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New Guinea 2 WW2 Terrain Targets Upgrade Pak

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I have loaded Edward's WW2 New Guinea Full Scale Terrain. Very nice.


I also downloaded Wrench's New Guinea 2 WW2 Terrain Targets Upgrade Pak.


In Wrench's online readme he emphasises that his upgrade is only for 'New Guinea 2'.


A search in the CA download section for 'New Guinea 2' didnt produce anything.


Can someone confirm that the Full Scale Terrain and the New Guinea 2 referred to are one and the same, or is there a third NG terrain pack somewhere?


Cheers Grinseed

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Belay that.


Wrench explains it all in the readme...as he always suggests. New Guinea 2 is the full scale version. So there must have been an original at some point.


Sorry Wrench, I must always read the readmes, I must always read the readmes, .I must always read the readmes...........


Thanks and as you were.



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now you know WHY I write such detailed ones!!!

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I can sincerely recommend Kevin's readme's........

They are of a very high standard, are witten in beautiful language with a touch of Shakespeare every now and then, they read like litterature ,and at the same time they have a brilliant plot and remind you of a Tom Clancy novel ("Wrench's Storm Rising") when they end up with a spectacular finish :grin: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Derk

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