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Need Maps for World War I

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Trying to do some missions for First Eagles using LeMissionneur. The maps for the different terrains do not show up.


Question: Is there any maps for World War I that can be used for First Eagles?





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there's at least 2 or 3 maps for FE, in the FE downloads section. I think Gepards 'fire fighting' map is designed for FE, but can't remember exactly.


Getting to mission builder to work ????? :dntknw: ????


btw, all the stock maps work in FE too, and 99.9% of the addons; you just need the Original 3 Terrains (Desert, GermanyCE, VietnamSEA) in the FE /Terrain folder. Of course, there's the 'range issue', as most of those are substantially larger in area than FE's map; aircraft may run out of fuel.



kevin stein

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Vogesen terrain is made for FE. (civil mod firefighters is a version of Vogesen terrain)

Flanders terrain is made for FE.

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