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Lockon V1.02 Beta 2 Report

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Below is the latest patch info for LockOn.

(Stormin) Carl Norman discusses his experience with v1.02 Beta 2.


I played a few hours tonight with Shepski and Dusty. Mixed results. Actually, there have been some serious problems introduced into MP that need to be fixed. I believe every problem we experienced tonight is the result adjustments being made to improve the code, but there are problems.


Hey, you guys wanted a report! Sometimes we take one step forward and two steps back. I love software development.


Some cool stuff is some new HUD symbology for the A-10 that provides an indicator for when you are bombing too low and a constant pipper for the gun now that it can be fired in any combat mode (simultaneous with other weapons).


I was detecting aircraft at almost 80 nm with the F-15C. I could lock them up with an AIM-120 at about 40 nm and had a launch authorization indication at 25 to 30 nm. This was the case only if I was at a higher altitude. Detections at low altitude were not very good or very far as it should be.


The primary problem with MP was the were strange things happening between client players. Single client to host was no problem, but client to client had problems with external views, warning indications on the TWS/TEWS, and a few other anomolies.


Shepski and I played a MP coop mission with just the two of us and it was very good and very smooth. Only when we added another player did things get wierd (not Dusty's fault! )


I suspect that most of these problems are related to one or two things in the code, but we need to have the Team in Moscow review our findings.


I'll post more when I know more.





Some investigative work is also being done in collaboration with Nvidia regarding the GeForce FX5950 Ultra specifically. Reading the thread (linked below) will hash out these woes in detail.


Click here to access page 9 of the Ubi thread regarding v1.02. Page 10 has more details on the FX5950 Ultra issues.

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