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WW2 aircraft glass?

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I'm setting up a WW2 install with Wolf257 and Dev A-Team/Capun's aircraft, and I've noticed that many of them do not seem to have any glass in the windows - yet in other people's screenshots, they do have. Has anyone else had this? I've tried looking through the LOD files with a hex editor to find the bmp and tga files, but they are all there. So...? I'm in SF2 - that may make a difference.


Any ideas?

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It does. Just be sure that You have the Glass.tga's in each Skin Folder.

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Got them, as issued.


The B-17G, for example, has three: B-17_GLASS.TGA, CanopyGlass.tga, ClearCANOPYGLASS.TGA


I have checked with a hex editor to see if any appear to be missing - they don't.


And I've even replaced these three with solid red tga files (no alpha) just to see if anything shows up at all - nothing. Odd...



Here are the B-17G and Bf109F, with the Bf109E for comparison. Note that on the Fort, some glasswork does show up around the lower half of the bomb-aimer's position, but not elsewhere.

Edited by ndicki

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Did you put the tga's in the skin folders?

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Did you put the tga's in the skin folders?


No. Normally, they aren't, are they?


(Quick check...)


No. And no. Good thinking, but that doesn't seem to be the trouble.

Edited by ndicki

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Well so far all the planes I have put into SF2 that were missing the canopies were fixed by putting a copy of the tga file in each skin folder and it worked. If that is not working for capuns planes then you need to take it up with them.

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OK. I misread Killerbee's post higher up... :blush: Off to try.

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Thanks, Killerbee and Dave. It now works perfectly. (And I've learnt two things...)


See what I meant about red?!

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