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Engine died when Full throttle / Afterburner

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I've a problem with F-14A & F-14 +aircraft engine (took it from Desert Storm redux by Eburger) , everytime i use full throttle / afterburner, the engine suddenly died and slowly losing speed...and nothing i can do
anyone knows how to solve this problem? im using WOE latest patch

Thank you


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Engines getting too hot... 

So be careful with the usage of the Afterburner...

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there is a temperature variable in the Engine sections of the plane data.ini files. I think Exhaust...  I don't really know how it is calculated, but at a certain speed, yes speed it burns the engine. The MiG-25 mod has such, if I remember so you can't get past 2 Mach

I don't know whether it is intentional or not, to answer your question. I never tried modded Tomcats so I don't know about F-14 though.

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thank you guys, but seems the only problem is with this F14+ & F14A..i don't which cause of it and probably like snailman says it's something to do in DATA which i'm unable to find to fix the afterburner problem which causing my engine always died even when take off

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