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Addable weapon station & pilon anywhere ?

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Hi !


I would like to add pilons (useable 3D modell, Lod...) , like sidewinder stations, russian stations... from weapons-loadout

I dreaming a MiG-21 with "sidewinders" R-60 AA-8 missiles.

The Data editing (location etc is not problem to me, but the model is hard to make yet.


Please Somebody Create One pilon!



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Are you meaning just an add-on pylon kit? Similiar to what we have for the Chinese J-6 Farmers as used by the Pakistanis, and the Cuban MiG-17AS???

Or a weapons rack, like the APU-62 dual IRM rack (which is already in the weapons pak, and used on several mods - Indian Type 95/96, later 21s, 23s, etc - there are actually 2 version, one Soviet, one Indian)


Acually, an outer wing mounting pylon kit for the early Fishbeds would fix a LOT of problems...expecially with the Iraqi/Chinese versions. Once one was made, it is a very simple matter to add it; just like the Fresco/Farmer D-E radar noses, the aforementioned J-6, Skyhawk humps, etc.


I've got several Fishbeds with AA-8s on them...check my Loadout Fixes Thread; I disremember exactly which ones are tweeked up.


If some 3d modler makes the rack, I'll dial it in...ain't that hard!



kevin stein

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I'm still confused here...are you looking for a rack (more than one missile) or a pylon (one missile).


A 'one missile' rack can only be done by tricking the engine to think it's something else.


Multi racks are easy though.



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Reply to Wrech & Fast Cargo


First of all I need a single missile rail wich is addable, like weapon.(example the Apu-62), and works with any plane/aircraft.

If it's not too clomplicate in 3Dmax please somebody to build minimum a low res. model!

See below :post-12663-1199622220_thumb.jpg





Second or otherhand , I would like to see in the GAME more addable stations, rails pods etc...

Mabe it is could be a PROJECT...


Third : My secret dream is playing around (what if) to modyfy original planes, create fictional and experimental ,and testing its in the game (examle change the wing and vertical stabilizers position...)


Thanks Your intrestid in ! vulkan

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I see you have the 'cowardly Mig pilot', hiding behind the seat!! Also, you missile are misplaced on the pylons. MF or PF?? There's a whole bunch of notes on how to fix that in the "Loadout Fixes Thread".


As to adding stations, that's nothing more than simple text edits. What causes problems is the lack of actual 'pylons and rails' for the weapons to sit on. (F-7/J-7 from Madcaddie's More MiGs Pak, for example, missing the outborad plyons)


That Mig-mod looks a little like one of the ones Lexx_Luthor was fiddling with...Ye-somethingoranother.


Things can always be added (stuck on the fuselage, wings, whatever) to change to shape (Lexx's Ye-thingy, my F4U-2), but you unfortunately can't change the basic model; to move wings and tails surfaces. A completly new model would be needed.


The missle rail, obviously, would need to be build in Max, then simply added like any other weapons rack (Dual IRM, MER, TER, etc), defined in the loadout ini


This is from the Indian Type 96B



Loadout[01].WeaponType=HAL AA-8


Loadout[01].RackType=HAL APU-62L <--note additon of "racktype" line

Loadout[02].WeaponType=HAL AA-8


Loadout[02].RackType=HAL APU-62R<--

Loadout[03].WeaponType=HAL AA-2D


Loadout[04].WeaponType=HAL AA-2D





So, if some build the 'wingtip rack', it'd be pretty easy to add it.



kevin stein

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Wrench is right, however, I have to reiterate, any racks built as such MUST have 2 weapons as a minimum. The TW engine does not allow single weapon racks unless they are part of the aircraft LOD.


So you can't add 'wingtip' type rails onto an aircraft that didn't originally have them.



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Guest capun



Something to try (I don't know if it works)


- Make a single rail rack, but declare it in the WeaponsData ini as a dual rack but with the same attachment position


- Set-up the loadout ini with the rack but with only one missile loaded not two.


I wonder if it will work

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Hmm..that's a thought.

Just like the Skyhawk's inner rack, load a TER, but the data ini is set to "LoadOutboard Only", so you only get 2 weapons per rack.


The Shenyang J-6 (Paki) has the single outborad missile pylons, but it's like the 17PFU nose...a seperate lod added via ini edits, like the Scooter humps.



kevin stein

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