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missle padlocking

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Can anyone tell me how to use threat missle padlocking, and how to disengage it if can get it to work! I just can't seam to get it to work for me.

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Here is what I do...I am using a Logitech wingman extreme joystick...not too advanced by todays standards.


I have the "threat missle view" assigned to one of the two buttons located on my joystick base. I have my threat aircraft padlock assigned to the other.


When I get a missle lock tone I just padlock the incoming missle and it really does a good job of allowing me to beam and manuever. When Im done, I have the "break" padlock button assigned to my right mouse button so I can break all padlocks and return to normal view.


Hope that helped you some!!


Good luck.

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I will try again, but my real problem is I can't seem to get it to work at all ! if you need me i'll be in my crater.

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