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Permanent D/L Link for the last 1.28C_MP Executable evolution.

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EAW1.28c_MP is a EAW project where we develop the EAW.exe to support a better MultiPlayer(MP) gameplay.


Nevertheless this exe´s also might keep some interesting features for offliners, like "re-arm your plane" or the possibility to use a 2nd game controller(rudder pedals).


The permanent D/L link is this:



The file might change though!


Since the file is very smal(590kB), you can D/L it once in a while, to see if there was an update, or you read the forums or you join the EAW TS server(read in the multiplayer section of this forum), where always the date of the latest update will get displayed as "welcome message".






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we just uploaded EAW1.28c_MP02, again to this location:



New is:


1. While waiting for the guns to be rearmed, we will be able to push a button and then we get a related loadout added to our plane and a related message on the screen. Of course only, if our plane type have the loadout available.


This buttons need to get pushed:


F1 = "Bomb(s) loaded"

F2 = "Rockets loaded"

F3 = "Gunpods loaded"

F4 = "Extra fuel loaded" (only offline)

F5 = "Torpedo(s) loaded" (only offline)

BackSpace = "Unloaded"


If a loadout is not available the related button work like "BackSpace" and "Unloaded" get displayed.


2. A "Kill Shooter" got introduced.

read more: http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/2919738/Kill_Shooter_for_Mayhem_FFA_ga.html#Post2919738


3. Also online the Loadout of all planes now get erased from the hardpoints, when the bombs got dropped(by default this didnt work correct).


4. When the player is in "chat mode", the guns wont shoot anymore.






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