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MiG-31B(BS) & update for MiG-31

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MiG-31B(BS) Mig-31 update


Model & skin- Veltro2K


Sound by Spillone104


Cockpit by Erwin_Hans (F-8IIM-Early-96 cockpit) [repainted in blue color for Hystorical accuracy]


Radar Screen by Veltro2K


changes between MiG-31B(1990) & Mig-31(1981):


- New powerful R-33S missile


- 4 wing pylons for R-40TD, R-60M


- Refueling capable (new B only)


- New Zaslon-A Radar


I re-calculated Engine tables. some other values changed.


Use F-8IIM early cockpit like very compatible (see photos ), it can alse used for MiG-31 & Mig-31B(BS)


Updated ini & cockpit for MiG-31 are included, added R-40 pod. This items needs for using R-40 missiles on MiG-31, will replace R-33 number 2, in this cause.


MiG-31 have only 2 wing pylons for weapons (2 R-40TD or 4 R-60), outer wing pylons only for FT. (Source: MiG site)


Mig-31BS is MiG-31 updated to MIG-31B standart. All russian MIG-31 updated to MiG-31B standart in 1990-1999. Difference between B & BS is refueling option.


About weapons: plane used PTB-2500 ft, R-33S from my weapons pack, but i include updated ini for this + R-33S ini. To many R-33 versions exist in CA site, include one of this, sorry i forget who is autor, so sorry for this. I include my weapons in this pack. Alternative Russian A-A missiles ini included. (added more variants R-73, R-60,R-27 Export only & non export for expl & some others)


Export Only versions (Reducted accuracy)


- R-27R1


- R-27T1


- R-73E


- R-73ME


- R-60K


- R-60MK


Internal use versions (For USSR/Russia & WP) R-27R, R-27T, R-73, R-73M, R-73M2, R-74, R-60, R-60M


P.S. MIG-31M & BM data.ini small fix (detect section)


must be:





Reference Name=S-800Zaslon-M







Reference Name=S-800Zaslon-BM




in otherwise Wingman can't launch AHM's

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