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Decreasing bullet weight, help !

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Hello gentlemen,


As you all know I'm no rocket-scientist, nor brain-surgeon. In my enthousiasm I downloaded the new patch, put it over my gameinstall and gave it a try. It started with a CTD and after restart it worked but all my add-on stuff was gone. I should have done some reading beforehand.......


Now I've been reinstalling and everything is fine but I can't find a thread on this forum concerning the decrease of ammo impact. It's purpose was to make the gunnery somewhat less arcadic; when you shoot you need more ammo to down an aircraft ( the hits have less impact ), and on the other side, when you get shot the damage is less. I thought the world of this topic but I can't find it. It was hidden in another thread ( in an ongoing discussion ) which had a different subject originally. I hope somebody remembers and helps me out.




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Sorry to hear about your recent problem. I hope you will not mind if I suggest that you consider

using the Genric Game Mod tool from Jones Soft. You can get it here http://www.users.on.net/~jscones/software/products.html.


It will tremendously simplify your mod work with FE.



Edited by sinbad

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Sorry to hear about your recent problem. I hope you will not mind if I suggest that you consider

using the Genric Game Mod tool from Jones Soft. You can get it here http://www.users.on.net/~jscones/software/products.html.


It will tremendously simplify your mod work with FE.




"Jones Soft - Don't MOD Without It!" :biggrin:


Really, it's a very simple file replacement program that allows you to go from fully modded back to stock in minutes. Then you patch - and just reload you skins/terrain/add-on a/c, etc. The only things you need to be careful about are modified stock a/c files as these may have changed via the patch.

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Hello gentlemen,


Thanks for your help ! Somewhere in my diluted brain the name Peter01 came up, and indeed it was his add-on file .




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