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MiG-23 underwings Tanks

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Hello! Look at this picture please:




As You see this is a MiG-23MF with underwing fuel tank. But it can be used only when the wings are in min angle. To make a higher angle MiG-23 must drop this tanks. And here is problem: I can add new pylons, I can add this tanks but is it possible to "lock" the changing wing angle before the tank is dropped!?!?!? :dntknw:

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Can you also add the crooked pitot tube?? :biggrin:

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If the pylons are part of the original model they can be set to rotate, howver since you're using the existing model, I don't think that its possible<br>

Edited by CrimsonRoamer

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This has already been dealt with....


Check the loadout thread in the Knowledge Base.




The Wing Tank callouts have been removed from the loadout ini, to simulate the non-usage of those positions. These wing tanks were only carried on ferry flights, where the speed was kept down and the wings not swept.


The information used comes direct from folks in Eastern Europe that know the real thing.



kevin stein

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But this picture doesn't look like a "ferry flight"



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It could very well be a ferry flight. Ferry flight armament procedures may be different than what the US tends to do :wink:

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