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ED is considering a v1.03 patch!

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Here is the latest from Carl 'Stormin' Norman:


A V1.03 Patch is being considered


posted 15/07/2004 18:19 

Although the publisher, Ubi Soft, has not requested a V1.03 patch, Eagle Dynamics is currently evaluating the possibility for an additional patch.


I want to be be very clear that at this moment we are not comitting to producing another patch. We will give it serious consideration and if it is possible to create a V1.03 patch in conjunction with our work on other projects then it is possible that another patch for Lock On is possible.


We have been reviewing the reports of problems from users. If you have not already reported any bugs you have experienced with V1.02 in the Official Bug Thread then please do so now. Don't post your reports to this thread as we will only be reviewing the official thread.




We will be making our final determination in the next couple of weeks. As always, no promises.




To see this topic with your own eyes click here.


This sounds like good news to me. My guess is that Stormin wouldn't post something like this without being mostly inclined to actually go ahead and do it.

If you have any bugs that hasn't been brought up in the official thread that Stormin is linking to i suggest you report them there.

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Guest MrMudd


Edited by MrMudd

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i hope they fix the nforce2 network problems..

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I lockup everytime i use weapons to target view

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Doesn't look too promising for a third patch, but Carl did say "I suspect that a V1.03 patch will be created." However, he never mentioned if/how or when it might be distibuted. He did list some of the reported problems that they are aware of. Doesn't look like the list has any of what might be considered "major" problems. :huh:

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I dont think distribution will be a problem. Biohaz for one would be happy to host ;)


I suggest you all go to the official bugs thread (link in top post) and report at least what you consider the most important bugs you suffer.

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should have kept the mouth shut

only stirs up more crap in forums


simple answer yes or no, not the in between


1 word fat a... cats


sorry being harsh here ,need some 1 that will keep this sim alive and not let it

fall into the trash can, ubi wont fund then screw them ,


angers me every time its money , over a quality product :angry:

Edited by ARCHER

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I know this is a heart felt problem,keeping a sim"alive"but lets keep it civil.Just let the dev. team do their thing.

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