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What I'm trying to do is down grade avionics of an aircraft to make an earlier style HUD, the main thing is changing the CCIP to a regular Gunsight. My question is, Can I use a regular gun sight instead of CCIP and keep all of the indicators on the HUD?





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You can have an AG gunsight...just reference it in the cockpit ini. Take a look at the Post-War Mustang I just released; it has the K-14 aerial gunsight, and a 'ladder' sight for bombing. Rockets, however, go back to the standard sight. You might need to adjust the 'rocketboresightangle' in the data ini of the aircraft in question.



kevin stein

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I should rephrase it to sound better. I have regular HUD Indicators for the AV-8A with Avionics70.dll. I want to have a regular gun sight like in the F-100D. Is that possible?

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