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Naval War: Arctic Circle

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That is something I see fairly often at the forums as well. If enough people ask for it, it will make game at some point. That's the way these devs have operated so far, and I see no reason why they would change any time soon. Once the mission editor is out, I think the number of campaigns, missions, and multi-play skirmish maps will skyrocket. It seems everyone who bought the game is chaffing at the bit to build their own stuff. The mod sub-forum at the Paradox NWAC forums already has a number of projects. Not the least of which is one titled, Naval War: Cold War! yikes.gif That got me all sorts of excited to read, as that was what I had in mind for a 'perfect game' when NWAC was announced way back.


Again, I am very happy to hear that the people that picked this up are having fun with it. I am very proud of the piece I played in getting it ready to ship. If the first game I ever had a real hand in testing had failed, I would have probably never done it again. So far, Panzer Corps and NWAC have both done very well indeed, so maybe I've got the Midas touch rofl.gif

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That is something I see fairly often at the forums as well. If enough people ask for it, it will make game at some point. That's the way these devs have operated so far, and I see no reason why they would change any time soon.


I got an entire three changes into the game on first patch :good:

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Also would be great if they had a database in the game as sometimes I forgot things... and be great for a quick look to remember information especially at 3am!!!

Edited by Slartibartfast

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What about the save game feature ? I was one click-away from buying, but I read about this and got turned off: A shame because I am really looking forward to this game

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Save Game during missions are coming.

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I wish I had noticed this thread earlier; the game looks very promising! Would love to give it a try, but I'll need to look through the store options and find one that takes Japanese credit cards.

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Hate to rez a thread, but..... In the four years since this game was released and failed pretty badly. No save game feature in a moderately complex wargame is just......der dah der.  If any of you are genuinely interested in this type of wargame, Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations is really the only show in town. Learning curve is steep, but not so bad as the likes of Harpoon 3 since the user interface is much, much, easier to work with. I've been part of the core beta testing team for almost 4 years now and updates come just as fast and furious as day 1. In fact, the base game has received 11 UPDATES since launch. These are far more then bug fixes, new features have been added and the data base is being ever expanded. The support and feedback from this development group is second to none. If interested check you some "Let's Play..." type vids on YouTube, or head on over to the Matrix Games forums and have a look around. There is no demo and whenever someone asks about seeing if the game is right for them we always point them to the YouTube vids so having it here may save some frustration. Game is also available on Steam, which is kind of a new thing for hard-core wargames.


NWAC had much promise, and it was a shame it didn't grow to it's potential. But now if this is something you may have been into, there is a real alternative. Also, IIRC, the source code for NWAC was released a while ago, if you want to try your hand, lol.

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