Package contains 6 helicopters with new FLIGHT MODEL made by me: AH-1F_90 by yakarov79 AH-1J_80 by yakarov79 AH-64A by yakarov79 CH-53D_82 by yakarov79 Mi-8T by Lazarus1177 (I think so, not sure) UH-1H by yakarov79 Before install backup yout older files. All helicopters comes as separate install with all needed files (weapons, decals etc). I need more testers and more informations to finish this project. They will be part of bigger ODS 30 Anni helicopters pack. I added temporary CAS mission for Mi-8, to test AI attacks. Apache is using Helfires in fake pods, cause AI don't like guided missiles. You must rearm player helicopter for normal missiles before mission to have TV screen active.