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[fimg=left]https://fbcdn-photos-a.akamaihd.net/photos-ak-snc7/v27562/73/479134732148929/app_104_479134732148929_1565370897.png[/fimg]For those of us who have Facebook accounts I have added the ability for members to sign-in using Facebook. In addition new and current members can associate their Facebook accounts if they wish to do so. The newly deployed abilities gives Facebook members new abilities and a way to minimize multiple login accounts.

New members can use the create login link on the top right of all our pages. To sign-in using your Facebook account all you need to do is choose the Facebook sign-in option when creating a new account. During this process you will have the option to choose your display name, which is the public name people see when you post or are online. (Example RedBaron01)

Existing members who have an account with us already you can associate your account to your Facebook account by first logging out of the site. Next log back in using the Facebook option. Once you have completed the Facebook log-in you will be given the option to "Associate an Existing Account". Select that option and enter your log-in details for CombatACE and the two accounts will be associated. This option allows more Facebook type options while using our services and features here.

Should you ever wish to remove your Facebook association removal is easy. Log into your Facebook and click on the Apps Page > My Apps. Next find CombatACE and remove it by selecting the small "X" in the upper right of the blue box that appears when hovering over our name. You must remove it through your Facebook account because they maintain the association we only allow the log-in using their credentials.

We hope you enjoy the new features and we look forward to seeing how they are used.

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Combat Ace -continuously improving


Thank you Erik

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