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Latest SF2 patch, for info

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I know most of the WW2 fliers are using the old SF1 platform, but you still might like to know that the latest SF2 patch brings the Spitfires and the DC-3 up to speed with the complete set of LODs that were missing in the original pack. I've just been up with some 20+ Spits in the air and it didn't stutter once...

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It's not so much the new planes, but the old ones. THAT, I think, is the major stumbling block in moving to NextGen (and some terrain issues, of course...)


Nice to see TK gave us the other distance lods, too!! I LOVE the Spits!!



kevin stein

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ok, slightly more information on SF2, WW2, in this case a PTO install.


It appears that the terrains may be an issue. Meaning, they'll need all new _Nations.inis that specifically list who can and can't play on them. This works really well for Hawaii and Midway, where you only have US and IJN forces present.


Also, it seem that the Imperial Forces ™ will need spliting into IJAAF and IJNAF; but this causes yet another problem ... none of the bomb, torps, rockets, etc, will load.


Clarification: leaving "Japanese Empire" as the nation name, and "Imperial Japanease Army Air Forces" for the display name, and creating the new nation of "IJN" (displayed as "Imperial Japanese Naval Air Force"), even with the attachment types still left as Japan, none of the IJN birds (Val, Kate, Judy,, etc) have preloaded weapons.


more research (ie: dupllicating weapons) is ongoing.


going to 08 would be soooooooo much easier....

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This is odd...


OK, so what about Plan B, where you make Japan attachment type = WP. I assume that any WW2 install will be pure WW2 and not all mixed in with other things - mine is pure - so this should be risk free. If WP works with a plethora of nasty nations from around the world in modern SF, then it should work with IJA, IJN and Manchukuo. Any Russian aircraft would stay with Soviet, and generic allied NATO. Seems logical to me...

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That IS an idea...


Oddly, it's only the "new" IJN nation that's the problem. Since I (wisely) left 'JapaneseEmpire' alone. I've duplicated and renamed ***bomb (IJN) and the bombs are all working. Just not the torps


Can't wait to see what happens when I build ETO and MTO installs....<shudder>. Yes, that seems to be the way to go .. just like 1st gens, each theatre having it's own mods folder. This keeps everything seperated, and somebody dosen't have to build 500+ userlists.


Once the weapons are all rebuilt, then they'll be an SF2 only WW2 weps pak. What a frakking nightmare!! Gun are NO problem in the new folderformat



kevin stein

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Ok, it seems the problem is ME, not the aircraft or weapons. I've been testing the Kates and Jills in the Solomons. And, it seems I neglected to add any Allied shipping routes for the Japanese to attack. Therefore, as is has always been the case -and me purely forgetting about it- the game has always defaulted to the STRIKE loadout, when a shipping route has not been defined on a terrain for that side. Trops load fine on Hawaii, Midway, Okinawa, Central Pacific, Burma, and so forth


So, it looks like a Solomons_Movements.ini update is in order.... DRAT!!!


damn, I feel stupid!! :blowup:



kevin stein

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Look on the bright side! At least you know enough about it to figure that out. I'd have been going round in circles for weeks...


Actually, amend that. I have been going round in circles for weeks. There's something about this nations limitations thing that doesn't seem to agree with me.

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It's working really well in the PTO SF2 install


However, in building an MTO install, I cheated in the other direction completly ... and removed all the nations statements from the MTO terrains, just leaving the defined 'regions' in the theatre.


exmaple below is from the Tunisia/WesternMed:



TheaterName=NorthWest Africa








Location008=Mediterranean Sea


Location010=Corsica/Vichy France





that's the WHOLE nations ini right there! And it seems to be working GREAT. Mind you, my SF2:MTO install is PURE MTO; nothing in ther that do't belong (plus your Spit skins!). SO, it's already nation limited by the aircraft/ground objectgs themselves.

Personally, I think this IS the best way to go for WW2 SF2 installs ... seperate mods folders with theatre specific items. Just like SF/Wo*.


However, the expected bugs are showing up on all the DAT aircraft ... terminal Driving Miss Daisy disease, take-off issues; as in climbout at 90 degs, stall, spin in and explode; some others (Pasko's Wildcat), run off the end of the runawy before getting airborne...

Lots of aircraft have cockpits misplaced that sit perfect in 06/08 .. easy fix by raising them 0.25 in the cockpit ini.


Fortunately, some 08 level updated FMs are available in their Wings over Russia mod ... there is some imporvemnt, but it's an AI statement issue. What with all the improvemtments with the SF2I Exp Pak.


WW2 in SF2 is going to take a BUTTLoad of work to straighten out. I need to start a sticky thread above with suggestions for changes, fixes, requests for help, etc.



kevin stein

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I think that the FM thing could perhaps be solved by getting GregoryP of AvHistory onto the team. The problem of course is that this group no longer speaks to that group (I'm not pointing at anyone, since I wasn't here when the disagreement took place) and so it's next to impossible to release coherent user-friendly updates...

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