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It seems my association with missles goes back 'aways

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With the discussion for Major Lee's new project of Updating DBS, and my volenteering for the US air defenses, it sent me off into my distant past, serching for evidence. Having spent the last few hours over at my mothers, scouring through old photo albums...




Taken at Santa Monica Airport. The area where this was, is now a park and dog run. It used to be storage for new cars for the local dealers, and before that generic aircraft parking and tie-downs.


Now, I don't know the exact date (and couldn't find the pictures of the Nikes that should be there), but it should be between 1963-1966. I should be approx 3-5 years old here.


Looking at the shot in close up, we have what looks like a Regulas, Honest John, in between them could be an Ontos. And I think I'm standing under a Terrier (or maybe Talos? -- can't see the nose, but the 2nd stage looks like a Standard)


So, it appears I was destined, somehow to be associated with air defense missiles -- and I never got the serve!!!. But I've always been a Flag Waver!!


Just thought I'd share something from the past....



kevin stein

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Aww wrench as a baby!

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