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Operation Enduring Freedom

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I am glad to welcome and introduce Operation Enduring Freedom. This is not only a community for gamers and civilians alike, but also a community for military personnel. We are out to bring you best articles, news, information, and updates for your favorite games such as America's Army, Battlefield, and others. If your looking for new members for you favorite online gaming squad, stop by our recruiting section and post your information. Our forums are public and free for anyone to come and view.


From the Army to the Coast Guards, we bring you news and information on every subject. View the latest headlines and information about our troops. At OEF we ensure that everyone will enjoy their time at our community. Not only will you learn about present-day news, but you will also learn the history of the military. Learn about those who served and fought for their country, and share your personal experiences with the community.


We currently have job openings for those who are intrested in helping out the community. We are currently looking for article writers and reporters. For further information or questions, please email jobs@oefgaming.us.


View our reviews on the latest military games, movies, and events. Be part of something more than just a community. At OEF we believe everyone is family and will treat the community as so. We will do our absolute hardest to make sure you get the news you want to hear. Private US Military forums have also been setup for military personnel to discuss things privately amongst others. Head over the one of the finest communities out there today and be part of our growing family. We will be sure you receive the latest updates and news as they occur. In the meanwhile, visit our forums and enjoy your stay with the nation's finest.


Join the community today, http://oefgaming.us



OEF Staff

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Man I am glad you posted this been looking for something like this for awhile.

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