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Weaponseditor EH? WHAT?

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Hi guys, new to the Combat Ace scene.


I have followed the weaponseditor guide to the letter, but have had strange results. after adding the required weaponsdata to the weaponsdata.ini, i open the ini file, open the weapons and save the file, one weapon at a time, I restart my game, and NO weapons show up for any aircraft. Not a biggy, as I just re-install the weaponspack, and the old weapons are back. BUT, I would like to use the new weapons too.


However, when I added a gun to the gundata.ini file, it showed up even without opening the ini file with the guneditor. ??????


Any ideas?

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Hi guys, new to the Combat Ace scene.


I have followed the weaponseditor guide to the letter, but have had strange results. after adding the required weaponsdata to the weaponsdata.ini, i open the ini file, open the weapons and save the file, one weapon at a time, I restart my game, and NO weapons show up for any aircraft. Not a biggy, as I just re-install the weaponspack, and the old weapons are back. BUT, I would like to use the new weapons too.


However, when I added a gun to the gundata.ini file, it showed up even without opening the ini file with the guneditor. ??????


Any ideas?


First, if your game has the latest patch, you have to have the latest version of the weapons editor. If not then you might have a compatability issue. If the versions are compatable then open up your weaponsdata.ini with the weapons editor and visually verify the new weapons you added are in there. If they are then just click the save button on the editor and it should work.


Also, FYI, this is posted in the wrong area.

Edited by Vampyre

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First, if your game has the latest patch, you have to have the latest version of the weapons editor. If not then you might have a compatability issue. If the versions are compatable then open up your weaponsdata.ini with the weapons editor and visually verify the new weapons you added are in there. If they are then just click the save button on the editor and it should work.


Also, FYI, this is posted in the wrong area.



Thank you Vampyre,


Latest patch, latest version of weaponseditor, and as I said, I open up the weaponsdata.ini file with the weaponseditor, and open each new weapon in the weaponseditor, and save the .ini file. The results as I posted.


I added a gun to the gundata.ini file, did not open the gundata.ini file with the guneditor, yet when I flew the aircraft that the weapon was created for, the gun was available, which, according to the forums I have browsed, is not possible.

Before anybody thinks that the gun may have been included before I added the text to the gundata.ini file, I assure you, it is not, as the aircraft is a later mod than the weapons pack. Also the weapons pack is by the Mirage Factory, and the aircraft in question is the F35.

Just to check this, I removed the gundata from the gundata.ini, and the gun becomes unavailable. Put the text back in, Voila, gun available.



I apologise for the post being in the wrong area, but as this was about adding weapons, I (mistakenly) assumed that this was where I needed to post.



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The Knowledge Base is for answers....not questions, so I've moved this to the relevant forum.


You might want to look in the "Things You Need to Update Thread" in the KB....the change in weapons editors has been discussed at great length.



kevin stein

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