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DBS 1972 Campaign

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DBS 1972 Campaign

This is a campaign created for MajorLee's Danger! Bering Straits terrain, for Strike Fighters, Project 1.


In summary, this campaign is the Soviet Union versus the United States and the United Kingdom. The Soviet's goal is to capture and control St. Lawrence Island. The United State's goal is to repel the attack, and defend the island.


What's Included:


- DBS Campaign Files

- Modified DBS .ini files, including several new target areas

- Custom Mainscreen and several Campaign Screens

- DBS themed Hangar Screens for all flyable aircraft

- Modified loadout.ini's for most aircraft

- Gear & Carrier fixes for the A-7D, A-7E, Su-15F, and Su-17

- 16 Aircraft Skins:

- A-6A (x1)

- A-7D (x2)

- A-7E (x3)

- B-52D (x1)

- F-4D (x3)

- F-4E (x4)

- F-105G (x2)


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Quick mission work perfectly but problem in playing campign. plz help ASAP.

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