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=DREAD= CapMan

Falcon 4.0 on XP64

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Ok, so I found my Falcon 4.0 disk again and I tried to install it on Windows XP 64 bit edition and it will not work. I have tried to install it manually, Every time I try to install the game it fails to install. I will click on the install option but then it does nothing. I can C, A, D and all I will see is "setup.exe"


Windows XP64 bit, with all drivers up to date, everything is updated



Please help

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Ok, so I found my Falcon 4.0 disk again and I tried to install it on Windows XP 64 bit edition and it will not work. I have tried to install it manually, Every time I try to install the game it fails to install. I will click on the install option but then it does nothing. I can C, A, D and all I will see is "setup.exe"


Windows XP64 bit, with all drivers up to date, everything is updated



Please help

Why bother? the game is so dated now, it's never going to run on modern systems .Get hold of a copy of Falcon 4.0 Allied force which is relatively playable.

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If you have the original falcon 4 (from 1998) you can install some user made mods for it, I don't know will it make it work on XP64 but you can give it a try.


Check out: http://www.freefalcon.com/index.php


or open falcon http://www.f4forums.com/forums/index.phpn (there is some sim community drama about this one - I don't know why and I don't care)

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