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First of all, I would like to say thank you to you and Dave, and any other contributors for all of your work adding every version of the F-101! :clapping: I have been away from the game for some time, and was thrilled to see someone add the voodoo. I have just about got the game working up to speed, but have not yet figured out how to add weapons or tanks to all of the voodoos. A nudge in the right direction is all I am asking, the models are fantastic, but with no missiles, I can't fly a mission. There is probably some tutorial I am missing. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I have been dying to fly the F-101 for years. It's my bird. Sorry to ask so many questions. Thank you again.




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Hi Delta,

i think you are talking about the F-101B version (the only one allowed to carry missiles) ... this bird uses Falcon missiles and Genie rockets; if you have WoV or Woe only the Genie and fuel tanks need to be added with the weapons editor . If you are flying it in WOI this could be a problem and you have to add the Falcon too. As you probably know, you can find detailed tutorials about weapons in the knowledge base section here at CAce. Remember to update to the last patch with the most recent weapon editor.

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