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AI landing on airfields

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Has anyone adjusted the landing position of AI aircraft. They land at or past the far end of airfield. Into trees.

How or where do I change this so they land in or near the center of airfield? This has bugged me for a year now. I'm sure it's bugging others.

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In the WWIAirfield.ini (extract from the individual terrain.CAT) the touchdown co-ords. are set at 0,200. Exact center of runway is 0,0 so AI should touch down 200 meters right of center or 40 meters from the end of the runway. Reducing the 200 towards zero should make them land closer to center...in theory at least.

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Thanks Tailspin. I'll try it out later.

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Yeah it works. Thanks. But the Vogesen terrain and Flanders dont have a "WWI_airfield1" Config File in them. I think they use the ones from Cambria and Verdun no? So how do I change their airfield landing positions?


But for those who want to change where the planes land in the Cambria and Verdun terrains, so they dont land at end of runway or into the trees, change this:


1. Open the Cambria and Verdun Terain folders then open the "WWI_AIRFIELD1" configuration files.


2. Change the "TouchDown" level








TouchDown=0,200 <---------Change the 200. Anywhere from 0-50 is good. close to center.


Thanks Tailspin.

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Quack, since all terrains use the same Airfield files you should be able to drop your modified airfield.ini into each terrain folder.

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That makes sense :yes: I'll try it. But how do Vogesen and Flanders airfields function if this config file is not in their folders? Obviously they do work but how? Not that its important but I'm just curious.

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The WWI Airfield.ini is in both Cambrai and Verdun .CAT files. Its the same file and all airfields use it. The addon terrains share files with the game. What is not in the addon is read through the original terrain.CAT file. If you can't find an airfield ini then the terrain is using the one from the .CAT file. So, like with other .ini files, if you modify one (WWI AIRFIELD.INI) and put it the Vogesen folder then the game will "read" it first. Thats the theory...anyway. :wink:

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Thank You! This has bugged me for quite awhile also.

I think that TouchDown=0,200 may have been a typo on TKs part, i'd bet he meant TouchDown=0,-200.

I ended up going with TouchDown=0,-100 and i like it alot better.


Thanks Again!

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Looking at the layout of the "runway" from the airfield.ini. its 480 meters long by 280 meters wide. From the perspective of the entire airfield, with the common hangar area at the top, the length of the runway runs left and right and the width up and down. The center is at offset 0,0. Values to the left are negative, right positive, up negative, down positive. The first number in the offset is up or down, the second left or right. This applies to the entire airfield not just the "runway" itself. The player's take off position is at 0,-200 or center line of runway and 200 meters left of center. The touchdown coords. are 0, 200 or centerline and 200 meters right of center...which is 40 meters from the right end of the runway. Should be the ideal spot to touch down. Apparently the AI has some random factor included and they don't all land at precisely 0,200 causing some to land short off the end of the runway. It would seem all you need to do is move the touchdown coords. left far enough to get those short landings on the runway itself. I would imagine that moving it too far left would cause some to overshoot the runway?

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You are right about that. :yes:


The numbers should be anywhere around 0,0 (center of airfield) to 0,-200 (begining of airfield on approach). Thanks Tailspin. :good:

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