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1982 war video question

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Anybody have some idea of what was the little white object that exploded a couple hundred meters from SS Canberra cruiseliner?






The text description on the website says it was an "argentinean missile that was destroyed by a surface to air missile from HMS Fearless just 300 meters before hitting SS Canberra"


Huh?? There are no records of any kind of missile released by argentine planes inside "Bomb Alley". It was too small, quick and bright to be an aircraft - my guess is that it was indeed a british SAM exploding itself when out of their maximum range.


Any other guesses? :)

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my guess is that its an exocet that might have not been documented. Maybe in the chaos it was unrecorded but my guess is that it was conviniently unrecorded. If it was a friendly sam why would it be flying so low and in the direction of a ship. Another guess is that it could have been released outside "bomb alley" and flew into the cove thus not recorded as a release inside bomb alley. What do you think?

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i Think was a british sam too....

i think the Exocet fly in line water :good:

and, anywone know if the Argentina´s Exocet could be launched over a ground surface?!?!

somewone said to me "The AM-39 cannot be launched over ground surface, just over water" i dont remember why, but i think its becaus Exocet doesnt have a navgation radar like Tomahawks.




Meu ingles não é tão bom, então eu postei isso ai

é que alguem me disse que os Exocet somente poderiam ser lançados sob a água, não lembro o motivo, creio eu pelo motivo que eles não teriam radar de navegação que nem os Tomahawks

sabe falar se isso tá certo?? digo em ingles desculpe, mas é que meu ingles não é tão bom



dante, se pudesse parcicipar aki tben sobre equipamentos militares


Edited by Silverbolt

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that looked like a sam kill to my untrained eye...anyone eles?

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looks to me like an impact too not just a self-destruct.


There is a ground launched version of Exocet too iirc although obviously the missile is designed for anti ship work hence probably doesn't have tfr just some form of altimeter.

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Its not a kill.


Looks like a malfunctioning SAM to me ( its very slow) , auto-destruction or whatever.... or proxy-fusing to the sea or ships or even command-detonated to avoid it hitting one of the ships.

Probably a Seacat SAM.



IIRC the full footage shows a Skyhawk passing by the ships shortly before the SAM is fired, and the SAM is shot at the Skyhawk.... never reaching it, and the Skyhawk makes good its escape over a ridgeline ....

Edited by Crusader

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yo creo que es un un misil seacat , que impacta en un A-4 Skyhawk Argentino , aqui les dejo un video donde se ve completo el impacto...


A los 55 segundos es la parte donde se ve a misil salir del barco


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