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SF2: Modern Warfare Taiwan V1.01 Part 1

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That answers my question. So with the Mi-8 we'll have to hit the Rotor center to take it down. until Marcfighters fixes their Hele's.

as far as the ECM frequencies update, I'll post it today.




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Here are the Menu Files for "Modern Warfare Taiwan". Just drop the Menu folder from this Archive into the "Modern Warfare Taiwan" Mod Folder Root Dirctory.

This will be intigrated in a future "Modern Warfare Taiwan" Campaign Patched or Updated Version.


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Hi Spectre,


I've just installed Windows 7 on my PC and now if I play as Blue Force in your mod Modern Warfare Taiwan, it's always dark as at midnight even the time when I take off is 7 or 8 a.m. If I play Red Force, I can take off in daytime. This problem didn't exist when I had Win XP SP3 on my PC. I have merged installation of SF2:V, E, I and NA with July 2012 update. I have the same problem with your other mod Modern Warfare Korea. Can you help me to resolve this problem?


Many thanks,



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Sounds like you might need to check your Options.ini. could be a DirectX issue., check the DirectX line in that file under [GraphicsOptions]. The only thing i can think of is maybe going from XP to Win7 might have the Options messed up.

Also the Campaign saved files (if it's a saved game from the XP days) may not work with the new july patch. You may need to reinstall the Mod from scratch. If so, make sure you delete the old Mod Options.ini

and saved games.

Edited by Spectre8750

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Thank Spectre and SupGen, I have edited the Taiwan.ini and swap the longitude and latitude values as Thereg suggested and now I can fly in daytime!

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