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Anyone Having Mouse "echo" Problems?

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I have a pretty generic PS/2 mouse (w/ wheel). After service pack 2, my hat now works to do the mouseview change (default settings, havent really messed with controls since day1), and now if I use the mouse to mouseview as well ; it "echos" the amount of movement I do.


For example, I move the mouse pointer up 20 degrees, the input occurs, then immediately following, the mouse goes another 20 degrees.


I recent with F1. I then use the mouse to move 20 degrees left, it reacts appropriately, then millisecond pause, and it moves another 20 degrees left.


Its actually quite funny.


Any suggestions? (or known settings issue?)


I have a native dll newview that Im using to emulate trackIR for Forgotten Battles? Is Strike Fighters somehow attempting to utilize that? I though that dll was only localized to whatever sim folder you place it in? (perhaps there is a global dll that is used too; im not that up on "newview".

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I would suggest disabling your mouse view totally,just reassign it to other keys and see if that works.

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