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Mig 21 loadout with Bunyaps weapon pack?

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I have the patched version of WOV and I am currently using Bunyaps weapons pack,all's working fine apart from the Vietnamese Mig 21's don't appear to have any A/A missiles attatched,is there something I should have edited in the Weapon data ini for their loadout to appear? I know how to use the weapon editor and have ensured all weapons in the weapon pack are updated so I'm stuck on this one,can anybody help please,thanks.

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in the loadout.ini you have to change the name the WeaponType= for WeaponType=R-3S for the missiles ATOLL i sorry for my english

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Wow....superb,thanks guys,the enemy is is now armed!!!!........I thought things were a bit quiet over Hanoi way,tonigh'ts mission might be a little more interesting to say the least!

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If using the BunyPak, yes.


Just make sure you run the bunypak weaponsdata ini THROUGH the new WoI weapons editor to reinitalize it. It's not a perfect match, but works quite well.


and make sure you read and UNDERSTAND my 2nd post in the Bunypak thread above -- that has the important bits.



kevin stein

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Thanks Kev I appreciate your help,I have the latest Thirdwire weapons editor is that different to the new WOI one that you mention?if it is could you please give me the link please,thanks.

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Same one!

We just call it "The WoI One", cause it came out in early 08 for WoI. It's also for Post Patch SF/WoE/WoV (and First Eagle, too!)



kevin stein

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