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Nothing Phoney About This War, Mate

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Nothing Phoney About This War, Mate

Can you beat Cobber Kain in the race to be Britain's first ace of WWII?


Nothing Phoney About This War, Mate is an historically based portrayal of RAF fighter operations from Spring 1938 until Spring 1940. Missions are set in Egypt, Palestine, England, and France. You will fly scrambles, intercepts, strikes, and patrols in Gladiators and Hurricanes, facing Bf-109s, Bf-110s, He-111s, and Ju-88s, among others. You might even encounter the elusive He-113. While all missions are based upon historical circumstances, certain episodes explore plausible alternatives.


You won’t fly the same missions every campaign, either. Random variants present the opportunity of facing variable opposition, even during actions where RAF pilots did not actually encounter enemy aircraft, such as routine patrols. There’s also a chance that you might not face any opposition, depending upon which variant mission the campaign engine selects at random -- this is the Phoney War, after all. Nearly every mission in the campaign has at least one or two alternatives. This offers a new prospect with each restart. Every campaign you play should be slightly different. You will fly 40 sorties, with a pool of some 130 alternate missions to draw upon.


This campaign is intended for IL2: 1946 with the UltraPack 2.01 mod installed. No additional mods need be enabled other than those active by default in UP201.


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