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Wikipedia shortcomings

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I was sending a friend a link about cluster bombs and went to the usually reliable wikipedia. I was astonished to find that the article on the CBU-24 was two sentences long, and no images.


Horrified, I did some hasty research and added some more detail, but I was surprised at this gap in what must be an interesting set of topics. If the entries in wikipedia are inadequate, can we, as a community with a wealth of knowledge, help out? I am not just thinking of CBU-24s but of all modern aircraft weapons systems.


Pick your favourite and have a look. If it isn't covered, or not covered well, help to update it. AAMs appear to be well covered, as are SAM systems, but I am guessing air-to-mud might have a lot of holes we could help fill.


And does anyone have any images of CBU-24s? I came up dry. The image needs to be your own copyright, or public domain. Does the US military make public domain images available?

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Thanks for the link. Looks like a couple of useful images and the USAF photos appear to be public domain.

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