I've searched around the community forums and couldn't find a guide to the aerodynamic coefficients in the aircraft data files. I figured I may as well try to put one together. I realize I may have missed an existing guide and this has been done before. Anyway, this is what I've figured so far. I'm posting this for peer review and hopefully when can add this information to the knowledge base when it's verified. Feel free to correct and/or add elaborations on each description, this is by no means comprehensive.   Cla = Lift coefficient as a function of AOA CD0 = Zero-lift drag coefficient CDL = Total drag coefficient Cmq = Pitch moment coefficient per radian Cmad = Pitch moment coefficient per radian AOA ? Cyb = Side force coefficent per degree of sideslip Clb = Roll moment coefficient per degree of sideslip Clp = Roll moment coefficient per roll rate (radians) Clr = Roll moment coefficient per yaw rate (radians) Cnb = Yaw moment coefficeint per degee of sideslip Cnp = Yaw moment coefficient per roll rate (radians) Cnr = Yaw moment coefficient per yaw rate (radians) CLaMachTable = Lift coefficient factor (of Cla) vs Mach number CD0MachTable = Zero-lift drag coefficient factor (of CD0) vs Mach number CDLAlphaTable = Total drag coefficient vs AOA CmqMachTable = Pitch moment coefficient vs Mach number ClbAlphaTable = Clb as a function of AOA ClpAlphaTable = Clp as a function of AOA ClrAlphaTable = Clr as a function of AOA CnpAlphaTable = Cnp as a function of AOA CnrAlphaTable = Cnr as a function of AOA XacMachTable = Center-of-pressure distance from wing's neutral point (?) (AOA independent) vs AOA CLmax = Maximum lift coefficient AlphaStall = Angle-of-attack where stall begins AlphaMax = Maximum angle-of-attack while retaining full control? AlphaDepart = Angle-of-attack where wing departs Ymac = Lift moment arm about aircraft's longitudinal axis   My references: Modern Combat Aircraft Design by Klaus Huenecke, 1987. http://www.jsbsim.org/CreatingJSBSimAircraft.pdf