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FC2.0: Virtual 66th Nal'Chik Airfield Strike

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Nal'Chik Airfield Strike Virtual 66th Fighter WIng



This evening just after 17:00 Local time, the 66th Fighter wing carried out strikes againt the Russian airfield of Nal'Chik.



Wheels up for the Squadron was at 17:13



While enroute, 2ndLt. PishPosh demonstrated some incredible Formation flying...



Here is the view from PishPosh's cockpit..



Things got going quickly once the 66th was over the target. Thumper started the show by launching a Maverick at an SA-3 Defensive position on site.



Before the Maverick Struck the SA-3 it was able to launch a SAM.



Thumper was hit and lost both engines. He was able to glide away and eject safely some 15NM North of the airfield.



Meanwhile, Cpt Typh was able to let go a couple of Mk-84s on some aircraft parked on the tarmac..




He was also succesful with a Maverick run.



Shortly there after a ZSU-23 site regrettably killed Capt Typh


PishPosh continued working over the base and eventually had to leave due to both fuel tanks taking damage. He was succesful in returning to home plate.


Thumper and Typh, by that time, were enroute back to the airfield and a ZSU-23 damaged Thumper's aircraft and he had to RTB for repairs.


While Thumper and PishPosh were on the way to homeplate to rearm and repair , Typh worked the airfield over with his GAU-8.



Typh succesfully eliminated the ZU-23 emplacements for Thumper and Pishposh to return to the Strike location.

PishPosh was then able to locate and deploy two Mk-84s on the Ammunition bunker at the airfield.




The Ammo Bunker was succesfully destroyed..



While they concentrated on the bunker, the Russians snuck a Mig-25 to the runway for launch.



Luckily, Pishposh noticed it right away and was able to line up and kill it with his GAU-8



The 66th then returned home with a succesful mission.



Losses for the 66th did include 1 KIA, 1 Eject. Thumper ejected from the SA-3 and Typh was killed by a ZSU-23 emplacement. Three other aircraft were damaged from Battle and one suffered a birdstrike.


There were multiple kills for the 66th on this mission. Luckily, No Russian air was up which helped the 66th today.

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nice recap, it's always fun to fly with squadmates

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