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Cold War Aircraft Skins

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    1. Desert Storm Skins for Dels new C-130

      Operation Desert Storm Skin pack for C-130E/H
      This set creates skins for Dels new C-130s and incorporates historical nose art for the E model,
      and historical serials and unit markings for both models. Due to lack of images, no nose arts are provided
      for the H models. It is intended for use in the ODS campaign, or use it on your own.
      C-130E_SKE - ODS skin, several historical nose arts, new hangar and loading screens, minor ini edits
      C-130H3 - ODS skin, new hangar and loading screens, minor ini edits
      Installation instructions
      1st in either event
      Get Dels C-130 Pack located here http://combatace.com/files/file/16427-c-130-hercules-superpack/
      Normal install
      unzip, allow overwrites (should be minimal), go fly
      ODS install
      go into your aircraft folder and delete the C-130E and C-130H aircraft
      you may also want to go into the Decal folder to delete the C-130E and C-130H folders to save space, but it not necessary
      unzip, allow overwrites (should be minimal), go fly
      In Campaign: no edits are needed to put this aircraft into the current ODS or MOAB campaigns. However the old Herks
      originally included in the install should be deleted to make it more likely for the new Herks to appear in game. That
      and they are the older models with not accurate skin sets anyhow.
      daddyairplanes- tga work, minor ini edits, hangar and loading screens, hours of research
      dels- Euro 1 skin and the original aircraft and information
      JonathanRL- technical advice pertaining to the campaign
      dels, malibu43, Muesli, whiteknight06604,stratos- testing
      thank you for downloading this mod and i hope you enjoy
      aka Kevin Unruh
      19 July 2017


         (1 review)



    2. SF2 F-4B Phantom (Mytai) CVW-9 Skin/Decal Pak  

      SF2 F-4B Phantom (Mytai) CVW-9 Skin/Decal Pak                  12/24/2017
      = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) and/or SF2:V =
      *Can be used in any install that has access to the F-4B & F-4B_67, which is stock in all merged installs, excepting SF2:I (well, actually it's probably there as well!). The 1968 VF-92 & 96 skins are particularly designed for use in SF2:V, as they represent the squadrons during one of their Southeast Asia cruises*
      This package contains 3 revamped & updated skins, now for SF2, originally created by Mytai01 in 2005(ish) for SF1. This skins are:
      VF-96 Fighting Falcons (1964) embarked aboard USS RANGER
      VF-92 Silverkings (1968)
      VF-96 Fighting Falcons (1968), both embarked aboard USS ENTERPRISE during the Vietnam War
      All 3 skins are new builds, from Sundowner's excellent template. The skins are in jpg format. Almost all decals from the original Mytai pack have been reused, with some modifications on the Modex number decals.
      Decal randomization has been set to "TRUE". Included are the data and loadout inis for both aircraft, with some small changes in the loadouts. The data inis now incorporate manually operating (meaning: you, the player can now) wingfold and canopy operation. Both use the Standard Animations Keystrokes (tm), Shift/9 for wings and Shift/0 (zero) for the canopy. 
      Also included, is all of Mytai's original research material that came with the 1stGen Package. This inlcudes photos and other text files.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....


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    3. J-35OE Draken Austria

      Draken J-35OE Austrian Air Force.


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    4. KC-135 Skin Pack 1: Operation Desert Storm

      This skinpack adds in historical aircraft as used in Desert Storm for the A, E and R models KC-135. It is as close as possible with unit markings and features several nose arts.
      Skins and decals for KC-135A/E/R models
      Cockpit and ini edits to make player flyable

      you will need the original KC-135 pack available here
      download and install the above mod per its instructions
      unzip this mod, then install new mod folder categories to your mod folder (Aircraft to aircraft etc)
      allow overwrites
      fire up game, take off and go pass gas
          KNOWN ISSUES
      This was originally an AI only aircraft. I added Dels C-130 pit so that it was flyable and I could check my work. That said, it is best to not fly from the cockpit as the Hercules' window frames don't match with the Stratotanker's windows.
      As with most of my large aircraft mods, the skins are tga based. this means if you look for a Baby Shamu skin, you will only see a plain grey skin. When you fire it up in game, you will see a mix of ADC Grey and Baby Shamu.
      BPAO- original model
      Dave- head of/released original project
      dels- C-130 cockpit, used to make each aircraft player flyable
      daddyairplanes- research, 90% tgas, ini work, touch up skin work
      yakarov79- skin templates, some tgas (saved me a chunk of time photographing from a book so again thank you!)
      Testing Crew
      yakarov79, allenjb42, Eole

      Big Thanks to
      Plattsburgh Air Force Base - Plattsburgh NY Facebook Group
      Wurthsmith Air Museum
      Grissom Air Museum
       for their support with harder to find historical images to complete this project


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    5. SF2 A-6A Intruder, VA-95 Skin/Decals Pack 

      SF2 A-6A Intruder, VA-95 Skin/Decals Pack              2/6/2018
      = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) =
      *Can be used in any install that has access to the A-6A*
      A new skin for the 3W A-6A Intruder that depicts VA-95 "Green Lizards" during 1974-74 embarked aboard USS CORAL SEA during the Vietnam War.
      Almost all markings are decals (excepting squadron color flash on tail fin), most made new for this mod, and decal randomization is TRUE*.  All serial (BuAerNums) are 100% historical for the A-6A, but should be considered "generic" as they do not depict actual aircraft from this unit. Also, this is the very first CAG skin I've ever done (so be kind). 
      The aircraft is finished in the standard Grey/White scheme, with full color markings. The skin is in stock jpg format.
      On the Loadout Screen, for skin selection you'll see:
      VA-95 Green Lizards (73-74)
      As the Green Lizards are also a stock squadron, using this skin for campaigns should be a fairly easy edit.
      Please note, =NOTHING= is included that makes the aircraft flyable; no inis, cockpit parts, nothing . You should have made it flyable already or need to seek the "parts" on your own. Also, if you have made it flyable, and use the "Read Only" trick on the main ini (A-6A.ini), you'll have to un-read only it to add this skin.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... 
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


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    6. E-2C Hawkeye Late

      Here is the E-2C Hawkeye WITHOUT the lower white surfaces for all those who are looking for a late model E-2C.
      Again, enjoy,


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    7. SF2 A-4 Skyhawk "Southland Scooters" Skin/Decals Pack

      SF2 A-4 Skyhawk "Southland Scooters" Skin/Decals Pack              3/2/2018
      = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) =
      *Can be used in any install that has access to the A-4C_65 & A-4F*
      2 new skins for a couple of the stock 3W Skyhawks. These represent "local" A-4 units from
      Southern California; my home turf! :) They are either Reserve Squadron (VA-305) or a Service,
      Support, Training Unit (VC-7).
      Also included for the A-4F, are a modified Data and loadout inis, correcting/adding to the
      Mission tasking loadouts.  Several new parts are included that correct and add the missing outer
      Sidewinder rails. Both aircraft get the Player operated manual canopy, and landing light. 
      The skins included are for:
      VA-305 "Lobos" based at NAS (now JFB) Los Alamitos *-see notes-*
      VC-7 "Tallyhoers" (or Redtails) based at NAS Miramar

      Skins are brand new, from Nyghtfall's templates, and are in jpg format. Most markings are
      decals, excepting certain squadron tags on the tail fin & rudder (VC-7 and/or fuselage bands
      (VA-305).  These had to be painted on due to number-of-decals-per-mesh restrictions. All BuNums
      are historiclly correct for aircraft used by both squardrons; unfortunately, they could not all
      be matched to their corresponding Modex. On the Loadout screen's individual aircraft dropdown
      listing, those marked with a star (*) are matched.
      Also added, via Magical Ini Dancing (tm) are missile rails for the OUTBOARD pylons on the A-4F,
      as is correct for all 5-hardpointed Skyhawks. These are added via the loadout ini through
      various jiggery-pokery and at great expense. They are only used in the "Air-to-Air" tasking (and
      Recon), and will/do not effect any Strike, CAS, Auntie-Ship or other attack missions.
      These modification can also be added, using the same data ini edits, to all the A-4E and later
      models. With some luck, they will =NOT= interfere with any of the Skyhawks released by
      Nyghtfall. If in doubt, back up your original data and loadout inis before installing.
      The canopy uses the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/0.
      When on the Loadout screen, for skin/squadron selection, on the Dropdown menu you'll see
      VA-305 Lobos (NAS Los Alamitos 70/71)
      VC-7 Redtails (NAS Miramar 1973-80)
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read
      them .... Also, DO give the Notes section a read as well, for enlightenments, illuminations, and
      general ramblings. With MANY thanks to Nyghtfall for his invaluable assistance!!! :)
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


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    8. RF-101 Camo

      2 Skins for Erikgen's Superb RF-101 Voodoo.
      Please read the readme.


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    9. A-1H Skin Pack

      This is a rework of the available A-1H  Skyraider skins, the project started when I noticed there was a clipping issue on the original user made skins, after the stock aircraft had been made flyable etc. being an OCD sufferer I couldn't live with it, so I had to comb the DATA.INI of the aircraft to find the issue, which I never didi, probably one number out of place , or something of that nature. So I re did the whole data file, using a frankenstien of a couple of the available ones, mainly Wrench's , so worry ye not good campers, very little has been altered, so the A/C still operates as Wrench intended, just NO CLIPPING !!! ................YAY !! RESULT !! HAPPY BLOODY DANCE !! ......
      Anyhow, I then went on to re do all the skins, utilising the templates from bot Wrench, and Nyghtfall, so a mix and match of those as well, I hope you like and enjoy the results !!
      Included are 
      VA-52 ( two versions, one dirty one clean , the clean one has new decals for the squadron markings made by me )
      VA-65 (Early version )
      VA-65 ( USS Enterprise )
      VA-105 ( A really shiny pristine skin ) 
      VA-176 (USS Shangri La )
      VA-176 (USS Intrepid)
      the reworked data.ini to stop the clipping issue
      Decals ( of course....no use without 'em as I have altered theDECAL.INI of all the skins , 'cos I like to make trouble harharhar )
      All the Sounds needed
      Finally the weapons ie drop tanks and the bog bomb, and the Pilot I myself use for this aircraft, oh yes and all the screens, both in hi res, and lo res if you need lo res screens for any reason. 
      One final note, on the  VA-176 ( Intrepid ) skin, two of the aircraft have kill markings, I have put the entry to enable those in the DECAL.INI of that particular aircraft, however I have them disabled, as in reality the Bu Numbers of the skins and the Actual aircraft are not the same, and I couldnt be bothered to make the correct bu numbers for thos 2 particular aircraft, however if you do not have OCD, and you want the marking showing ( they are keyed to the correct nose numbers ) the just remove the hash marks in the DECAL.INI
      //FilenameFormat=A-1H/VA176a/D/kills    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THAT THERE !!! 
      Thats about it, please enjoy, and please leave feedback if you like...........................cheers !! 
      OH yes, I forgot one last thing, I have re-enabled the wingfold system, , yes , yes I know its not perfect, as it leaves the stores hanging in a weightless environment, but hey ho, if ya dont like it, eith re disable it or , simply ignore it !! so canopy opens with SHIFT-0 and the wingfold is SHIFT-9.


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    10. A-1H Skyraider USMC Pack

      This is another rework of the available A-1H  Skyraider skins, this time for USMC A-1's same details as the previous upload for the USN versions. 3 of which are generic USMC airframes, the bu numbers etc are also generic as not many A1's were in use with the Marines in Vietnam as most of the squadrons had re equipped with A4's by then.
      included are 
      VMA 212 generic
      VMA 225
      VMA 251 generic
      VMA 331
      VMA 333
      the reworked data.ini to stop the clipping issue
      All the Sounds needed
      Pilot ( a different one from the USN one )
      lo res screens if you need them
      as with the previous skins I have re-enabled the wingfold system,and the canopy so the usual shift-9 for the wings and shift-0 for the canopy
      Enjoy, fly safe, and give 'em hell.


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    11. F-4B Skin Pack 1

      *** F-4B Skin Pack 1
      This includes the following skins, for the following F-4B's:
      *** Install Instructions
      Copy the Objects directory into your MOD folder, letting it overwrite
      when prompted.
      Optional, but recommended:
      Install Sundowner's F-4B redux, so you'll have bump maps that match
      these skins
      *** Credits
      Sundowner's 2048x2048 templates where used.
      I used some of MiTai's tail decals.
      *** Legal
      Don't release any of this in PayWare!!!


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    12. A-1H VNAF

      Trâu nước điên
      VNAF A-1 Skyraiders
      Also known as "The Crazy Water Buffalo"
      Hi Rez skins 
      To be used on the stock 3W SF2 A-1H Skyraiders
      My next set and final set for the A-1H/J Skyraiders, is the one I  just KNOW you have been waiting for in breathles anticipation !! Oh you giddy young things !! Yes these are the VNAF versions of the Skyraider. 
      The contents are as follows :-
      83 SOG 
      514 FS
      516 FS
      518 FS
      The 514 skins are just a rework of KULBIT80's skin and decal set, I have just updated the skins , the other 3 Squadrons are all new decal sets, and reworked skins, 514's skins are overall grey, 516 & 518 are pretty much standard USAF 3 tone over grey schemes with the usual over the top Vietnamese markings, SOOOOO TACTICAL !! The lack of tail markings on the 516th airframes is correct they just didnt 'ave 'em so there !! I have done the 518th skins as slightly earlier ones so I could do the snazzy white super tactical and camo friendly cowling bands, I have put anti glare panels on these skins even though in reality they didnt have them, but I thought the looked a bit odd like that so anti glare are us deal with it !! harharharhar finally the 83 SOG scheme.....I mean WOW...Really !! hyper tactical or what !! they do look we snazzy though eh chaps !! these aircraft carried no national markings except for the fin flashes, I know the reasons elude me too . 
      Anyhow as with the previous skins I have done everything is all inclusive AT NO EXTRA CHARGE mind you !! 
      All the usual shout outs to all and sundry, youre all groovy froods and you rock !!
      Now what are you waiting for, get into your Spad and go kick some Commie bottom !!! and of course, as always ENJOY !!! 


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    13. Q-5 Fantan

      This is skin for Nanchang Q-5 Fantan,  
      I hope that I succeed to make an approximate correct look of green and white paint, none of this would be possible without the original templates from our friend yakarov79, a great credit goes to him, thank you.


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    14. SF2 F-86E Sabre, 144th FIS, Alaska ANG Skin Pack

      SF2 F-86E Sabre, 144th FIS, Alaska ANG Skin Pack       6/5/2019
      -For SF2, Any and All (Full Merged Reccomended)
      This is a complete revamp of a 1stGen Sabre skin by Dave "USAFMTL" Slavins from June, 2003. It is designed to be used on the SF2 KAW Sabres Pack, for the F-86E-10 available therein. The Sabres are to be found at the following URL:
      Also included is a new data ini, with updated hit and collision boxes, and some meshes now correctly named. Honestly, I'd never noticed they were 'way off' until Mue's LOD Viewer! Please note, that Crusader's fix-its have already been applied to THIS versions' data ini. A backup copy of the original (2013) data ini is supplied, so as to lessen End User (tm) workload, and provide a safety net 'just in case'.
      This skin repesents the 144th Fighter Interceptor Squadron of the Alaska Air National Guard from 1955 through 1957-ish, when their mission changed from Air Defense to Airlift.  The skin is in jpg format, and 26 all NEW decals have been created for it.  While the serial numbers are historically correct for the E model, they should beconsidered generic in nature as they don't actually repsent aircraft from this particular unit. Decal randomization is TRUE.
      On the skin selection menu, on the Loadout Page, you'll see:
      144th FIS AK ANG (1954-58)
      The SF2 "date switch" is NOT active on this skin. You'll have to select this skin for your flightmates by hand. However it is easily added by a simple text edit.
      As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. 

      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


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    15. SF2 C-54 Skymaster, Arctic Skins Pack

      SF2 C-54 Skymaster, Arctic Skins Pack       6/7/2019
      - For SF2, Full 5 Merged (Reccomended )
      This contains 2 new skins for Veltro2k's C-54 Skymaster. The aircraft itself can be found at the following url, for those that don't have it already:
      These are somewhat generic skins for those USAF units that flew in the high latatudes (Arctic & Antarctic) during the late 1940s through the mid-1950s. Both aircraft carry the nose and tail Military Air Transport Command (MATS) badges, correct for the time. 
      Both aircraft have the standard arctic red tail and wing easy ID markings.
      "Arctic 1" is in all Natural Metal finish. It is badged for MATS Altantic Division
      "Arctic 2" is in NMF with the post-1955 white anti-heat treatment on the upper cabin. It is badged for MATS Pacific Division. No specific units are represented.
      Both skins use a 'pool' of serial numbers and other markings. Serial numbers are generic in nature, but are for the correct model C-54.  Decal randomization is TRUE for both. The SF2 Date switch is =NOT= used on either skin, as this would mess up the standard switching from NMF to NMF/White on the other skins.
      When in game, on the Loadout Screen, in the skin selection window, you'll see:
      Arctic Red (1948-54)
      Arctic Red (1955<)
      This way, you should be able to select the proper skin for the time frame to be flown in.
      As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. 

      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (1 review)



    16. SF2 F-86A Sabre, 1st Fighter Group Skin Pack

      SF2 F-86A Sabre, 1st Fighter group Skin Pack       7/24/2019
      -For SF2, Any and All (Full Merged Recommended)
      This is a NEW skin pack for the F-86A Sabre. It is designed to be used on the F-86A-5 available from SF2 KAW Sabres Pack. The Sabre(s) are to be found at the following URL:
      **Be advised! These are for CONUS based Sabres ONLY!! Do =not= use this set within your KAW mods folder! You are advised to have the aircraft installed into another mods folder for proper year-span & theatre usage.**
      This skin set represents the 3 squadrons of the 1st Fighter Group in 1949 when they received the first operational F-86A Sabres at March AFB, and later based George AFB here in California. In the 1950s, the squadrons were dispersed across the US in the Air Defence role, but that's another story. 
      The squadrons are:
      94th FIS "Hat in the Ring"
      27th FIS "Fighting Eagles"
      71st FIS "The Ironmen"
      The skins are in jpg format, and each have 26 all NEW serial number decals.  On the number list for each squadron (individial aircraft serial) drop down, any serial marked with a star (*) has been positively identified as having served in that squadron. Those marked with a cross/plus sign, (+) have been identified as having been assigned to the 1st FG. Those without any markings are generic F-86A serials. It should be noted, due to a lack of a full squadron roster, some of the serials will be repeated across all three squadrons. This could not be helped. ALL markings are decals, expecially the squadron flashes on the fuselage. Other squadron markings, the tail bands, are painted on for each squadron.
      On the skin selection menu, on the Loadout Page, you'll see:
      94th FIS, 1st FG (49-54)
      27th FIS, 1st FG (49-54)
      71st FIS, 1st FG (49-54)
      As the game tends to order things by number in the aircraft main ini (F-86A.ini), you may want to edit them into the order shown above. The 94th was the first operational unit, followed by the 27th, and lastly the 71st.
      The SF2 "date switch" =IS= active on this skin. It will automatically be chosen as the default skin(s) from 1949. As these units were never deployed outside the Continental US, it is NOT reccomended they be used in your KAW install. 
      As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for the install instructions. For more information on the 1st FG, you are encouraged to look up it's long and distinguished history from World War 1 to the Present Day.
      As an added bonus, a one sheet "expliotation" comic-style jpg is enclosed in the main aircraft folder. It's from one of the Hollywood "newspapers" (read: tabloids) of the time. I stumbled across it, and now share it with you all!! 

      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (1 review)



    17. Lockheed F-80C Shooting Star - Export Workshop

      In the '50 several south american countries entered in jet age with the Shooting Star
      This huge skinpack portaits these airforces:
      - Brazil  (33 delivered starting in 1958, withdrawn from service in 1973)
      - Chile  (30 delivered from 1958 on, last ones retired from service in 1974)
      - Colombia  (16 delivered starting in 1958, retired by 1966)
      - Ecuador  (16 delivered between 1957 and 1960, six returned to the United States in 1965)
      - Peru   (16 delivered starting in 1958, the type was phased out in 1973)
      - Uruguay  (17 delivered, withdrawn from use in 1971)
      Why this little, quite heavy (see the FACh camo skin ...) effort?
      Because this is a fantastic, maybe underated, model made by great 3D master Erikgen and these exotic skins are pretty. (Aren't they?)
      WHAT'S IN:
      - 13 new skins
      - Historical Serial numbers
      - Brazilian Playcards ...
      - Enrico Gennari aka "EriKgen" plane model
      - Kenin Stein aka "Wrench" original FAC skin used as a base from my own house templates
      - Geary aka "Geary" for some layers I was able to extract from his temps I couldn't use due my old PS suite
      - You must have Erikgen F-80C installed
      - deliver all files inside "to mod folder" folder to your own mod folder (isn't it easy?)
      Carpe diem .... and fly higher and higher, please.


         (1 review)



    18. Armée de l'air F-84E/G Skinpack

      Armée de l'air had about 240 F-84G and 46 F-84E Thunderjets.
      F-84G served with 1-3-9-11 EC (Escadre Chasse) and 33 ETR
      (escadre de surveillance, de reconnaissance et d'attaque).
      F-84E served with 3 EC.
      What's In:
      - 23 + 3 new Skins
      - Historical decals
      - RussoUk F-84G model
      - Geary Hi Res templates
      - Mue Lodviewer (this mod'ld be not possible without it)
      - paulopanz skins & decals
      - References http://www.aeroprofils.com/article-1--nc-701-702-martinet.html
      A real wing tanks painting festival!
      I wish someone will build an early '50 Nato campaign using these (and other) brand new toys ...



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    19. Força Aérea Portuguesa F-84G Skinpack

      Força Aérea Portuguesa (FAP) operated 125 Republic F-84G from January 1953 until July 1974
      Overseas War:
      In 1961, the Portuguese Air Force sent 25 of their remaining F-84G to Angola.
      There they formed the Esquadra 93 (93rd Squadron), based at Luanda Air Base.
      From then on, the F-84s were engaged in the Angolan Theater of the Portuguese
      Overseas War, being mainly employed in air strike missions against the separatist
      guerrillas. The last F-84 were kept operational in Angola until 1974.
      What's In:
      - 3 new Skins
      - Historical decals
      - RussoUk F-84G model
      - Geary Hi Res templates
      - Mue Lodviewer (this mod'ld be not possible without it)
      - paulopanz skins & decals
      This for our friend Cocas, and maybe for an early Angolan scenario ...



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    20. RCAF C-119 Skin Pack

      To be used on SF2 C-119 Flying Boxcar by Wrench that can be found here :
      You will get the following CC-119 skins in this package :
      1953-1958 Scheme
      1958-1965 Scheme
      1965-1968 Scheme
      Copy the current pack objects/aircraft folder in your game C-119 aircraft folder.
      Copy the current pack objects/decals folder in your game C-119 decals folder.
      Copy the C-119.ini content to the game C-119 aircraft folder and change textureset number accordingly.
      RCAF serials and plane numbers are real one's.
      All those in the original ReadME:
      MontyCZ for the original aircraft and template set (and Soulfreak for finding the templates for me!!)
      also, Monty for the 63 & 64 TCS skins (albeit modified slightly by me!)
      the 7T USMC skin by Soulfreak The Man!!
      cockpit by Kesselbrut
      Wrench, for the reworking and assembling the package, skins decals, screens, and sweeping up
      Thirdwire for creating the Strike Fighters series.
      Those involved in the work of original aircraft.
      CanMilAir and LeadingEdge Decals for the references.
      Me for the new skins and decals :).
      Happy flights!
      Mario C.


         (1 review)



    21. Chipmunk T10 BRIXMIS skin and templates

      Brixmis Chipmunk T10 and templates
      This was a quick and dirty mod to provide templates for the rerelease of the de Havilland Chipmunk Trainer and a skin to represent the BRIXMIS recon mission.
      You will need the original aircraft available here
      otherwise, this should work in any version of SF2
      unzip main folder.
      Place objects folder in the objects folder of your chosen install.
      place templates folder wherever you need to, in order to create more skins. templates are available in xcf for Gimp users and psd for Photoshop users

      note: the patches layers are set to create a ribbed effect on the pertinent airfoils. they are set so that you should be able to use them with any other design

      BRIXMIS History
       The British Commander in Chiefs Mission or BRIXMIS for short was a mission that used the legal ability of a certain number of British servicemembers to roam the
      Soviet Zone of Occupation, generally known as East Germany. Reciprocity was enjoyed by the Soviets in the former British Zone of Occupation.
      The airborne component of BRIXMIS flew out of RAF Gatow in Berlin. An observer rode in the front and took pictures of Soviet military activities and equipment within
      a 20 mile radius of Berlin, flying under cover of "exercising the right to navigate within the flight corridors to and from Berlin".
      Serials provided are in pairs for each period of time operated, but in one overall skin
      WK303, WK587 from 1956-1966
      WP850, WP971 from 1966-1974
      WZ862, WD289 from 1974-1988
      WG466, WG486 from 1988-1990
          From the Original
      Big Al for the aircraft
      Bobrock for pilot figure (A-26)
      AvHistory for the engine sound
      Raven for the cockpit.
      Wrench for everything else.
      daddyairplanes: Brixmis Skin and decals, template created while making these
      paulopanz, Stratos: test subjects to make sure it worked elsewhere (no modders were harmed in the making of this template)
      Google image searches
      "Safety of Flight Not Garunteed" https://www.16va.be/vols_brixmis_part1_eng2.html
      originally read about in one of Key Publishing's aviation magazines
      i hope you all enjoy the skin and that the template is useful to anyone wishing to add in other users.
      Kevin Unruh
      aka daddyairplanes
      20 March 2020


         (1 review)

      1 comment


    22. Days of Thunder(streak)s Vol. 6 - AdA

      Armée de l'Air had about 240 F-84F Thunderstreak and served with 1-3-4-9-11 EC (Escadre Chasse) and 33 ETR. For use with the stock 3rd Wire F-84F.

      What's In:
      - 26 new Skins (new suez skinpack included)
      - Historical decals by squadron
      - Ludo Hi Res templates
      - Mue Lodviewer (this mod'ld be not possible without it)
      - Soulfreak original skinwork
      - paulopanz skins & decals (now with skins and SM files polished)
      - References: http://www.aeroprofils.com/article-1--nc-701-702-martinet.html
      I wish someone will build a '50 Nato campaign using these (and other) brand new toys ...



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      1 comment


    23. F-8H Phil Air Force skin

      F-8H Phil Air Force skin by Blade
      This skin depicts the F-8H Crusaders used by the Philippine Air Force in the 1980s. It can be used with the stock F-8H (69) Crusader.
      Installation: To use this skin you need SF2 Vietnam or the SF2 Complete Edition. Simply drop the attached 'Objects' folder in your SF2 mod folder. None of your files should be overwritten by this mod.
      Freeware use only.
      See downloaded file for more info on the F-8H in Philippine service.


         (1 review)



    24. SF2 F2H-2 Banshee, VMF-224 Skin Pack (v2k)

      SF2 F2H-2 Banshee, VMF-224 Skin Pack       10/2/2020
      -For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
      "Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods"
      This package contains an additional skin for the recently released F2H-2 Banshee by Veltro2K. It can be found at the following url:
      This skin, like the others, is in jpg format, and decal randomization is TRUE. 24 modex numbers have been supplied. It also uses the same pool of BuNum data plaque decals as the others.
      This skin represents the USMC squadron VMF-224 "Bengals" from 1949 thru 1952. Based at MCAS Cherry Point, North Carolina, and during their 1952 Med Cruise aboard USS FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT (CVA-42) in 1952.
      As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (1 review)



    25. F-4S VF-103 skins for The Mirage Factory F-4S

      SF2NA TMF F-4S VF-103 skin
      = Tested in SF2NA, Full-5 Merged and based on Sundowner great skin and template
      I've stared this skin in order to have the correct skin for the VF-103 last Phantom cruise aboard USS Forrestal to be used with the The Mirage Factory F-4S, of which we already have the VF-74 for the same cruise,to be used in the
      Northern Sabre (1982) campaign in the SF2NA expansion
      All the decals was done by me.
      To Install:
      As always ,all in the relative folders in your game(s)
      TMF and Sundowner for the F-4S and skins
      Dave for uploading both the F-4S and the Skin pack
      Me for the decals and the small improvements
      If I've forgot someone,please let me know please!

      Know issue:

      I tried to be the more historically precise as possible, but I've found only half squadron correct Bu.Nos/modexes; all the othe was of F-4S for which there aren't registered Squadron assignament for the 1982
      The Squadron correct Bu.Nos are identified by an asterisk
      Legal note:
      This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware addition.
      Gianni "RustyKurnass" Coniglio


         (1 review)




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