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SF2 WW2 Hawker Hurricane IIC (MTO/DAF), by Raven

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SF2 WW2 Hawker Hurricane IIC (MTO/DAF), by Raven

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SF2 WW2 Hawker Hurricane IIC (MTO/DAF), by Raven


-- Something for the WW2 ETO/MTO players --


= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =


*There is a distinct possibility that this mod will work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However, due to some of the modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment, all the features will NOT be working as designed. But it SHOULD work!*


Some modification, tweeks, reskin and so forth for Raven's excellent Hurri 2C, create a semi-dedicated version for North Africa/Western Desert/MTO usage.

Originally, I was just going to do an 'update pak', but it was just as easy to assemble a Full Aircaft Package. This was done simply for 'ease of use' (read: laziness!!! :biggrin: ). The LOD fix has already been applied.


A new Desert camo skin for 213 Squadron was created from Raven's templates. The decals are 'retreads' from my original 1stGen skin.


This skin is still in bmp format. Decal randomization is TRUE. As all the markings are decals, it would be quite easy for other skinners to recreate other squadron that used the IIC Trop in the Western Desert/North Africa/Italy/MTO/etc.


Data ini edits add the 'destroyed model' statements; the destroyed model is also included (from the WW2 terrains, and works perfectly!). Mission statements have been adjusted to maximize on the Ground Attack potential; A-A statement have been limited to CAP/Intercept. FM has not been touched; it flys just fine in SF2.

Other ini edits replace the gunsight with my old EAW Pappa Romeo conversion (done for us old folks with old eyes; this is much easier to see!). The pilot figure was also swapped for something more 'tropical' looking.

A new SF2 version of my original "Box Art" hangar screen and a NEW Desert-themed Loading screen, are included.


All of Raven's weapons for the Hurricane are included, upgraded for SF2 usage. These are ALL the weapons, for all his Hurricanes (as there are several other mods in the works). Odds are, that those that know how, will have already made the SF2 conversion; this is done as a "CYA Measure" for those that haven't, are d/ling for the first time, or just because! All other RAF WW2-style bombs are included as well.


When 'in game', you'll see "Hurricane Mk.IIc Trop (Raven)" on the drop down menu. This will differentiate it from any other IICs you may (or may not) have.


As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them.

Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.


With Thanks To Raven for the bird, and the OK to tweek her!


Good Hunting!


kevin stein


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forgot the mention, this is the Tropicalized, with the Vokes filter

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got a PM from Raven, with updated engine guage statements for the data ini


open the data ini, scroll down to the Engine Section, and you'll see a break with "ADD Engine Gauge DAta". Copy/paste the following diretly ON TOP of it!


// ADD ENGINE Gage Data-----------Hurricane Mk.IIc















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