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Guest Raden

SF2 Skins for SF1 MiG-21

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Basically, you can't. The physical mapping of the aircraft has been changed. If one is real good with PhotoShop or Gimp, and knows the 1stGen mapping you can try to adapt them. It's not easy, but doable


Best solution: find an MF already done for the EAF for WoI, and use that. Or, find the MF templates and make one. Sorry, that's just how it is


BTW, WoI comes stock 6 Mid-East camo skins; 3 EAF, 1 Syrian, 1 Iraqi, and 1 Algerian, just for the 21MF



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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Guest Raden

Basically, you can't. The physical mapping of the aircraft has been changed. If one is real good with PhotoShop or Gimp, and knows the 1stGen mapping you can try to adapt them. It's not easy, but doable


Best solution: find an MF already done for the EAF for WoI, and use that. Or, find the MF templates and make one. Sorry, that's just how it is


BTW, WoI comes stock 6 Mid-East camo skins; 3 EAF, 1 Syrian, 1 Iraqi, and 1 Algerian,  just for the 21MF



kevin stein

Suso5, thanks for ur reply. Re the KB, I did read it specifically on the SF2 Skins to SF1 Skins. I have saved the file the other day. Otherwise, I would not be able to do it. No brainy, just SAVED the texture file within the jet's directory name as ANSI (as said by someone in the KB).



Thank u as well to Wrench. I no more have file on WOI. My DVD stops working so I cannot use my old WOI CD.


BTW to both of u. I managed to fly the bird. Missing is the Arabic numbers/letters on nose section. 


The DECALS, some 6MB in TGA, I pit it within the MiG-21MF EAF folder, NOt inside of the NAME Directory where the small decal (lower case) and the texture and skin are.


Jere is the birds flew fawlessly in Armed_Recon MSN. Just wondered, WHY the STATIC targets, planes, were always in open spave like this one on a hill, and sometimes just on greens near towns/cities.



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because the game engine is reading the 'parked statics' as vehicles, therefor automatically generating them for AR missions. One of the main reasons NOT to use them (with apologies to Comprnt). Unless, of course, they were installed completly wrong...


parked statics should be...


a) generated with the stock aircraft on airfields only as set in the airfield inis, or

b) having the ini editated, added to the terrain _types.ini, their 'parts' placed INSIDE the terrain folder and then hand placed on airfields for eye candy


Heres a quick little fix for the ArabNum decals....since you've already got them out. Create a Decals subfolder WITHIN the Mig-21MF main folder. Path would be:




put them all in there.

Then, EDIT the pathway for ALL your Arab nation 21mf skins decals ini, with particular emphasis on the Level 2 ArabNums, thusly:











as the insignia and finflash are already in the cat, you needn't edit those lines, just the numbers. Do that for any/all the Arab skins, and that'll fix that.




kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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