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F9F Panther, VF-781, Korea

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F9F Panther, VF-781, Korea

F9F-2/2B/5 Panther, VF-781, Korean War Era skin 12/11/09


=For SF/SFG/WoV/WoE and probably for SF2 series sims


This package is a complete redecaling for Marcfighter's F9F Panther skin, representing VF-781 during the Korean War. For Historical Correctness ™, a 'new' aircraft should be created, but there are some fairly major physical & other differences between the F9F-2/2B and the F9F-5 that we have. We'll just pretend they got the -5s a little early, or pretend these are -2Bs, as all the BuNums/ID tage decals I've created ARE for -2/2Bs. Mmmkay?


The original Marcfighters skin bmps ARE included -so full credit MUST be given to him on this-, with all new decals for 24 aircraft (this MAY not be historically correct, but photographic evidence exists showing #121 in flight over Korea). The new decal are the Modex, BuNum/ID tag, and the Air Wing letter. I reused one or two of Marcello's original decals. Chalk it up to laziness...


As always, unzip this archive to a temp folder or your desktop, or somewhere else that's easy to find, to gain access to the rest of this readme, for full, simple-to-follow (for once!) instructions.


With special thanks (you can't say it enough!) for Marcello for creating this skin in 2004!!


Good Hunting!


kevin stein


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