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Unmarked skins

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I have made recent discoveries in Photoshop 7 that have me excited about creating easily modified skins. Problem I have though are finding basic aircraft without any squadron markings, i.e. I am currently investing a lot of time on a Spad XIII template and have made a number of inroads in upgrading panels and adding some accessories not in the original. But while trying to remove squadron insignia to create a base to which I can add different ones later I am having some difficulty. I have come close to getting it done but being the perfectionist I am I am not happy with some shading issues.


I know there are a few aircraft within the game that don't have insignia and I have to invest some time in finding them but I was hoping that the dev's, or anyone that may have them, may be able to provide basic unmarked skins for all of the aircraft that we can work off of. I realize the templates are golden so am only looking for a basic skin that I can develop templates from.


An additional question for the dev's. Will the skins roll over into P4 without any issues making it worthwhile to continue or will that portion of the sim also change?





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Here is one attempt and you can see the squadron logo bleeding through.......




Here is one I have been rebuilding from scratch trying to ensure the overlays align with the dev's model.......



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So if any of you magicians can offer any advice on how to either lessen or prevent the bleed through while maintaining the shading please let me know as I am at a loss at how to do it without ruining the effect.

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