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Skins, question for Quack74

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Hello, I am going through your skins you have uploaded here and getting them into the game, they are fantastic! One question, I see a bunch of packages for Albatros Vs, and my question to you is are these JUST for the Albatros V in the objects/aircraft folder? Or are they suppose to also go with Albatros D5_170, D5_180? I am a bit confused, but I think that number is just for the engine type, but anyway, I was just wondering if it would be "accurate" to also drop those skins for the 170 and 180s...

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Well, I just copied all my D.V skins from FEG into FE2 and added Peter01's FM's. So I have a D.V folder named AlbatrosD5(160). It really doesnt matter which D.V folder you put the skins into. Just as long as the decal paths inside the "Decal.ini " for each skin are renamed (ex:)"AlbatrosD5(170) or (180)/Jasta56/D/Fuse. There is no way of knowing who had what model engine in their D.V or D.Va. So put them where you like. I think ThirdWire added all these models to make it look like there are more planes available in FE2. But that's just me.

BTW, as of now you cant alter the stock aircraft "ConfigSettings.ini" files so you wont be able to make your own default skins. So you're better off creating a new AlbatrosDV folder and puting the new skins in there. This way you can alter anything you want. Just dont forget to add the "Decal.ini" and the "TextureSet.ini" for each skin. This is just an idea. you dont have to do it this way.

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