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I know you guys are busy....

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I know that you skinners are very busy, but I have a small personal request, that I've always wanted since WOE: Day 1 (when I first started flying in WOE). That being, a skin of the F-15As flown from the 101st FS, 102nd FW at Otis ANG Base.


It shouldn't be that hard for an experienced skinner, and if they need photos, here is a site with a lot of photos. http://www.102ndfighterwing.com/gallery/otis_web_gallery.htm


And yes, I know HrntFixr did an F-15C skin, and I've about flown the wings off of it.


These birds were always just very special to me....



EDIT: I forgot to mention, ST0RM, some of your pictures are on here.

Edited by JA 37 Viggen

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People are probobly busy dude, so u might just wanna go ahead and try and do it urself honestly.

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Stock WOE F-15 skin, plus the squadron and wing's decals. HrntFixr has the decals I think.

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