML (1 Silver+ 1 Camo)
    NKPAF (1 Silver)
    PWL (3 Silver + 1 Grey)
    VVS (3 Silver)
    SyAF (1 Silver+ 1 Camo)
    - MiG-21PFL - correct name (Y.Gordon rules) for stock MiG-21PFV, flyable with dedicated cockpit and historical numbers
    - MiG-21PFS I serie - a PF with parabrake (by Spillone104) - basic VVS skin - GP-9
    - MiG-21PFS II serie - an FL for VVS and later for BVVS - GP-9
    Canopy open (key=10)
    Dedicated Sounds
    - cockpit Ataribaby
    - sounds, GP-9 and PFS I parabrake Spillone104
    - pilot The trooper
    - references Svetlin, Gaunt & .... Y.Gordon
    - All in main mod folder
    @ paulopanz


       (9 reviews)



  22. MiG-21F13

    One of the most famous cold war warriors returns in a complete superpackage. An immortal classic.
    WHAT's IN:
    - Flyable plane, with dedicated cockpit, pilot & sounds.
    - A whole collection made through years of old, revamped, new, stock, edited, silver, camo, green skins all with a dedicated decalset.
    - VVS (2 Silver+ 1 green) - no more "00" plane numbered
    - BVVS (2 Silver+ 1 camo)
    - AURI (2 Silver)
    - SyAF (1 Silver+ 1 camo) - stock camo + Finflash fixed
    - Cuba (3 Silver+ 1 camo)
    - CVL (2 Silver+ 1 camo) *
    - EAF (2 Silver+ 3 Camo) - new silver- fixed camo - 26th Sq.
    - FAR (1 Silver)
    - ML (1 Silver)
    - Afgh (1 Silver)
    - NKPAF (2 Silver)
    - VPAF (2 Silver) - my early mod updated
    - Yugo (1 Silver)
    - Qjj (1 Silver) - decals added
    - PWL (1 Silver) - my early mod updated
    - IRAQ (1 Silver)
    - IAF (1 Silver)
    - IDF (1 Silver) - the remake of a Carlo's Classic.
    - SI (3 Silver) - my early mod tweaked numbers
    - LSK (1 Silver+ 2 camo) - my early mods updated
    (*) The Czech built S-106/MiG-21F had non window on the pilot back. The decalsets were made for TMF correct plane, but here is to use with stock model. The TMF one will be updated?
    - Openable cockpit (Key=0) closing during take-off
    - SF-2 Screens and loadout.
    - cockpit Ataribaby
    - pilot The Trooper
    - sounds Spillone104
    - references Sandesh, Svetlin, Gaunt, ....Y.Gordon
    - all in main mod folder


       (9 reviews)



  23. Mig-21 LanceR A & C

    MiG-21 LanceR A & C updated update.
    This is an update of dtmdragons LanceR A & C for StrikeFighters 2.
    Addet new Tanks and did some ini changes.
    Now you can open manual the canopy (animation 10)
    select the Romanian Blue Tanks
    And i addet 2 New Skins (Done by me & Bobrock).
    I made new Hangar & Loading Screens
    I made also alternate Hangar & Loading Screens for wide screens.
    They are in the "Alternate_Widescreen_Hangar_Loading_Screens" folder.
    - Bobrock for the nice Templates and Basic Grey skin
    - Crusader for the work on the Tank
    - dtmdragon for the Basic LanceR SF2 update
    - Eagle 99 for the basic SF1 LanceR Mod
    Back up your stuff before installing new mods!
    Only a tip for the Installation: Delete the things from the older mod out of the Aircrafts folder (Saves Space on HDD)!
    But it´s not needet
    You have to read the Readme!!!
    Mod is for SF2 Serie!!!
    this Mod is released under the freeware licensing agreement
    I hope you´ll like this Mod.
    Schapen, 30th Novembre 2010
    Carlo "Souli" Vecchi


       (2 reviews)



  24. Mig-21 LanceR A & C updated for Strike Fighters 2

    Romanian Air Force Mig-21 LanceR A & C models updated for Strike Fighters 2
    -A model LanceR
    -B model LanceR
    -Modernized cockpit with HUD & TWS RWR
    -Correct loadout files with Python 3 missiles, LGBs and LITENING pod
    -Modernized weapons capability with ability to carry NATO and Israeli ordinance
    -Modernized Elta EL/M-2032 Air combat radar and avionics
    -Extensive RWR.TGA files and updated RWR.LST
    -All weapons from load out file included ( most are from MGunny's Ordnance Shop II for SF2 )
    INSTILATION: Drop files in to appropriate folders, override when asked to.
    NOTE: Has only been tested/used in a merged install of ALL SF2 titles
    Credit: Eagle99


       (2 reviews)



  25. MiG-21R

    Mig-21R Fishbed H
    The first of the third Mig-21 generation.
    Recon Camera active on radar screen
    Canopy open animation key 10
    8 skins included (see pics, please)
    3D parts & sounds = Spillone104
    Skins etc. = Paulopanz
    Screens = C125
    Cockpit = Ataribaby/Paladrian (top mirror to remove ...)
    Thanks to = Starfighter2 for original SF1 mod guide (see readme); Suhsjake for support
    To install: simply put everything in Your mod folder.
    Happy recon.


       (5 reviews)

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