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F-4E-35-MC By Crab_02 Ready For D/L

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This above is skin will be made available later.


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F-4E-35 by Crab_02

469th Skin by Crab_02

IAF skins by Sundowner

Original 3D model by Thirdwire

3D model modifed by Crab_02


You will notice the nose gun is different than the later versions of the F-4E. Capt Steve Rithcie used the -35 to achieve some of his A2A kills.




Crab will be doing his aircraft so please refrain from skinning it out of courtesy to him. Thank you


To Install just drop into your main AIRCRAFT folder and go fly.





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This is a very nice addition. I will be patiently waiting for Crab to return so he can finish modifying this version to be fully compliant with the Thunderbirds version :)


A small suggestion:

The leading edge flaps operate in conjunction with the trailing edge flaps per the F-4D. Right now they are still acting like slats. I would use the F-4D as a guideline for changing the data ini since the wings for the two are identical.

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Have it at SE as I dont have a clue on how to do that and with Crab in Iraq it is an as is package.

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It just so happens, I already did that once when I made my last Thunderbirds package. It is not too hard, just splicing the F-4E ini with the leading edge flaps of the F-4D. I will shoot you an email when I have finished making and testing the correction. I haven't bothered making an SP3 update to my Thunderbirds addon because I have been waiting for Crab. Perhaps I should make do with the current F-4E-35-MC model since he won't be back for awhile? I wonder if he remapped it so that I could put the number on the gun muzzle? But I probably won't do anything with the Thunderbirds until I get a little more done on the FM editor. I was starting to do an F-100 package when I suddenly got the motivation to work on the editor. Now I would like to get it mostly finished while it is still fresh in my head and changes are easy to make.

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SE if you could mod the file and upload it that would be great. Or at least send it to me. I am glad you and C5 know about this stuff.

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Okay, try this one out:




You should notice that the flaps now have two positions (just like the F-4D):

1. Takeoff

2. Landing


While splicing in the F-4D wings, I noticed that the ini has provision for two different outerwing stations. One is the stock one found on the F-4D and F-4E, but the fuel tank has been removed from the available stores. The extra one is dedicated as a fuel tank station. What purpose does this serve? I didn't delete the extra one and change the original back to stock configuration for fear that I would break something (which happened when I tried starting from a stock F-4E data ini file).

Edited by streakeagle

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Okay, try this one out:




You should notice that the flaps now have two positions (just like the F-4D):

1. Takeoff

2. Landing


While splicing in the F-4D wings, I noticed that the ini has provision for two different outerwing stations. One is the stock one found on the F-4D and F-4E, but the fuel tank has been removed from the available stores. The extra one is dedicated as a fuel tank station. What purpose does this serve? I didn't delete the extra one and change the original back to stock configuration for fear that I would break something (which happened when I tried starting from a stock F-4E data ini file).



Thanks for the file SE, not sure about the fuel tanks thing though. Have to ask Crab.

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