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John Chorm

Cure for the stutters

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After spending the last year and some tweaking my settings,I've finally managed to get my FPS rates "up to snuff".(AMD Phenom X4 8GB system mem NVIDIA 9800 card) thanks to the many members of the OFF Forums. My settings are still only at 2 across the board albeit clouds at 1. FPS 40-60. I am still however suffering from a case of the "stutters" Will setting my "Graphics OldAircraftRender="No" MaxFPS=0"(in the CFS3.xml) to a higher number work for me? Or is their another option available. I am reluctant to try to "tweak" this file. OFF BHah is a fantastic game and a cure for the stutters will make it even better.

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If you replace the 0 with another number, that will limit your frame rate to that number. So if you're normally getting 40-60 fps, set it to 30 and it will reduce the stutters but not eliminate them completely. This works only if "Vertical sync" is off in your Nvidia configuration. Other causes of stutters can be:


1. you need to cleanup and de-frag your hard drive

2. other programs running (check your task bar tray and stop ALL programs that arent needed while your playing games)

3. insufficient memory

4. a clunky operating system (is it time to re-install it fresh?)

5. Virus programs need to be in gaming mode or it's best to switch them off while playing.

Edited by Winston DoRight

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I'm only on a Pentium 4, 3.4 gHz, with nVidia 9800gt, and eventually eliminated stutters by upgrading to more recent drivers. Might be worth some trial and error.

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