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135 files

  1. DEUCES Euro Desert Terrain

    Am not sure who created this mod of the desert terrain using Euro Airwar textures other than 'Dueces' but here it is.
    I call it in a couple missions uploaded in my F-4S_F-4N pack to be uploaded today barring tech difficulties.
    I modded the 'nations' file, BTW.


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  2. Kosovo_beta

    I saw in the forum someone asked about a Kosovo terrain and someone else thought there was one around (albiet this was posted some time back.) Anyway, here is that Kosovo terrain. Unfortunately, somehow ( i ) apparently overwrote the planning maps with the 'desert' planning maps at some point so i put in blank bitmaps to substitute. If you take one of your msn files and substitute 'kosovo' for lets say 'desert' it should work. If you use the kmd mission editor you can see where the targets are located and move your planes where you want of course.
    Perhaps, I will get some sort of map plotted at some point, but the only way i know how to do that is to trial and error with the kmd mission editor and starting the game up to see where i end up. Someone with more experience with some other util could prob whip something up.
    If, you like the F-4S in the image I will try to get the skins finished and up load it soon.
    I uploaded a couple mission files, but you'll still have to edit them unless you have the same planes and ground objects. My CV-41 USS Midway is in da ocean in at least one of these missions. (They're just samples...some planes some 'groundObjects' no planning just samples)
    I do not know who created this Kosovo terrain to give credit to or if they mind me loading it here. Have no clue where and when i got it. Must have been years ago. Its pretty simple terrain. Very frame rate friendly, tons of mountains and hills, plus the ocean (the adriatic i suppose its called.) Not up; to modern standards. You might like the 'Black Sea' terrain better if you want detail and fly in that neighborhood.


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  3. WW2 Allied Bombing Range

    WW2 Allied Bombing Range for SF, WoV & WoE
    This is a modification of several inis, and adding objects to give The Range a World War 2 flavor, for the Allies.
    This modificaton has been thoughly tested in SF and WoE, but not WoV. You shouldn't have any problems though, by making sure you 'cat file' pointer is pointed to the correct terrain cat. (see the Knowledge Base here at CA, or the newest Range readmes)
    Many of these WW2 items have been borrowed from other maps, most specificlly Edwards superb PTO and EuroWW2. Others were scattered about, like the train station and factory place.
    I'd like to express thanks to the Map Builders for their tireless work, hope I mentioned everyone ... I can fully understand the frustrations in placing objects now, after working on this and several other maps.
    You'll need the original Range installed to make this mod to, as the terrain iteself is not changed. This is an object and ini mod, not a full terrain. You'll also have a NEW movements ini; now you can perform Armed Recon missions.
    PLEASE read the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions as to how to install. Although this mod can be used in any install, it is designed with WW2 =ONLY= in mind. Most of these mods, however, can easily be added to any other Range terrain (specifically, the movements ini and the new target areas).
    Now, no excuses... get out ther and practice!!
    Kevin Stein
    edit: updated readme, with proper credits


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  4. Southern California - Ver 2.0

    Southern California Terrain Ver.2 for SF/WoV/WoE -and possibly FE, WoI and SF2
    This terrain mod is designed to COMPLETLY replace the version I released in 2008; however, you will probably need some of the Ground Objects included in that pak.
    This semi-fictional terrain represents the Southern California region, along with parts of Nevada, Northern California, Arizona, Baja Mexico and various and sundry parts in between. I use the term 'semi-fictional', as for the most part, the cities and airfields are relatively close to their real life locations, but some fictional target areas have been added for playability. As close as I can, I've tried to match the actual positions of cities, air bases, etc, and used their actual names. Considering that I live in Los Angeles, and have been to a LOT of the places depicted.... This is a very heavily populated map, a heavily defended map, with all kinds of eye candy, plus LOTS of "Easter Eggs". A repainted version of airfield 3 (the dirt strip) is also included; ala Fubar's version, it's been paved over.
    I've designed this to be used in the alternative world of the "Global Sedition" vs the "North American Alliance". It is, however, usable in any era from 1940-2040, with minor changes in the targets and types inis.
    It is based on USAFMTL's SCal map from his Top Gun mod from several looong years ago.
    This package contain just about everything you'll need, from new inis, HFD & TFD, tiles -including a whole bunch of new ones, and their associated TODs- LOTS of new fixed terrain objects (destroyed buildings of all flavors).
    It has been -almost- completly rebuilt, with the creation of briefing, movement, a completely NEW targets and types ins, and upgrading the data ini to the latest standards. Water effects are active, so Vista users take note...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users", below, if you're using an unpatched version(s) of the games.
    It is reccomended (read: REQUIRED) that you have Pasko's SAMs and Vehicles Pak installed in your GroundObject folder; either or both the Desert or Euro skinned vehicles, plus any additional vehicles such as Kesselbrut's ZIL truck pak, Infantry paks, Moonjumper's fix for the BM-14-16 (adds working Kytusha rockets) and any other SAMS or AAA, vehicles or whatever strikes your fancy. With such an 'open ended' time frame for use, any and all GroundObjects should be available for use.
    It has been tested in SF, WoE and WoV. It should work in FE & WoI with the correct cat pointer -- this has NOT been tested, however. It should also work in SF2, as long as you adjust the cat pointer lines in the main ini.
    As to be expected, there's a pretty detaile readme enclosed -- so read it first after unzipping and before installing. Vital instructions, and so forth and so on inside that'll make things a bit easier for you.
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (4 reviews)



  5. American North West - 4 Seasons Rebuild

    Upgrade for America NorthWest Terrains: 4 Seasons Inclusive Build


    -for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI and maybe FE?


    The original America Northwest Terrains; AmerianNW, AmericanNWinter and AmericaNWSpring, were released sometime back in 2003. They are exceedling FUN maps to fly on, as they are full of deep canyons and high mountain ranges. But...with the advent of the 9/08 patch for the entire 3rd Wire series, they can now be combined into ONE terrain, and with a few ini edits, allow for =ALL= 4 season to be present in ONE terrain folder. Seasonal changes are based upon the date a mission is flown, in single mission (month/day - year makes no difference), and probably in campaigns as well
    This package includes ALL 4 seasons for Major Lee's "America NorthWest" series, combined.This package is designed to TOTALLY REPLACE =ALL= the original terrains, with one single install. Editing has been done to the all the inis, as per the latest patch standards. Included are also my targets and movements enhancements, as seen in a 8/07 upgrade, with some additions.
    Included are the "Spring", "Summer" (by CA_Stary), "Thaw" (by Doghouse & Deuces), and "Winter" seasons as new subfolders of this rebuilt terrain. A new 'EnvrionmentalSystem.ini', that is terrain specific, was created that raises the cloud deck OFF the mountains. It's also super easy to edit, to allow for lower clouds, if that is your wish. You'll also find regional specific trees (pine) scattered across the landscape. It looks sooo much better with trees!!! :) For those looking for it, YES, there are more than a couple of Easter Eggs, as you've all come to expect.
    While set in the "What If.." world of the Global Sedition vs the North American Alliance, it's quite usable for just about anything. =EXCEPTING= no anti-ship missions, as there's no large bodies of water for shipping routes. (see my pleas for retiling in the "General Notes and Other Nonsense" section below)
    The movements ini has been expanded for more Armed Recon missions, with additional truck routes for both sides. Additonal targets have been added (one new city, airport and train stations for each side), and new Ground Attack routes for CAS missions. I added an oil field to the Alliance side, to give the Sedition forces something extra to bomb, and Alliance forces something to protect. I figure the story line would be "short on resources, the Global Sedititon is trying to capture the Salmon River Oil Fields and Elk Mountains Uranium Mines for their own". New country flags have been added (the 2 GS and Alliance flags are still here!) for NAA alllies - USA and Canada.
    This has been tested in WoE (my main Laboratory of choice..) As it was originally built for SF, no worries there. WoV should also be no problem. It -should- work in WoI and First Eagles, but you'll still need one of the Original 3 Terrains ™ for the terrain cat reacharound. This, however, has =NOT= been tested. You use it in these games at your own risk.
    Vista users should also have no problem with terrain effects, as the latest round of patching has apparently cleared up that problem. And the fact that there's no water on this map.....
    Included as well is FastCargo's SON-9A "FireCan" AA control radar, and some ini updates for a few of the stock "Red" AAA units, networking them to the FireCan.
    PLEASE read this entire ReadMe all the way through before installing; there are some issues I've encountered that need some explaining, and this will give you a better understanding of what I've tried to accomplish.
    Good Hunting & Happy Landings!!!
    kevin stein


       (3 reviews)



  6. Test Range

    SF1 Bombing Range with some new skins and features.
    This may copy over your original Bombing Range so please backup your files.
    The Bombing Range is one of the best place to hone your Air to Ground skills, with open desert ranges for no speed limit restrictions. Firstly I tried to merge the tiles from the Nellis range to match up with this terrain but it turned out looking like a patchwork blanket so I used JSF_Aggie's desert tiles. The only new tiles are the Desert Residential areas for a more realistic look. US flag is a nice touch to the Test Pilot School, also the Strafe Targets have been moved to the south of the weapons test area.
    Have fun out over the Test Range
    FastCargo for the F-15E
    Dels for the AC-130J cockpit
    for the awsome desert tiles
    For the Bombing Range
    Bunyap for uploading onto CombatACE
    Terrain by Deuces
    Targets and data by Bunyap and The Wrench
    BQM-34 Firebee Drone by RussoUK
    Airfield lights by Sidewinder86
    Intercept missions by Zerocinco
    and TK for Strike Fighters


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  7. Winter Red Range

    A re skinned Red Range using some tiles for Germany terrain


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  8. Midway Terrain version 1.1

    Midway terrain is made for "Strike Fighters Project 1" SFP1.
    You can use it in Wings over Vietnam and Wings over Europe too.
    Wings over Israel can handle this terrain too, but the flight modells of prop driven planes shows anomalies in WOI.
    Midway terrain covers a part of the Central Pacific Ocean with the atolls of Kure and Midway.
    It is the place were in 1942 a big Air-Sea-Battle was fought between the Imperial Japanese Navy and the US Navy. The japanese Navy was superior in numbers of ships, but the US side had some major advantages. No.1, the japanese communication code was broken, so that the US Navy commanders were able to read the enemy commands. No.2, the US had radar coverage, so that enemy surprise attacks were nearly impossible. No.3, the US had the superior number of airplanes which were deciding during the battle.
    The battle was fought as a pure air to sea combat. No single gunfire exchange between naval vessels took place.
    The result was that the japanese Navy lost 4 carriers and the US Navy lost 1 carrier. It was a impressive victory for the USA in Pacifice war theater. You can compare it with the Battle of Moscow on the Eastern Front or the first british victories in North Africa.
    Midway Terrain following target areas
    this are
    Kure Atoll (Neutral airbase)
    Eastern Island (Midway AB USMC)
    Sand Island (Midway USMC)
    ship formations
    +Midway Occupation Force
    +Midway Support Force
    +Second Fleet Main Force ( 1 small carrier)
    +First Fleet Main Force (1 small carrier)
    +First Fleet Carrier Strike Force ( 4 carriers)
    +TF-16 (2 carrier)
    +TF-17 (1 carrier)
    III Known problems
    Up today it is impossible to take off and land from carriers while using single missions which are generated by random single mission screen.
    Thatswhy i added invisible airfields for taking off and landing in the centre of carrier formations. You will also start from the sea. This is not satisfying. Thatswhy it is the best to start the mission in the air to overcome this problem.
    1.)unzip all files into your Terrain folder
    2.)unzip Groundobject.rar into your Objects folder.
    It is neccessary that you download following files from Capuns homepage
    yourself and unzip it into your Objects/Groundobject folder.
    1. Akagi
    2. Brooklyn
    3. CV-5
    4. Fla-MG (you need to download the Browning AAA gunner. From there you need the files BrowningAAA.LOD and BrowningAAA.bmp)
    5. Liberty
    V. Credits
    At this place i want to say thank you to the guys who made the groundobjects and who gave me the permission to use them in Midway terrain.
    Also a big thank you to Hinch for the Zuiho carrier and the japanese Battleship which is a moded Repulse etc.
    Thanks to TK for the great SFP1 sim family.
    And finally thanks to all guys who helped me with hints, advices etc.
    GROUNDOBJECTS are forbitten to share. If you want to do this please contact the makers of this Groundobjects
    If you find bugs please post them in StrikeFighters section of Combatace.com forum.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    August 2008
    Q: How i can get Midway Terrain running in WOV, WOI or WOE
    1. Open file Midway.ini
    2. Look for line CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.cat
    3. Replace this line with:
    for WOV: CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.cat
    for WOI: CatFile=..\IsraelME\IsraelME.cat
    for WOE: CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat


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  9. Fast Squadron Take Off

    Fast Squadron Take Off
    This mod is written for SFP1,WOE, WOI and WOV.
    I. Short description:
    With this mod a Squadron will need less then 1 minute to take off, instead the long time in stock game. It is a mass take off to bring as many planes as possible into the air in the shortest possible time.
    I used it first in my Baltic Entrance terrain and made it now working with all other terrains of First Generation which use stock airfield files.
    Unzip all files into your desired terrain folder.
    For instance Wings Over Israel/Terrain/IsraelME
    Thats it.
    III. This Terrain is Freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    31 October 2013


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  10. American SouthWest - Ver 2.0

    American SouthWest Terrain, Version 2.0 for SF/WoE/ WoV and probably WoI, FE and SF2
    This is a complete rebuild of the terrain originaly released in Feb 2008. It has been completely retiled, and has had a MAJOR upgrade in the targetization. It is designed to COMPLETELY replace that original version. It has been fully updated to use in the post-patch world.
    This semi-fictional terrain represents Southern Texas and part of Northeastern Mexico (Tampilas/Monterrey) region, along with part of the western Gulf of Mexico. I use the term 'semi-fictional', as for the most part, the cities and airfields are relatively close to their real life locations, but some fictional target areas have been added for playability. I've designed this to be used in the alternative world of the "Global Sedition" vs the "North American Alliance"; it is, however, usable in any era from 1940-2040, with minor changes in the targets and types inis.
    This is a COMPLETE package, with everything needed to just unzip, install, and fly over. All the tiles are included, including several (ie: MOST) repainted to a more 'lush' version. All new TODs have been created, so you'll see lots of trees and small buildings, including the 'skyscrapers' from Polak's city tod. Almost all the original Desert tiles have been repainted to more closely represent the semi-tropical/minimally arid region of the Texas Gulf Coast. Several rivers have been added, and they, for the most part, follow their Real Life ™ courses across the region. The "look" of the terrain should be something between the stock 'Desert' and the overly green of say, Deuces Euro Repaint and/or the GermanyCE terrain. In other words, semi-arid, but with plenty of growing things.
    It is reccomended (read: REQUIRED) that you have Pasko's SAMs and Vehicles Pak installed in your GroundObject folder; either or both the Desert or Euro skinned vehicles, plus any additional vehicles such as Kesselbrut's ZIL truck pak, Infantry paks, Moonjumper's fix for the BM-14-16 (adds working Kytusha rockets) and any other SAMS or AAA, vehicles or whatever strikes your fancy. With such an 'open ended' time frame for use, any and all GroundObjects should be available for use.
    It has been tested in SF, WoE and WoV, post 9/08 & 10/08 patch levels.. It should work in FE & WoI (also post Expansion Pak and Post Patch) with the correct cat pointer -- this has NOT been tested, however. It should also work in SF2, as long as you adjust the cat pointer lines in the main ini. Pre-patch users may have some issues due to the new way the Game Engine ™ reads/creates height field measurments. Enough data exists in the CA forums for find the anwsers on how to fix it, if needed.
    As you've all come to expect, there's a HIGHLY detailed readme with all the "data and materials" necessary to get you up and running. I'd suggest reading it first, after unzipping to a temp folder somewhere
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (3 reviews)



  11. Central Pacific/Mariana Islands for WW2 Installs

    Central Pacific/Mariana Islands Terrain For SF/WoV/WoE WW2 PTO mods
    This is a brand new terrain, built COMPLETLY from scratch. This is my very first whole terrain, so go easy on me ;) It represents the Mariana Islands approximately mid-1944, at the time of the American Invasion. This is a FULL terrain, with everything included for you to unzip and use, with minimal difficulty.
    This is a fairly 'target rich' environment -- there are plenty of items for strike and anti-shipping missions. It is also fairly well defended - so watch out for the flak. There are also 2 completly NEW ground objects, creating via edits of existing terrain objects. They are now fully funcitonal 'obstacles' for infantry assaults. Also are mods of 2 of Hinchbrook's ships for USN usage.
    You MUST have ALL the Pacific Objects (ground units, ships, AAA, infantry, etc) already installed in you PTO version of the game; otherwise things may not be appearing. This is especially important for the ships -- the Liberty ship, and all warships, both Allied and Japanese. It's HIGHLY reccomended you have Gepard's "Midway" terrain installed, along with his IJN/USN naval units -- I've made use of them for both Fleets. Don't forget to check Geo's page for more WW2 goodies ... there's a lot of stuff that's usable (and used!) here as well.
    There ARE some historical flaws, which as most of you know gauls the daylights out of me; they are fully detailed in the "Notes & Explinations" section below.
    The data ini has been upgraded to the semi-latest standards (ie: 2006 patch level). Water effects are active, so Vista users beware...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users". NOTE: this is NOT designed for the post patch world of 9/08 & 10/08!! The terrain's data ini does NOT have the new Height Data included!!! If you insist on using this mod in such an install, expect NO support from me. You're on your own...
    It has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE, using their cats pointed to in the main ini. As most of the new objects will be residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line). It has NOT, however, been tested in post 8/29/08 patch WoI or post patch (9/08 & 10/08) SF/WoV/WoE; it is NOT designed for useage in those type of game installs. If you choose to do so, expect NO support from me -- you're on your own. Nor is it designed for use in a 'modern era', as the airfields are far too small for field jets from.
    Follow the instructions in the included readme =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. It's HIGHLY reccomended you read this document completly through before installing this mod.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  12. Hawaii, WW2

    Hawaiian Islands Terrain -- For SF/WoV/WoE WW2 PTO installs


    = For Game Installs -ONLY- patched to the 10/2006 level!!! =

    This is an entirely NEW terrain, representing the Territory of Hawaii on the morning of 7 December, 1941.....
    You MUST have ALL the Pacific Objects (ground units, ships, AAA, infantry, etc) already installed in you PTO version of the game; otherwise things won't be appearing. This is especially important for the ships -- More in the "Notes" section below.
    This is a COMPLETE terrain, with (almost) everything needed to just unzip, and fly over. All the tiles, inis, terrain objects, and a whole SLEW of new GroundObjects are included!!!
    The data ini has been upgraded to the latest standards. Water effects are active, so Vista users beware...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users". For those perverts that won't listen and absolutely INSIST on trying to run WW2 items in the post 9/08-10/08 SF/WoV/WoE and WoI environments, I've provided a 'post-patch-Hawaii_Data.ini', that includes all the updated terrain effects. More info for you all can be found in the "Notes & Other Nonesense" section below. Also, it should be noted the HM bmps for the various tiles are included; these are the ones I've repainted black, to create a smoother terrain.


    It has been tested in pre-patch SF, WoV and WoE, using their cats pointed to in the main ini. As the new objects will be residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line). It has NOT, however, been tested in post 8/29/08 patch WoI, NOR in post-patch (9/08 & 10/08) SF/WoV/WoE. But should work with minimal problems, as long as one of the original terrain folders (SF/WoV/WoE) is residing in you WW2 WoI install. You do, however, use this in these environments at YOUR own risk -- any problems you have, you're on your own...no support is availabe from me, as it's NOT reccomended (due to FM issues in the aircraft) for those usages. I HAVE actually tested this in a post-patch WoI WW2 Install that I have, and other then the expected FM issues, it runs just fine!! Albeit with a little fiddling with the water issues...
    This has NOT been tested in SF2 ... if you DO get a WW2 Era Specific Install up and running, let us know!
    Follow these instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. It is HIGHLY reccomended that you read the install instructions all the way through FIRST before performing the procedure. Just to be safe, ya know??
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions.
    = It should be noted here, that this Terrain is for WW2 usage ONLY -- if you attempt to fly modern jets from it, you will fail, as there are NO runways equipped to handle them. =
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions
    Good Luck, Good Hunting & Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (1 review)



  13. WW2 Palestine

    WW2 Palestine Terrain For SF/WoV/WoE WW2 MTO Installs


    -06 Patch Levels ONLY!-

    This is a modification of Gepard's "Suez" terrain, backdated for use in WW2 with the approximate timeframe of 1940-1946. Not a great deal of "enhancements" have been added, but you can expect the "usual suspects". Plus one 'generic' Easter Egg (one of the target areas, albiet slightly misplaced - bonus points for IDing its origination)
    This is a COMPLETE terrain with all items necessary to unzip, install and fly over. All tiles and TODs are included, as well as several new-to-this-terrain Terrain Objects (buildings and the like) The targets, nations, briefing, movements and types inis have all been greatly expanded to reflect the timeframe. Place names have been adjusted to WW2 levels (where known and discoverable). All 3 levels are Planning Maps have also been newly created, just for this terrain mod.
    The data ini has been upgraded to the semi-latest standards (ie: 2006 patch level). Water effects are active, so Vista users beware...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users". NOTE: this is NOT designed for the post-08 patch or SF2 "NextGen" series. The terrain's data ini does NOT have the new Height Data nor the background shader sections!!! (however, these are easily added if you're familiar with the varous terrain data inis, and how to 'update' them).
    It has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE, using their cats pointed to in the main ini. As most of the new objects will be residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line). It has NOT, however, been tested in post 08 SF/WoV/WoE/WoI or any of the SF2 'NextGen' series; it is NOT designed for useage in those type of game installs. If you choose to do so, expect NO support from me -- you're on your own. Although, it should work pretty well, in any case. Some data ini adjustments will probably be required for the additional effects. Although, for more "modern" times, I'd reccomend Isreal2 + the targets enhancement pak.
    As always, it's reccomended you unzip this to a temp folder somewhere's thats easy to find. This will give you access to the rest of the readme for full, detailed install instructions and the Usual Notes and Other Ramblings...
    Follow these instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. It's HIGHLY reccomended you read this document completly through before installing this mod. There is VITAL information herein about several items not included with this package.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


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  14. WW2 Tunisia/Western Med Update Pak

    Tunisia Terrain & Targets Upgrade For SF/WoV/WoE WW2 MTO mods
    This started out as a simple targets upgrade, and turned into a major rework of Edward's Tunisia Terrain for WW2. As you can expect, the targets have been greatly 'enhanced', with many additions, and most areas have been retiled for ease of targetization. The visuals (ie: the eye candy) has been enhanced by these revamped target areas. This will allow single mission and campaign builders more latitude in their creation of missions and campaigns. It also has the side effect of enhancing in-game generated single mission play, too!
    This is a COMPLETE terrain, designed to REPLACE the original verison in it's entirety. It is also NOT compatable with any other terrain retiling or TOD mods to the original terrain that are presently available. All necessary parts are included; tiles, inis, LOTS of new terrain items, with the excpetion for some 'permission-only' GroundObject items. All new planning maps are also included. Also, there are at LEAST 3 Easter Eggs on the map. There are also several brand new tiles, and their associated TODs (new city ports and some other interestering items).
    There ARE some historical flaws (and probably physical geographic ones as well!!); they are fully detailed in the "Notes & Explinations" section below. You may also experience extended or longer than usual loading times; this is normal due to the shear number of terrain objects on this map.
    The data ini has been upgraded to the semi-latest standards (ie: 2006 patch level). Water effects are active, so Vista users beware...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users". NOTE: this is NOT designed for the post-08 patch or SF2 "NextGen" series. The terrain's data ini does NOT have the new Height Data included!!! (however, that is easily added if you're familiar with the varous terrain data inis, and how to 'update' them).
    It has been tested in 06 Patch Level WoE (my WW2 install of choice), using the cat pointer line to all the Origianl 3 ™ Terrain Cats (Desert, GermanyCE and VietnamSEA). As most of the new terrain objects and tiles are residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line). It has NOT, however, been tested in post-08 SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI or any of the SF2 'NextGen' series; it is NOT designed for useage in those type of game installs. If you choose to do so, expect NO support from me -- you're on your own. Although, it should work pretty well in most case. Some data ini adjustments will probably be required for the additional effects. Consult the SF2 Knowledge Base at CombatAce for more information on "how to.."
    As always, it's reccomended you unzip this to a temp folder somewhere's thats easy to find. This will give you access to the rest of the readme for full, detailed install instructions and the Usual Notes and Other Ramblings...
    Follow these instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. It's =HIGHLY= reccomended you read this document completly through before installing this mod.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


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  15. Persian Gulf Terrain

    Persian Gulf Terrain -------------- Beta 0.5--------------------------
    This terrain is written for SFP1, but should work properly with WOI,WOV and WOE.
    I. Short description:
    This terrain covers the most parts of the Persian Gulf from Strait of Hormuz to the oil fields of Bandar e Khomeni. It includes the coastal region of the Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar and the coastal region of Saudi Arabia. Kuwait and Iraq are NOT included in this terrain, because an other terrain (Desert Storm) is already covering this area.
    At the moment Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the western part of Iran are ready for action in this terrain. Ground combat you will see on iranian soil, mostly in the Busher area.
    At the UAE and the eastern part of Iran only airfields are operational, no other targets. This will come with the next update.
    The tiles of the street network are only placeholders. I'm not satisfied with them. They will also replaced.
    There are some other issues which still have to be done. Dont forget. Its a beta release at the moment.
    Improvments of Beta 0.5
    1. 312 target areas instead 175 in Beta 0.1
    2. Iran is nearly finished. Rivers, towns, villages, bridges, some factories, ports, oil fields, Scud launchers, coastal defence missile launchers are set on the map. A SAM network around Bandar Abbas in the southeast of Iran ist installed now
    Unzip all files into your StrikeFighters/terrain folder.
    Put folder Silkworm into your objects/groundobjects folder.
    Thats it.
    Q: What is to do to make it usable for WOI,WOV and WOE?
    For WOI open file Persischer Golf.ini with notepad editor
    overwrite line
    For WOV open file Persischer Golf.ini with notepad editor
    overwrite line
    For WOE open file Persischer Golf.ini with notepad editor
    overwrite line
    Then you must download a tileset which is made for SFP1 desert terrain and install into the Perischer Golf folder. Be aware, that there are 19 new tiles, so that your terrain could be look something strange.
    III. Credits. I want to say thank you to all guys who helped me to create the PG terrain, and made the new ground objects like cars, fireengine, floodlights, run- and taxiways ...
    IV. This Terrain is Freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    22 Januar 2011


       (5 reviews)



  16. North Cape Terrain

    North Cape Terrain
    by Baltika
    Beta v 0.6
    Major Lee - core DBS Tileset
    Gepard - NATO/WARPAC Runways
    Stary - Germany CE Buildings and TOD files
    Wrench - NATO/WARPAC runway upgrade
    grumpapotamus - Doppler Radar Dome
    Deuces - terrain TOD tutorial
    Thanks to the whole gang at CombatAce.
    Unzip and drop the NORTHCAPE folder into your WoE/Terrain folder.
    Airbases in Norway are best for scenery.
    Recommended Files:-
    CVN-75 by Digital Overload
    TAKR Orjol by Gepard
    TAKR Admiral Gorshkov by X-RAY
    UdaloyI by China Insky Team
    UdaloyII by China Insky Team
    BRDM_SA-9 by rebelryder
    SA-11 & SA-17 by 101tfs
    ScudLauncher & Missile by bigal1
    Soviet SAMs by gabilon
    Known issues:-
    Sea/water effects don't work, yet.
    Targetisation incomplete.
    TOD files incomplete.
    Tested in Wings Over Europe Oct 08 Patch.
    This terrain will be updated as and when time permits.
    Don't hold your breath ;-)
    4 April 2011


       (5 reviews)



  17. The Six Million Meter Map (fix TextureList)

    Currrently correct Texturlist file. Download includes only the tiles needed for "simple" version without complications of the Alpine biome attempted earlier.
    6000km in size and purely experimental, this map is the beginning of a long term terrain project that hopefully may generate some interest in classical era strategic air warfare.
    USE REQUIREMENT: Be complete Master of the Terrain Editor (TE)....well the map could be used in the game as-is to experiment with, and a few example SAC and PVO airfields are located in interesting locations although some (x > 2400km) don't show up correctly in KMD which was not made for this type of oversize map.
    As far as I know, TE by itself can generate a maximum size map of 4800km with four GTOPO30 DEM files. This map is made of several pasted smaller maps, thus allowing a larger size. The included terrain tiles (4km size) are development blanks -- solid colours -- which are required for visibility at full zoomed out views in Terrain Editor. Included are a working Texturelist file and only the needed 71 tile blanks.
    Both Texturelist and the CityList filenames begin with "0" -- a zero -- so they appear first in the tiny TE open file box.
    A 6000 pixel import map is included. But most simple is to just "open" the HFD file (called "Baikal"), or one may import the 6000 pixel bmp file.
    If importing, use this in TE ini file...
    Before importing, in the TE choose File-New and use the following values...
    Terrain Map Size 6000
    Texture Tile Resolution 4000
    Height Field Resolution 1000
    MANY thanks to Gepard for sharing this tip in the Brain Base terrain tutorials ~> http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=191
    The 6000 pixel bmp was developed by importing many GTOPO30 DEM files at 25% height scale, then exporting them each at the TE default's 10, then importing the final cut-n-pasted 6000 pixel bmp at height scale of 41.5. This results in 456m height for Lake Baikal which is my reference, and allows a few Himalaya peaks nearing 8800m.
    The 4km textures and 1km height field scale are double SF standard, resulting in some loss of terrain detail but the great advantage is a reasonable map size on hard disk and in game loading. A standard detailed map is easily possible, but at four times the size -- a whopping 275MB HFD file. Also, a vastly higher horizon distance can be used without performance loss. I'm currently running 250km horizon distance with an old ATI-9200 video card.
    Ideas for terrain tileage came from World Biomes website ~> http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/world_biomes.htm


       (0 reviews)



  18. 12 Million Meter Map

    This is a prototype 12,000km tiled, but not textured, map called Baikal, for summer season. The downloaded file is Baikal.7z. Unzip it with 7zip into a new folder not in the game folder. Copy the unzipped Baikal folder into the Terrain folder. The 99MB download is mostly very large bmp files used for development.
    I am using SF-1, patched to October 2008.
    The files in the Baikal folder are alphabetically ordered. This is essential for easy viewing of the folder contents. Folder set to view "list" helps me see the whole folder in one screen.
    Tiles are 3km on a side, which is a minimum for this size map. There are no "real" textures for the prototype map.
    I can't texture. I tried, but...
    Only blank colour coded tiles are here, for tile mapping development, and blank tiles allow easy viewing in Terrain Editor zoomed out view. This terrain is made for paleo-antiquity classical high altitude strategic operations, and terrain variation is over a vastly greater scale than normal SF maps -- which means less detail seen from the cockpit at normal low altitude SF gaming, unless one expands their horizon distance to see more of less. The good news is that 3km tiles allows a modest 1.5x increase in framerate or 1.5x increase in HorizonDistance over the SF standard 2km tile sizes. I am currently running 200km horizon distance with ATI 4850 video card, and other game tweaks.
    Much more info is in the readme file called " = 12m3 notes " . Also, the Viewlist readme is useful for exploring the map quickly.
    No tile was left behind.


       (3 reviews)

    1 comment


  19. Midway terrain v1.1A

    MIDWAY TERRAIN version 1.1A
    THIS IS NO NEW VERSION with improvements over version 1.1.
    It was neccessary to make this version, because Capun requested to remove his files from this mod.
    So it is now neccessary that you download following files from Capuns homepage
    yourself and unzip it into your Objects/Groundobject folder.
    1. Akagi
    2. Brooklyn
    3. CV-5
    4. Fla-MG (you need to download the Browning AAA gunner. From there you need the files BrowningAAA.LOD and BrowningAAA.bmp)
    5. Liberty
    (You will find, that i have left the subfolders of terrain version 1.1, but i have removed the LOD and BMP/TGA files. So you must unzip the downloaded files in the correct folder)
    Michael (Gepard)
    Germany August 2009
    Midway terrain version 1.1 readme
    Midway version 1.1 version was made as a response on community reactions who wanted more populated Midway islands. Thanks to Wrench and the others for help and ideas to make Midway terrain better.
    The number of target areas was increased from 10 to 21.
    +Kure Atoll airfield is now operational from 1943
    +Trenches and AAA Machinegun sites are added on Midway.
    +PTBoat base added
    +2 Marine Camps
    +1 Radiostation
    +1 Radarstation
    +US Flags added
    For the case that you want to know, what if the japanese Landing operation would have been successfull i added
    as easteregg the file Midway What if_targets.ini.
    There the Midways and Kure atoll are in japanese hands. The japanese Navy is operating close to the islands and is waiting on the US counterstrike.
    If you want to play this scenario, backup file midway_targets.ini
    and rename file
    Midway What if_targets.ini.
    Hope you enjoy Midway v1.1
    Midway terrain is made for "Strike Fighters Project 1" SFP1.
    You can use it in Wings over Vietnam and Wings over Europe too.
    Wings over Israel can handle this terrain too, but the flight modells of prop driven planes shows anomalies in WOI.
    Midway terrain covers a part of the Central Pacific Ocean with the atolls of Kure and Midway.
    It is the place were in 1942 a big Air-Sea-Battle was fought between the Imperial Japanese Navy and the US Navy. The japanese Navy was superior in numbers of ships, but the US side had some major advantages. No.1, the japanese communication code was broken, so that the US Navy commanders were able to read the enemy commands. No.2, the US had radar coverage, so that enemy surprise attacks were nearly impossible. No.3, the US had the superior number of airplanes which were deciding during the battle.
    The battle was fought as a pure air to sea combat. No single gunfire exchange between naval vessels took place.
    The result was that the japanese Navy lost 4 carriers and the US Navy lost 1 carrier. It was a impressive victory for the USA in Pacifice war theater. You can compare it with the Battle of Moscow on the Eastern Front or the first british victories in North Africa.
    Midway Terrain following target areas
    this are
    Kure Atoll (Neutral airbase)
    Eastern Island (Midway AB USMC)
    Sand Island (Midway USMC)
    ship formations
    +Midway Occupation Force
    +Midway Support Force
    +Second Fleet Main Force ( 1 small carrier)
    +First Fleet Main Force (1 small carrier)
    +First Fleet Carrier Strike Force ( 4 carriers)
    +TF-16 (2 carrier)
    +TF-17 (1 carrier)
    III Known problems
    Up today it is impossible to take off and land from carriers while using single missions which are generated by random single mission screen.
    Thatswhy i added invisible airfields for taking off and landing in the centre of carrier formations. You will also start from the sea. This is not satisfying. Thatswhy it is the best to start the mission in the air to overcome this problem.
    1.)unzip all files into your Terrain folder
    2.)unzip Groundobject.rar into your Objects folder.
    Thats it.
    V. Credits
    At this place i want to say thank you to the guys who made the groundobjects and who gave me the permission to use them in Midway terrain.
    A very big thank you to Hinch for the Zuiho carrier and the japanese Battleship which is a moded Repulse etc.
    Thanks to TK for the great SFP1 sim family.
    And finally thanks to all guys who helped me with hints, advices etc.
    GROUNDOBJECTS ARE FORBITTEN TO SHARE. If you want to do this please contact the makers of this Groundobjects.
    If you find bugs please post them in StrikeFighters section of Combatace.com forum.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    November 2008
    Q: How i can get Midway Terrain running in WOV, WOI or WOE
    1. Open file Midway.ini
    2. Look for line CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.cat
    3. Replace this line with:
    for WOV: CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.cat
    for WOI: CatFile=..\IsraelME\IsraelME.cat
    for WOE: CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat


       (1 review)



  20. Baltic Entrance (Ostseeausgang)

    Baltic Entrance Terrain (Ostseeausgang)
    This terrain is written for WOE.
    I. Short description:
    The terrain covers the baltic entrance, the bottleneck of Denmark which is blocking the free way from the Baltic Sea to the north Sea. You can fly over entire Denmark, to most southern part of Norway and Sweden, northern Poland, Northern east and West Germany and a very small part of the Netherlands.
    The terrain is set as a cold war scenario. You will find the NATO with Norway, Denmark, West Germany and the Netherlands as blue power, the WP states GDR and PR Poland (plus soviet bases in this contries) as red powers and the neutral Sweden.
    Unzip all files into your Wings Over Europe /terrain folder.
    Put folder UnimogBW into your objects/groundobjects folder.
    Thats it.
    Q: What is to do to make it usable for WOI,WOV and SFP1?
    For WOI open file Osteeeausgang.ini with notepad editor
    overwrite line
    For WOV open file Persischer Golf.ini with notepad editor
    overwrite line
    For SFP1open file Persischer Golf.ini with notepad editor
    overwrite line
    Then you must download a tileset which is made for WOE GermanyCE terrain and install into the Ostseeausgang folder. Be aware, that there are some new tiles, so that your terrain could be look something strange.
    III. Credits. I want to say thank you to all guys who helped me to create the this terrain, and made the new ground objects like cars, fireengine, run- and taxiways, shelters, Unimog etc...
    IV. This Terrain is Freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    28 May 2012


       (1 review)



  21. Israel 2 terrain update from version 2.0 to version 2.1

    Version 2.1
    * problem of white squares of missing tiles is solved. Some computers in certain regions of the world were unable to understand the german umlaut Ü. Names of terraintiles are thatswhy changed.
    * added a new version of Polaks great Pyramids and also placed 2 new big Temples on the map. Thanks for it Polak! You find them some kilometers north west of egyptian base Beni Suef.
    * added an additional Oilfield on the Sinai
    * added 36 new empty targetareas on the Sinai to support Campaignbuilders who can use this points as waypoints for a dynamic campaign
    * included a folder English. In this folder you will find 2 files with translated targetnames. If you want to change the german terms into english ones, then copy this files into your Israel 2 folder. (I hope my translations are correct.)


       (4 reviews)



  22. Deutschland terrain version 1.1 (Germany for SF1)

    Deutschland terrain is made for SFP1, but will also work with Wings over Vietnam or Wings over Europe.
    It represents Germany in the time of the cold war.
    The most of Germany is done, only the Ruhrgebiet and Bavaria are still terra incognita.
    This is a update to fixe some problems and include a few new features.
    I also included a little Campaign written for Deutschland terrain.
    Version 1.1 17. Dezember 2006
    new features:
    - west german farmland got smaler fields
    - the borderline between the two Germanies is now included
    -Campaign Octoberrevolution 1956 is modified, replaced F-84G with F-80
    - Sea tiles reworked, so that the water effect of moving waves will work now.
    - 289 target areas now (248 in version 1.01)
    - Castles
    -some west german Powerplants
    -some west german Bridges
    - tiling of Thuringia and south Saxonia changed.
    - tiling of Dollard region (Emden) changed
    Campaign Oktoberaufstand 1956/Octoberrevolution 1956
    It is a fictional campaign based on the idea, what could had been happen if the revolution in Hungary 1956 would have found a replica in East Germany.
    To fly this campaign you need following additional planes:
    * F-86F
    * F-84F
    * F-80
    * MiG-15bis
    used standard planes are MiG-17F,B-57 and IL-28
    You can fly the F-86F for the Bundesluftwaffe or the MiG-15bis for the LSK/LV.
    Finally i want to say thank you to all who supported the making of Deutschland terrain. Thanks to Polak for the Pontons, Darreck for the Coolingtowers, Enrico for the Castle Pfalzgrafenstein, Capun for the parked planes and so on and so on and so on. And of course a very big thank you to TK, the great guy who stands behind SFP1, WOV and WOE.
    Deutschland terrain is freeware.
    If you find bugs please post them in StrikeFighters section of SimHQ.com forum or Combatace.com forum.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)


       (3 reviews)



  23. Suez 2 terrain

    SUEZ 2 TERRAIN Version 2.0
    Suez 2 terrain is a version of my Israel2 terrain with the borders pre 1967 Six Days War and with enhanced tilesset. The main difference between Suez 2 and Suez terrain is, that Suez 2 is now sized nearly correct, while Suez terrain size was only 60% of real. The number of target areas is increased from 94 to 346. New areas with targets are the Golan heights and the Westbank.
    In Suez 2 terrain you will find Lebanon as neutral contry, Syria is holding the Golan heights, Jordan is owner of the Westbank and Egypt rules the Sinai and the Gaza strip.
    The SAM fence along the Suez Canal is not installed, because it was built between 1970 and 1972. Only some point defence SAM you will face over the Sinai, close to Kairo and near Beni Suef Airbase.
    Suez2 terrain is more smooth than Israel2 terrain. If you want to have the same roughness like in Israel2 terrain simply copy files Israel2.hfd into Suez2 folder and rename it into Suez2.hfd.
    Suez 2 Terrain INSTALLATION instruction:
    Unzip all files into your Terrain folder. Thats it.


       (6 reviews)



  24. Israel 2 terrain

    ISRAEL 2 Terrain version 2.0 23.Dezember 2006
    Israel Terrain INSTALLATION instruction:
    1.) unzip all files into your Strike Fighters folder
    2.) If you use WOV open WOV folder and copy file Israel2.ini into Israel2 folder
    3.) If you use WOE open WOE folder and copy file Israel2.ini into Israel2 folder
    For WOE and WOE you must download a desert terrain tileset seperatly!
    The first versions of Israel terrain for SFP1 were very successfull. They were downloaded in high numbers from C6, Combatace, Avsim and other sources, but i was never really satisfied with it. The reason was, that the size of Israel terrain was only 60% of reality.
    With the new terrain editor tool TK offered to the community i was able to make a terrain that is nearly correct scaled. But i had to rebuild the terrain completly from the scratch.
    As promised i release the new terrain now short before Christmas.
    What is new?
    *Completly new terrain with enlarged size. It covers now also Cyprus and Lebanon
    *additional terraintiles (Canal, Mountainwoood)
    *airfields with multiple runways
    *new designed SAM fence along the Suez Canal
    the SAM Complex west of the Bitter Lake (Osiris) i designed using a report about the big air to SAM battle in 1970 between the Israelis and the Egytians. So Osiris should be more or less historical correct. The positions of the other networkes (Ra, Isis, Sala Uhudin) are more or less fiction. I also reduced the number of SAM sites, as requested by some players.
    *number of target areas is now 292 (212 in the preview, 128 in Israel v1.5)
    * I include a smoothed terrain height data file in folder Israel2/Smooth. Personaly i prefer the more rough standard terrain, but if you like a smooth terrain copy file Israel2.hfd from folder Israel2/Smooth into Israel2 folder
    * I included also updated Panzer files. The T-34,T-54,T-55,T-62 have now coaxial machineguns and their performance is now a little bit more real.
    *The SAM Fence along the Suez Canal now consits only between 1970 - 1976. In 1977 the Egyptians changed their AD startegy from area defence to point defence.
    I want to say thank you to all guys who supported Israel2 terrain with ideas, hints, files and good wishes. Thanks to Polak for the Pontons and the Pyramids, Gecko6 for the Coolingtowers, thanks to the guy who made the factory complex some years ago (I forgot his name) and of course TK for the terrain editor and the great SFP1 flight sim.
    And finaly a big thank you to all unnamed and forgotten object and file makers.
    If you find bugs, please post it at www.combatace.com forum of Strike Fighters section of www.SIMHQ.com forum
    This terrain is FREEWARE and is NOT intended for commercial use.
    I hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)


       (7 reviews)

    1 comment


  25. 10 new airbases for SFP1/WOE

    New Airbases for SFP1 / WOE
    v. 3.0
    1: This is an update of version 2.0 to make the airfields compatible with the October 08 patch.
    The other rason to make a new version is that Capun requested to remove his files from this mod. Thats pity, because his static aircrafts were a nice feature of my airfields.
    2. This is the release of the 10 new airbases for WOE.
    The bases are:
    GDR (East Germany) Drewitz
    FRG (West Germany) Ahlhorn
    All bases i made by using satellite pictures to place the groundobjects to become a look that is similar to the original airbases.
    3. INSTALLATION instruction:
    Be carefull! Backup of your _targets.ini and _types first!
    1. Unzip all files into your Terrain/GermanyCE folder.
    Thats all
    4. A word to modders
    In the folder "Airfields raw files" you find 10 txt files.
    Each file containes the lines of one airbase. So it is easier for you to copy this unique airbases for use in other terrains target_data.ini file..
    5. Final words.
    I want to say thank you to Enrico Gennari who made the runway, parking areas and taxiway files. I also want to say thank you to the unkown guy who made the basic file for the GFD-12 shelters which i have taken from EuroWW2 terrain.
    This airbases are freeware and are not allowed for commercial use.
    I hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)


       (8 reviews)

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