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Happy Independence Day!

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From the staff at WestCoastATC we would like to wish all our members in our community Happy Independence Day. This is a very special day in the US and the world. This day represents the day that democracy won! We are free and as a veteran I want to thank all our armed forces for doing what you do! I know that these are trying times for us all and with that I refer back to a quote that one of our country's great leaders once said:


There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America. ~William J. Clinton


As I sit here and work in front of a scope watching/controlling military fly-bys and general aviation pilots fly in and around our area I am reminded how great it is to be free and how some countries can not enjoy an independence day as we do in the great USA.


God Bless the USA and everyone else too!!!!




Edited by WCATC John

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