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i have follow some in KAW about sepcular maps most of all how make them

i think that we need that someone to make a good toturial on how to make sepcular maps and put in the KB for all skinneres to read and learn





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learnin it the second half of this semester in my SGD 116 class. the first half was Photoshop CS6......

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I too would love to see a good tutorial. So far I only understand the very simple basics of specular maps ("make the shiny parts brighter, lol") but that's it.

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I too would love to see a good tutorial. So far I only understand the very simple basics of specular maps ("make the shiny parts brighter, lol") but that's it.


Conceptually, it really is that simple. Download the F-103 to get a good idea of the basics (and I say BASIC) of what a bump map and spec map look like.


In a spec map, the more 'white' a section is, the 'shiner' it will appear in the game. HOWEVER, spec maps are not grayscale. Unlike a heightmap you build to make a normal map, spec maps use color as well. So, in short, the amount of white will determine how 'shiny' it is, but the amount of color will determine what color that section will shine.


For example, when I built the F-103 spec map, initially I used the diffuse texture pretty much straight on without much tuning. But, in game, the aircraft wasn't shiny...except for the squadron insignia on the tail which GLOWED red. So I tuned down the insignia, and made the main color area white. Now the body shines like natural metal, and the insignia gives off a faint red tinge when it shines.


I've uploaded the F-103 MAX file, so you can play with the F-103 download and the F-103 MAX file and get an idea on how it all works.



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I had no idea they could be in color! Thanks, that's really interesting.


I tried some basic techniques with a tank I'm working on (pictured below).


To save polygons like on the stock tanks, I just drew the road wheels and treads rather than make them 3D objects. But the light was reflecting off of that area like a regular flat surface, which looked weird. So I made that area all black in the specular map and now it doesn't reflect light. I also made the headlights extra shiny. Hopefully I'm getting the hang of it.

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