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    1. F-4E AUP Phantom II, HAF

      F-4E Phantom II AUP, Hellenic Air Force Mod
      A Stand-Alone aircraft for WoI (but usable in ALL versions of the game - read on!)
      This package will create a complete, 'nation specific' aircraft; the F-4E Phantom II AUP as used by the Hellenic Air Force. Right now, it uses the WoI avionics70.dll, and has a fully functional HUD, CCIP, multi-mode A-A radar, and a Ground Mapping radar. As you all should know by now, the GM radar ONLY works in WoI with the HUD and whatnot. This aircraft, however, IS still usable in SF/WoV/WoE, with a modified avionics ini, which I've supplied. Full instructions are in the "To Install" section below.
      This a completion of a pack started by Sundowner, and he supplied me with the Hi-Rez Ghost skin, and a bunch of inis, along with the Ghost Gray camo 370 & 600 gallon drop tanks -- you WILL be adding these, so get your Weapons Editor warmed up!!
      -- NOTE: these are HI-REZ skins; 2048x2048. For those with older, slower machines or those with smaller vid cards, you might want to resize the skin bmps down one step to 1024x1024. You =WILL= loose some detail, but it's a trade off you sometimes must make. --
      All I've basically done, is some ini tweeks for loadouts and some extreamly small changes. They ARE correct serials as issued to these Phantoms, but I cannot claim 100% historical accuracy as to which squadron had which number set.
      A new Hangar screen is included, based of Ant's original; it's WoI style one, even though I've left the SF/WoV/WoI style in, for when the Patch comes out for those other games, you can just use that one. It's called "woe_F4E_HAF_Hangar.bmp". So, you can choose, depending on your game, which to use.
      It is set up to use either of the weapons paks; the Bunyap Pak or Mirage Factory, or even NONE at all!!!
      Remember: this is designed for use in WoI =ONLY=, because at present, it's the only avionics70.dll that supports HUD/CCIP and Ground Mapping radars. It is probably usable in the others, but not with the WoI-style avionics ini. To that end, I've created an SF/WoV/WoE version, called -obviously- "woe_F4EAUP_AVIONICS.INI". See install instructions for further information. If used in anything OTHER than WoI, it is reccomened you use this modded ini, or run the risk odd game crashes.
      I'd like to thank Sundowner for trusting me to complete and release this package. Ant gets 98.6% of the credit; the remainder is mine! After all, he DID all the hard work with the skin; and I gotta tell ya, the detailing on it is superb; as we've come to expect.
      Make double-damm sure you read the enclosed readme -- it's there for your convience!!!
      Happy Hunting!!!
      Kevin Stein


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    2. Soko G-4 Super Galeb v1.1

      Soko G-4 Super Galeb by ID(io)Ts TEAM
      Soko G-4 Super Galeb is single-engined basic/advanced flying and armament trainer with light attack capability,powered by one DMB (Rolls-Royce/Bristol Siddeley) Viper Mk 632-46 turbojet .
      The aircraft was meant to be the advanced trainer for the former Yugoslav Air Force , substituing the elder Soko G2 "Galeb"in early 80's.The aircraft is usually compared with other planes of the
      same type like Bae Hawk,Alpha Jet , although it is smaller and lighter .
      It has never exceed the speed of 921 km/h at 11,000 m and maximum level speed "clean" 920 km/h at 6,000 m .Despites the nickname"Super Galeb", the aircraft is completely different from the elder Soko G2.
      The good aerodynamic qualities are obvious in many airshows proving a very friendly and easy control of the airframe, between -4.00 and +8.00 G ,besides the semplicity and the durability.
      The main armament of the aircraft is composed by rockets, bombs, cluster bombs, droptanks and the specific gun pod using Gsh-23 cannon.Some references talk about a special recon pod mounted, which permits at
      the aircraft to be used in recon missions.
      The G-4 saw many combat missions at the beginning of the Yugoslav wars, used like light-attacker. In total there were three Super Galebs shot down with pilots safely ejected.
      During the Kosovo War the G-4 was used in few combat missions attacking the KLA positions in Kosovo at treetop level without loss, proving the high qualities of resistance to light SAMs and ground fire.
      However, seven G-4 aircraft from the Lete?e Zvezde display team were destroyed in an underground tunnel at Golubovci Airbase, afer lasr guided bombing.
      In the early 1990s the G-4 was a contender in the Joint Primary Aircraft Training System program in the U.S and was highly praised by American test pilots who flew it.
      It lost the bid to the Raytheon/Pilatus entry, which became the T-6 Texan II.the only export order made for the aircraft was for six planes by Myanmar
      VERSION 1.1
      due to inconvenient issues about shadows, we revised the max source file and deleted the .shd file from the game.
      3D Source Designer = Luka Midic - fs98luka@yahoo.com
      Model modification to TW standards = aleks, Nghengo and Spillone104
      Mapping and textures = aleks
      INI files, sounds and testing = Spillone104
      Thirdwire = for the cockpit of A-4 Skyhawk (not included)
      Aleducat = for the splendid Martin-Baker MK10 seat
      special thanks to: = Gunnar88 and to the Serbian Cace community that patiently expected so long from us to fix this wonderful birdie :)
      this add-on is a freeware and we are glad to present a new airplane for those who seek or make scenarios for Thirdwire Sims.....we hope you'll like it!


         (8 reviews)



    3. F-104G Starfighter by 3rdwire for SF/WO*

      This is the default model of the F-104G Starfighter model by Thirdwire for SFG added as setup/installer by BUFF for WOV & WOE Oct 2008 Update. I am uploading the compressed version for those who want to install this addon manually. I take no credit in creating/modifying this addon.


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    4. La-11_dohar

      LA-11 DOHAR
      This a fictional aircraft representing a La-11 flying for the Republic of Dohar so keed that in mind wend flying it ok
      The original aircraft model FM ´s and skin was made by Rob "Bunyap" McCray
      So all credit goes to him for the model.etc
      RS-82 I don’t know who made it for this mod but all due credit goes to him, I have taken it from Wrench WW2 weapons pack the ini data to.
      I have only made the following changes: edit the DATA.INI to add ground weapons and weapons pylon to the aircraft using FastCargo FakePilot method so all credit for Fakepilot model and method goes to him I also made the Dohar skin that comes whit the pack using Bunyap templates change the rocket fire angle now the rockets go to lower half of the piper whit the UV´s bottom of piper whit RS-82; made the necessary loadout changes for the new role of this aircraft.
      updated the read me whil all due creditis
      decals wre made by whitenight06604
      include a nations.ini whit the Sharnak Dohar entrys
      thats wall


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    5. F-4S_Beta.7z

      Here is an F-4S Phantom II with only 2 skins. I have in my personal stash version more skins, but I need to finish tweaking.
      The completed version will have more skins and I'll include weps and sound files, pilots etc.  If no pilot shows up when u try this one you'll have to edit the 'data' file and change the pilot with one you have.
      I just realized I neglected to change the sound settings in the data file...so i enclosed my j79.wav files.
      Be careful not to overwrite what you don't want to loose, so I'd unzip it to somwplace like C:\Temp...the copying to the right folders.


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    6. [Fictional] Dhimari RF-101C Voodoo

      McDonnell RF-101C Voodoo for Strike Fighters 1
      This is a very simple mod of ErikGen's superb RF-101C to give a fictional RF-101C in service with the 20th Recon Flight of the Dhimari Air Force.

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the RF-101Cdh folder into your Aircraft folder.
      That's it! Any existing RF-101C's you may have are completely unaffected by this mod.

      Thanks to ErikGen for giving the Voodoo to the SF community. It's 'Hall of Fame' stuff!
      Thanks to TK for a great little game/sim.
      And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 1 - 16/04/18


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    7. F-4S_VF-151_VF-161.rar

      This rar includes 2 planes with 3 skins each.
      The 'modded' skins are just betaZ as am not a good aircraft skinner.
      The original skins are from various sites and don't have details any longer.
      Cockpit..: Streak Eagle's High Resolution F-4J Cockpit Version 1
      Please contact me for further information as required.
      I fly these planes off Gramps/capun/Virtual Navy Team 'CV-43' I renamed as CV-41. The F-4S 'VF-151 & VF-161' Fantoms flew off the Midway for a number of deployments.
      See: www.navysite.de/cvn/cv41 for further information.
      Unzip the files to a temp folder, place in Strike Fighters/objects/aircraft and go fly.


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    8. Spanish Air Force F-104G

      Spanish country specific aircraft for SFP1/WoV/WoE, repaint from Stock files by Thirdwire.
      Starfighters arrive to Spain in 1965 as a part of the USA international help. Starfighters was first modern Mach 2 fighter in Spain, as Sabres were first line air defense. Only arrived 18 aircraft to Spain, plus 3 twoseaters. Serials for all that 18 aircraft are included. Starfighter served for 7 years only, when was transferred to others Air Forces. Then were replaced by F-4C´s (also uploaded my Spanish F-4C). Spanish were the only Starfighters operated in the world that never had any accident during its career.
      By Ala13_ManOWar.


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    9. Korean War RF-51D Photo-Recon

      Korean War RF-51D for SF1
      For those of us that still fly SF1, who still enjoy the old Korean War mod and who don't have this photo-recon plane.
      (Those round black circular things on the left mid/tail section of the plane are supposed to be there. They are the cameras and they are placed in the generally correct areas.)
      (This should work fine in SF2. But Wrench has an SF2 RF-51D for Korea in the download section for those that want one for SF2.)
      Credit and Thanks to:
      Wolf257 - for the P-51D model.
      Diego - for the Korean War era pilot.
      ErikGen - for the F-80 seat.
      Wrench - for the decals and the original skin I adapted/repainted from his SF2 RF-51D.
      ? - for the P-51 108 gallon drop tank. (Sorry, I don't know who created this but I think it came in an old weapons pack.)
      ? - I don't know who created the updated cockpit for this model/.lod but God Bless you.
      * - The many who created skins, mods, etc for Wolf257's P-51D that I've borrowed from or was inspired by.
      Geary - for the new lines, rivets, paint, cameras, new drop tank skin, etc...
      If I forget or miss anyone who deserves credit for anything I release, I apologize. I have no intent to abuse or misuse anyone's work or property or claim it as my own. Please contact me to correct any error.
      INSTALLATION: Unzip to a folder/place of your choice. Copy, Move, Drag-n-Drop or do whatever you wish to get the folders into their corresponding folders in your Korean War install. If you don't already have the weapon information in your weapondata.ini file, add it. Run the SF1 Weapons Editor. Fly.
      I'm releasing this under the Combat Ace Fair Use Agreement. Use it anyway you wish for personal use but please give credit to those due it.
      If you find any problems with it, please PM me. If you improve it, please PM me a copy.



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    10. Iraq SuperEtendard Skin Pack (multiple skins)

      This is a pack of skins for Super Etendard , I tried to recreate the almost unknown skin Supertendard who fought in the lran - Iraq war . It's almost impossible to get documentation from the 5 aircraft that France provided Iraq during the 80s . Knowing that the numerals were from 7445-7449 . Two of these aircraft were shot down in a fight . Had few raids getting some targets oil tankers crossing the gulf.
      I created these skins based on the only color photo I found on the net, but also created 8 skins with possible colors that might have these aircraft. I created the numerals from the real and completing a total of 15 numerals of which 10 are fictitious , and is just not to get problems in the simulator. Just choose the color you like and put it in the "Irak" folder. There is also a skin color in each folder with a Red Intake skin if you want to use as well . Fuel tanks go up in the next update , because the color reflection gave me trouble to let them equal to each skin. Good vuelo.Ariell . -
      Este es un pack de pieles para Superetendard, he tratado de recrear la casi desconocida piel de los Supertendard que combatieron en la guerra de lran-Iraq. Es casi imposible conseguir documentación de los 5 aviones que Francia proveyó a Irak durante los 80s. Si se sabe que los numerales eran desde 7445 a 7449. Dos de estos aviones fueron derribados en pelea. Tuvieron pocas incursiones obteniendo algunos objetivos sobre buques petroleros que cruzaban el golfo.
      Yo he creado estas pieles en base a la única foto en color que encontre en la red, pero también creé 8 pieles mas con los colores posibles que pudieron tener estos aviones. He creado los numerales desde los reales y completando un total de 15 numerales de los cuales 10 son ficticios, y es solo para no obtener problemas en el simulador. Solo escoja el color que le guste y pongalo en la carpeta "Irak". También hay un skin en cada carpeta de color con una piel Red Intake por si desea usarlo así. Los tanques de combustible los subiré en proxima update, por que la reflexion del color me dio problemas para dejarlos iguales a cada piel. Buen vuelo.Ariell.-


         (4 reviews)



    11. TU-126Moss_AWACS

      1.After unziping the mod archive first copy the TU-126 folder into:
      *\Objects\Aicraft\ folder.
      2.Then copy the content of the fake_pylon folder,except the text file into:
      *\Objects\Weapons\ folder.
      3.Add the content of weapons.txt file to the weapondata.ini file.
      4.Then start the Weapon Editor Application (WeaponEditor.exe), and load the weapondata.ini file and SAVE ! It's
      5.Keep in mind that this plane uses a LARGE runaway, alright ?, so any terrain which DOESN'T have at least one LARGE
      runaway for the ENEMY (just check the targets.ini file for airfields and runaways to be sure) it will crash the game.
      It took me a while to realize that but finally i did and I updated the readme for letting you all know that as well.
      For the time being, Madagascar terrain and Vietnam map don't have , for ENEMY, a large runaway. (In my personal setup I
      added one for each to be able to play there,too)
      6.If you have a favorite jet you wanna accompany you and you need fuel tanks for it, just replace the default MIG-29
      fuel tank setting on the fake pylon declaration with the one you desire.

      The modded AWACS has air-to-air/air-to-ground radar (360 degrees and 200 miles radius for BOTH!) and target lock
      features.It can see and lock to a target which is 200nm ahead. This way you can surveillance a whole area and lots of
      enemy planes keeping an eye on any buggy which winds up too close to you. It also has ECM measures, missiles decoys
      (chaff & flares) and RWR capabilities so you will know if enemy has a lock on you or a radar guided missile is on its
      way to you.
      Now start the game and select, in SINGLE PLAYER, TU-126Moss plane. DON'T load weapons for YOUR plane (the AWACS),
      instead, from the roster, add two (or five) more aircraft. Leave first to be the TU-126Moss. The next ones made them
      "escort fighters", for instance choose two MIG-25/29/31 etc. Remember, for the sake of realism you can choose just
      soviet planes ONLY, for others , no ammo and missiles will be available. After selecting some fighters load them in the
      same menu with ammo and missile and just start the flight. In this scenario the wing will behave like a bomber wing,
      not like a usual fighter one, so you, with the AWACS you'll be in the center and other two fighters will be on your
      right and on your left. Other additional 3 (if you chose 5 escort planes) will go behind in a wall formation. You have
      air-air radar and you can see & lock planes which are 200nm ahead! After locking a fighter for example, if that fighter
      goes into your path and you have just 30km to it, send first two wingmen to intercept. First two plane will behave like
      your wingman in fighter missions, you can give them command "attack my target" so it's important to lock on an enemy
      plane first,obviously. If the events heat up you can order the next three fighter from the escort (if you chose 5 in
      total) to move in. Just give them the command "Engage Air" and if enemy fighters are near they will engage them as
      well. So basically you can have two planes behaving like a single wingman and other three that will engage in the area
      if enemy planes are near.
      As a variation you can mix fighter and fighter/bomber planes in your escort and this way you can deal with ground
      threats, too. Are you nearby an enemy airbase and a SAM lock sound bothers you or an anti-air gun looks funny at you?
      Just search it with the "HOME" key, no matter how far/close it is and send some planes from your escort, which have
      antiradiation missiles (or other Air-to-surface ordnance) to take care of the problem.
      -The mod was tested on SF1 WOI but it should work fine in other SF1 games (WOV, WOE etc).
      I used the Veltro2k's E-767 avionics (AWACS 360 degrees radar this time!) and his famous TU-126Moss model which I found
      it here on the download section long ago, Pasko's Tu-16T cockpit and fake pylons. My only merit is that I just had the
      idea of transforming all these into an AWACS SINGLEPLAYER mode and that I tweaked it and put all together to make it
      work. Logan4 also contributed helping me to make the fuel indicator work (many thanks friend for that!).
      -This mode is free of charge and can not be sold by anyone. Feel free to use this mode in your future project without
      asking permission, just don't forget to add me to the credits list.


         (3 reviews)



    12. A-50_Mainstay_AWACS

      1.After unziping the mod archive first copy the A-50 folder into:
      *\Objects\Aicraft\ folder.
      2.Then copy the content of the fake_pylon folder,except the text file into:
      *\Objects\Weapons\ folder.
      3.Add the content of weapons.txt file to the weapondata.ini file.
      4.Then start the Weapon Editor Application (WeaponEditor.exe), and load the weapondata.ini file and SAVE ! It's important.
      5.Keep in mind that this plane uses a LARGE runaway, alright ?, so any terrain which DOESN'T have at least one LARGE runaway for the ENEMY (just check the targets.ini file for airfields and runaways to be sure) it will crash the game. It took me a while to realize that but finally i did and I updated the readme for letting you all know that as well. For the time being, Madagascar terrain and Vietnam map don't have , for ENEMY, a large runaway. (In my personal setup I added one for each to be able to play there,too)
      6.If you have a favorite jet you wanna accompany you and you need fuel tanks for it, just replace the default MIG-29 fuel tank setting on the fake pylon declaration with the one you desire.
      The modded AWACS has air-to-air/air-to-ground radar (360 degrees and 200 miles radius for BOTH!) and target lock features.It can see and lock to a target which is 200nm ahead. This way you can surveillance a whole area and lots of enemy planes keeping an eye on any buggy which winds up too close to you. It also has ECM measures, missiles decoys (chaff & flares) and RWR capabilities so you will know if enemy has a lock on you or a radar guided missile is on its way to you.
      Now start the game and select, in SINGLE PLAYER, A-50 plane. DON'T load weapons for YOUR plane (the AWACS), instead, from the roster, add two (or five) more aircraft. Leave first to be the A-50. The next ones made them "escort fighters", for instance choose two MIG-25/29/31 etc. Remember, for the sake of realism you can choose just soviet planes ONLY, for others , no ammo and missiles will be available. After selecting some fighters load them in the same menu with ammo and missile and just start the flight. In this scenario the wing will behave like a bomber wing, not like a usual fighter one, so you, with the AWACS you'll be in the center and other two fighters will be on your right and on your left. Other additional 3 (if you chose 5 escort planes) will go behind in a wall formation. You have air-air radar and you can see & lock planes which are 200nm ahead! After locking a fighter for example, if that fighter goes into your path and you have just 30km to it, send first two wingmen to intercept. First two plane will behave like your wingman in fighter missions, you can give them command "attack my target" so it's important to lock on an enemy plane first,obviously. If the events heat up you can order the next three fighter from the escort (if you chose 5 in total) to move in. Just give them the command "Engage Air" and if enemy fighters are near they will engage them as well. So basically you can have two planes behaving like a single wingman and other three that will engage in the area if enemy planes are near.
      As a variation you can mix fighter and fighter/bomber planes in your escort and this way you can deal with ground threats, too. Are you nearby an enemy airbase and a SAM lock sound bothers you or an anti-air gun looks funny at you? Just search it with the "HOME" key, no matter how far/close it is and send some planes from your escort, which have antiradiation missiles (or other Air-to-surface ordnance) to take care of the problem.
      -The mod was tested on SF1 WOI but it should work fine in other SF1 games (WOV, WOE etc).
      I used the Veltro2k's E-767 avionics (AWACS 360 degrees radar this time!) and his famous A-50 Mainstay model which I found it here on the download section long ago, Pasko's Tu-16T cockpit and fake pylons. My only merit is that I just had the idea of transforming all these into an AWACS SINGLEPLAYER mode and that I tweaked it and put all together to make it work. Logan4 also contributed helping me to make the fuel indicator work (many thanks friend for that!).
      -This mode is free of charge and can not be sold by anyone. Feel free to use this mode in your future project without asking permission, just don't forget to add me to the credits list.


         (3 reviews)



    13. F9F-5 Panther

      The Grumman F9F Panther was the first truly successful jet fighter to enter US Navy service. It formed the backbone of carrier air wings from the late 1940s to the mid 1950s.


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    14. F9F-5P Addon

      The F9F-5P was the mainstay of US Navy Photo-Reconnaissance squadrons in the mid-1950s, eventually being replaced by the swept-wing Cougar.


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    15. Lightning Fmk6

      English Electric Lightning Fmk6 by RussoUK


         (2 reviews)



    16. OV10D_v1.rar

      This is the first release of the OV10-D Bronco
      Full acknowledgment to Tim "PIGLET" Conrad for his original model and for allowing me to convert it to WOE
      Just UNRAR the contents to you objectsaircraft directory under Wings over Europe


         (7 reviews)



    17. OV-10A Bronco V1.0

      OV-10A Bronco V1.0
      Updated - Removed exhausted from engines, added shell casing being ejected from the ejection ports. Added skins by JSF Aggie.
      Model by Fracture (WHERE ARE YOU MAN?)
      Skins by as follows:
      Skin templates by Sundowner and JSF Aggie
      USAFcamo1, USMCCamo1, USMCCamo2, USMCCamo3 by JSF Aggie
      VAL-4, Marine, 20th TASS by USAFMTL
      Marine2 skin by Pappychecksix
      Marine3 skin by Killerbee
      Engine sound by USAFMTL
      FM and Data Edits:
      Data.ini tweaks by Killerbee, Fubar512 and Moonjumper
      FM by Wolf257 (It's no longer a UFO)
      Droptanks by Bunyap (Thank you for last minute work)
      AH-1W Pit by Kesslebrut
      Hanger and Loading Screens by Kout
      OV-10 Pilots by Diego
      This package is considered the intellectual property of those that contributed to the project, and whose names are mentioned in this document. The contributors prohibit uploading or linking to/from any sites other than www.Combatace.com or http://www.Column5.us. All rights reserved.
      -This read me must accompany any authorized modifications.


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    18. SAAB J32B ......"B" for BETA!

      J32B Lansen interceptor BETA, based on A32A model by Timmy.
      For classic olde style StrikeFighters Series 1.
      Good A32/J32 resources here...
      Canit, deep stuff on all SAABs ~> http://www.canit.se/%7Egriffon/aviation/
      Vectorsite SAABs ~> http://www.vectorsite.net/avsaab.html
      A32A 3D model by Timmy.
      Skins by Timmy. Cammo 2048 and smaller cammo 512 version included. Metal silver at 512 only.
      Uses Thirdwire F-4B cockpit for now.
      I (Lexx) don't have time to research the attack version (A32A) loadouts, so this is somewhat simpler interceptor (J32B) beta for us to start with.
      OUT file included. If time permits, Timmy may work on dedicated J32B 3D model with slight differences.
      Timmy says: Model and Template are available for those wanting to work with them.
      4 30mm Aden
      4 Rb24 Swedish Sidewinders
      Basic setup for 12 Swedish 18cm-m49 air-ground rockets but this is just an example use of Timmy's great pylons. Timmy made this as A32 so we have 12 pylons here if they are used (invisible if not).
      Conformal nonjettisonable belly tank.
      Swedish rockets 18cm-m49 *and* 15cm-m51 are in Olde SF Weapon Pac, along with Rb24. Thanks to who made those.
      DECALS:: I placed the basic national insignia decals over Timmy's painted skin insignias. You choose which method to use. I still don't know how SF uses unit numbers, since my personal campaign can't use the Thirdwire dynamic campaign generator and I'll eventually need to program my own. So, no decal numbers nor units for now.
      Beta flight model is derived from Hunter/F-86D and basically tweaked to J32B. Climbs too fast, a bit too high Mach -- 0.96 vs 0.91 level Hi. Decreasing lift/drag might help this. Beta avionics is F-4E but basic radar performance (not display) tweaked towards J32B levels. Shortest selectable track range is 1km to allow good radar gunnery approach.
      Everybody is encouraged to work the flight model and avionics I ran out of time for. Air-air rocket pods don't work in the sim for AI planes, and the fix Wrench and I worked on does not fire too well under AI control. So no interceptor rocket pods here for now. Maybe we can eventually figure something out, as I'd like to have air-air rckt pods for this and PVO interceptors like MiG-15 and things like that.
      I am staying with Olde SF and not upgrading yet -- if ever -- so the FM/Avionics are rough but workable and it will be some time before I get round to deeply learning FM and AVIONICS design for the practical goal of building and comparison testing all files for all SAC/NAVY/RAF/Swedish and PVO aircraft needed for my own strategic campaign between 1947-1971, and making them compatible with the game AI programming in this role.
      RWR is F-4E but it won't show in F-4B cockpit.
      Go Tweak!


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    19. GMG RF-84F Thunderflash (V1.0)

      RF-84F Thunderflash by the German Modder Group
      original 3d Model for MSCFS 2: Michael Davies & Alphasim (yes, we´ve got the OK from them) <- a "BIG FAT" Thanks
      3d conversation into the TK-Series & Animations: Amokfloo
      Cockpit: Zurawski (Zurtechs F-86 Cockpit)
      *.ini works: Amokfloo & Soulfreak
      damage textures: Amokfloo
      painting Screens: Soulfreak
      painting Skins: Soulfreak
      Support with the painting (lines & cockpit): ravenclaw_007
      Martin Baker MK5 ejection Seat: ravenclaw_007
      it was only tested in WoE.
      The release falls not under the "freewre-agreement" here @ combatace.
      if someone want to release a mod, he (or she) had to ask the GMG.
      Temps are up too.
      i´m sorry about this, but we had too much trouble before release.
      On this point there is no discussion.
      For Install-instructions and all other Informations, you have to read the readme!!!!
      German Modder Group


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    20. F-4F Package

      German F-4F package by USAFMTL, Crab_02, Column5 and Stryker_02
      Updated 3d Model by bunyap


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    21. RF-4E Pack for SF1 vers1.01

      RF-4E Pack for SF1 (tested with patch oct.2008)
      included are =
      RF-4E GAF early - with early GAF cockpit
      RF-4E GAF late - with late GAF cockpit
      RF-4E HAF slatted Wing - with early HAF cockpit
      RF-4E HAF ex german - with HAF midterm cockpit
      RF-4E IAF - with modified early cockpit
      RF-4E IRIAF - with early GAF cockpit
      RF-4EJ - with modified early cockpit
      RF-4E TuAF - with late GAF cockpit
      vers1.01 correct the error with some RF-4E_GAF_Late and RF-4E_HAF skins / sorry for that
      Credit =
      original model by - TW / Bpao / Crab02
      original Templates by - Sundowner
      Hangar Screens by - Soulfreak
      Pilot Template by - old Diego
      ALE-38 by - TMF
      3D work , Skins , weapon´s and cockpit´s by - ravenclaw_007
      testet by - GMG , Derk , pureblue , paulopanz
      special thanks to - Crusader , Amokfloo
      i hope i did not forget anybody
      have fun


         (4 reviews)

      1 comment



      F5E-TIGER III Plus
      Programa de modernización del F5E comprado por chile en los 70´, llevados al estandar Tiger III y luego en los 90´ al estandar Tiger III Plus, aviónica mejorada, pantallas MFD, para información del piloto, radar multimodo ELTA M/2032 y sistemas de contramedidas chaff y bengalas ,y ECM A401.
      F5E modernization program purchased by chile in 70' , taken to the standard Tiger III and then in the 90's to the standard Tiger III Plus , improved avionics , MFD screens for driver information , multimode radar ELTA M / 2032 and systems countermeasures chaff and flares , and ECM A401 .
      Permisos otorgados por Tom Venom TMF.


         (5 reviews)



    23. F-4B (Early) VF-74 Be-devilers v1.2

      The VF-74 Be-delivers at NAS Oceana became the first deployable Phantom squadron when it received its F4H-1s (F-4Bs) on 8 July 1961.This add-on is based on the stock F-4B and represents an early F-4B of VF-74, with:
      - New,Hi-res cockpit
      - Fletcher fuel tanks
      - Early J79GE-8 Engines
      - Typical early F-4Bs weapons options
      - And a few other details, you 'll see...
      Changes of v1.01:
      - Hangar screen is ok now
      - Corrected Loadouts
      You need to download the Fletcher Fuel Tanks from here:
      NOTE:As I am informed, it has been impossible to remove the sidewinder racks, so we have to live with them
      Changes of v1.2:
      - New correct Hi-Res skin by Sundowner
      - New Hangar and Loading Screens
      The real credits should go to:
      - mppd
      - Streak Eagle
      - Batman1978
      - Spillone
      - Sundowner
      Also thanks to ravenclaw_007 for his feedback.
      IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a freeware!


         (1 review)

      1 comment


    24. AU-1 Corsair

      *** Original SFP1 version, released March 3, 2006 ***

      | |
      | Vought AU-1 Corsair |
      | |
      The Mirage Factory and Olivier ANGUILLE (BPAo) present :
      The AU-1 Corsair
      Le Modéle SFP1

      3D : BPAo
      Textures : Sundowner
      FM : Kreelin
      Sound : Kreelin
      3D & Textures : KesselBrut (based on Wolf cockpit)
      Pilote texture : Bosco Hsuean
      3D : Crab_02
      Textures : Crab_02
      Equipe de Test
      Manetsim, Gaston, Sony Tuckson, Actarus, Column5, DamWaar, _Thomas_, Camouflage, Obelix
      Weapons add
      the best way is use the WeaponPack.
      if you can't wait, use last weapon editor from ThirdWire and import
      F4u_Weapondata.ini (you can found this file in weapons directory)
      in your weapondata.ini.



         (2 reviews)



    25. A-6F Intruder 2

      this is an what if of an modernized version of the A-6F Intruder 2, based on the A-6E TRAM by Monty CZ, Dave(USAFMTL) and wpnssgt. Due to the curruption of the original file, i decided to just post the INI edits instead. This will work for the A-6E TRAM found on combat ace. and its made to show a somewhat modernized A-6F, with F414 GE400s instead of F404s and dual LAU-105s instead of a the two extra racks in the original A-6F design. everything else is the same, except for a newer radar and search,track and boresight capabilities. I plan to update the loudout lter...but for now, this is just the ini edits. to make this work...you'll have to have the A-6E TRAM by Dave(USAFMTL) and wpnssgt from column5 http://www.column5.us/cgi-bin/counters/uni...ft/A-6E_TRAM.7z
      or from combatace http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1373
      to install. unzip and post into the aircraft directory. download the A-6E tram or if you have it already, open it and copy the LOD files, skins, and TGA files from the main directory into the A-6F folder and it should show up in the aircraft directory when you load WOE or WOV. Ive inclueded a the original cockpit file with a few edits *i merged the F-16 and 18's cockpit files into this one while i was tring to update the older A-6E cockpit but nothing worked...and i also renamed some files to show in the A-6e cockpit but most have been returned to normal. So i might have to re edit the cockpit.ini file if something goes screwy with the plane.
      also make sure you have the latest weapons updates and edits to be on the safe side, incase something doesnt show. hope you all like it.
      All credit goes to Dave(USAFMTL) and wpnssgt for creating the A-6E TRAM. thanks for making such a nice plane


         (2 reviews)



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