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Nick Tselepides

Help Needed: Please....

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I have this problem with LOMAC: When I start the game and play the 2nd or was it the 3rd training mission with A-10 (the one about the use of the cannon), when I press Ctl+Q and I take over, the minute I try to fire the PC reboots by itself. ame thing on the Sukhoi-25 Take-Off training mission--I tried to take over the PC rebooted. I uninstalled and reinstalled the game twice--same thing happened. I also tried using the patch given for the US version by PC Pilot magazine recently--the game did not work at all. In the end, I removed it from my hard drive. My cousin also had the same problem with it-- I have a Gigabyte K7 Triton 400 (KT400) motherboard in AGP8X standards and a GHZ Athlon XP2200+ CPU with 512 RAMP, with an NVidia GForce4 Ti-4200 AGP8X 128mv DDR videocard. IL-2FB plays without any hitch on my system, and I do know that that game needs a high-end system.

My question is:

1. Was the game deficient from its initial commercial release? I have version 1.

2. Has a later version come out?

3. Have any of you had similar problems?

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Hey Nick


1: somewhat. Some (like me) could play with almost no issues - others had all kinds of problems


2: There is a patch ver 1.01 out that fixes many problems but unfortunatly the training missions don't work with the patch


3: nope - sorry




If you try to patch the game then make sure you install the right one or your game wont work:


** If you are unsure whether you have the US or UK version, please check the Lock On logo displayed in-game: red and blue for US, silver for UK **


The next patch (1.02) should be just around the corner. We should get an update on the progress from Matt later today on the UBI board.



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Thanks GhostDog. I fixed the problem by getting the latest video card drivers--that worked.

So if anyone has a similar problem perhaps getting the latest frivers from their Video card maker will help.

Now I play the game, but still cannot arm the cannon on the A-10 by pressing C. I assigned some commands to my joystick, and all work okay. But I noticed I have to re-assign them each time I start that game. Is that normal or is there away of saving them once and for all?

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I'm glad you got it working.


Your new problem might be due the fact that the original installation by mistake makes a lot of the files in the Lomac directory "read-only".




Try right-clicking on the directory you installed lock-on in and select "properties".


Then untick the mark (if there is one) in the "read-only" box


click "ok"


then make sure that the "apply to this folder,subfolder and files" is ticked and click "ok"




The "read-only" issue should be solved in the upcomming patch

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