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@CA_Stary and/or Brain32

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I cannot, for the life of me, figure out WHAT bmp goes on these thingys, borrowed from GH....

it's on one of the transition tiles, grass-to-jungle? or is it jungle-to-grass??? grass-jungle-sea??? :dntknw:




kevin stein

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Hmm it sure is one of the sea-jungle-something tiles, I would say it's most probably sea-jungle-farm, as AFAIK there are no paddies on the shoreline tiles, so this would be something like "VIETNAMJ-GS.bmp" one of the tiles named similary to that is most certainly what you are looking for...

Edited by Brain32

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it's the VietnamS-JG.tga or VietnamS-GJ.tga (S=sea -to G-farms J-jungle as naming goes), and the files attached to tods are jungle.tga and huts1.bmp


The white squares are ruined temple walls of some kind :rofl:


(or so I thought it would represent, while making it in the middle of the night)





Kevin, if it's grass, it's VietnamS-JR or VietnamS-RJ

Edited by CA_Stary

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