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Anyone Here Have FSX Graphics Issues?

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One I get to the pit all I get is a flashing screen. I can hear it just fine but the screen flashes and flashes. Any ideas?

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Hi gentlemen. New here, always ment to register, but can't remember if I ever did or not..


To answer your question, try turning off the Tool Tips. I had that problem too, and that fixed it.

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Hey Dave....

Just got over a similar situation myself. In my case I had to run some of the "traffic" sliders back to the left a bit. It was having display issues in the viewer before you take off ,and then in the Cockpit I could hear sounds but no vid.


You didn't mention your system specs. but FYI I'm running FSX SP1 under Aug. 07 DX, XP Pro SP2, ATI 1900XTX w/ Cat 7.9's 2X AA and 16X AF through ATI tool on an Nvidia 570 board with an AMD 5600+ and 2 gigs of Patriot DDR 6400.


Like I said,I bumped up the traffic to 30% from 20% across the board and my results were exactly the same as I've just described. If there's any testing or help I can give ya just send a com my way and I'd be glad to help.

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