External 3D model: 1. APU exhaust 2. UWV maps on gears 3. IFR for C ver. 4. some antennas 5. Gear and flaps hardware indicators 6. damage model (destroyed parts) External textures: 1. Gear textures 2. APU exhaust 3. damage textures 4. Decals Data INI: 1. all components check 2. all systems check 3. Flight model 4. damage boxes 5. collision points 6. User list ini Cockpit 3D model: 1. stick 2. stall signalization 3. right panel 4. left panel 5. canopy and cockpit frame 6. levers (brake, canopy openning etc) 7. throttle 8. clock needles Cockpit textures: 1. Main cockpit parts 2. lights 3. left and right panel 4. gunsight glass texture 5. reticule texture Cockpit INI: done 1. JISKRA (except second ADF needle) 2. Range counter done 3. RadarCompass 4. Clock done 5. RPM 6. Engine indicator 7. VA meter 8. Gear lights done 9. Aitbrake light 10. Arm panel switches 11. Flap lights 12. Front lights 13. centerpanel undercarriage selector ...